Levitation, Telepathy

Guest tomk

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Guest tomk

Do you believe in:




Before you answer, consider that there is a:

Spirit World

Jesus Walked on Water

Jesus could read the thoughts of others

Okay answer now. :)

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Guest tomk

yes,, and I am curious what brought you to ask this question. Did you have an experience with this personally?

I don't remember what sparked this question.

Uh, to my knowledge I have never seen myself or others do things like this.

I believe in it.

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Reminds me of this eccentric family I taught on my mission. We were making good progress with them thru the lessons. One nite they had us over for dinner. The Mom/Mrs started talking about some crazy levitation she swore up and down they knew how to do.

"So, ok. Show us!"

They had my companion sit in a chair in the center of the living room. Then the whole family(mom, dad, daughter & son) gathered around him, put thier collective hands over his head, but not touching, and started with some wierd chant, and then walking around him in a circle. They stopped, put just and index finger each under the chair, and claimed at this point my companion would become almost weightless(and the chair) and they will lift them into the air with just one finger each.

It didn't work(yeah, duh!):rolleyes:

They were shocked! Then scared!:eek:

Long story shorter, they became convinced that what they were doing was of Satan, and because we held the Priesthood of God, we prevented this crazy thing from working.

We baptised the whole family soon after.

Wonder if they stayed active?

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Oh, to answer the query, no, I don't beleive in any of that stuff mentioned, at least not in the way the world sees them. I suppose anything's possible, at the right time, in the right circumstances, as with Christ. But otherwise, nadda.

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I definately believe in "ghosts". I put it in quotation because im not sure I would call them that. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt the spirit world here on earth with us? I could be misunderstanding that, but if its true then it only makes sense. My husbands grandma was visited by her dead son. My husbands mother died when he was 16. At the time he had a brother on a mission. When their dad called to tell him she had died, he said, "Mom died" before his dad had a chance to say anything about it. She had come to him and told him to stay and finish the work. My husband comes from a very spiritual family and I believe from time to time the veil is thinner for them.

My moms house is "haunted". Again quotations because im not sure thats what to call it. My stepdad is a servant of satan. I know that sounds dramatic, but he is. The worst kind too. He pretends to be the guy everyone wants or wants to be. He puts on a nice show for the ward (or used to anyway, he doesnt go to church anymore. I think he's tired of pretending), but behind closed doors he's very manipulative and abusive. I'm not even going to explain it because you'll all think I crazy. He's really good at making us all look crazy. Anyway, I believe he invited in the bad spirits. We all felt them. It makes total sense. You attract people that are like you. You feel more comfortable around people like you. Good or bad. Works both ways. I believe he attracted the bad ones because his spirit is bad. They say Satan's voice is soft and inviting otherwise he wouldnt be so powerful. Well my stepdad is the same. Very trusting.

Again, I know it sounds dramatic, but thats what me and my sister believe anyway. Did that answer your question?:lol:

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  • 2 months later...

No, this stuff is all superstitious nonsense. Technically, I believe that "ghosts" or the spirits of the dead actually exist, but I don't believe they "haunt" places or any such nonsense. And I certainly do not believe in levitation, telepathy, pyramid power, astral projection, little green men, or statues that cry blood.

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I've always wondered how thick the vail is. I was sitting in California one day watching rocky 4 thinking to myself "i forgot how good these rocky movies are". That night at 4 in the morning I got a call from father informing me that my mother had passed away in her sleep. I made arrangements and flew back home a couple days later. As i stayed in my childhood room i prayed more sincerely then i ever had before asking for some confirmation that my mother was all right somewhere. We had the viewing the next day and when we got back to my dads house we checked the messages on his answering machine. In between all the people who called to offer their condolences was one that i will never forget.It was the theme from rocky. Not eye of the tiger but the "flying high now" in its entirety with no caller ID. Since i'm not very good at listing to the still small voice i think that was a shout out to me.

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Do I believe in Ghosts, levitation, or telepathy? As other posts have said, I don’t believe them as the world does.

Ghosts- if you are talking about what the media thinks of them, as of haunted houses or ‘Casper’ then no. If you believe something enough then it becomes true for you. For example ‘stigmata’. This is where someone gets scars on their hands and feet that looks like nail prints. If you’re talking about Spirits, then yes, I do believe that we all have a spirit.

Levitation- again, if your talking about what the world thinks of what this is, then no, I don’t think it’s impossible to levitate, ‘with God, all things are possible’, but there needs to be a reason for the miracle, for example, in the Old Testament, Moses, through the power of God, parted the Red Sea, so the Hebrews could escape the Egyptians.

Though God Moses could part the Red Sea, there was a good reason, the escape from the Egyptians. Could Moses have parted the Red Sea just because he wanted to? No.

Telepathy- in this definition - telepathy - Wiktionary, of course not. A similar word psychic, psychic - Wiktionary, again no I don’t believe in it.

I do believe that we all ‘say’ a lot about ourselves without saying anything. These so-called psychics are nothing more than good observers. As I’ve said, there needs to be a reason for someone to ‘know’ someone’s mind, in the Bible there’s several different prophets (and a few others) that through the Spirit of God was able to know what someone was thinking. In each case, the person was ether a prophet of God, or was a person that had a God given right to know, like their spouse.

Edited by rayhale
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I am able to fly in every dream, and I always do it the same way. It's so normal and natural to me, .

That is so cool. I sometimes fly, in dream. The souring dreams are the best.

Ghosts - if that includes spirit entities then yes, definately.

Referring to the war in heaven, I accept the teachings of the D&C and book of Abraham which tell of a 1/3 of the hosts of heaven who followed after Lucifer and were cast down to earth without mortal bodies. Seeking to thwart the plan of the Father, to drag as many as possible through persuasions to do wrong down to despair.

"The warfare is continued in mortality... the conflict between right and wrong ... the same contestants ... the same issues" (Bible Dictionary. War in Heaven)

From another angle, one experience regarding my beloved mother. A worthy temple person at her death. The night I arrived home from her funeral (tangi - gathering of extended family for 3days and nights), somewhere between sleep and awake, she visited me. She was beautiful, and happy, and embraced me in her arms and expressed her love for me and the family. I have never again had such an almost tangible experience but I feel her spirit near often.

Levitation?? - Not sure what that is.

Telepathy - I firmly believe that only my God can know my thoughts and the workings of my heart.

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Short answer: No on all accounts. If you could prove that any of those exist, I believe Mr. Randi would give you one million dollars though.

I realize that my response is pretty well nuts to worldly people (whomever they may be) -- Some things are worth more than money.

Vit Van once said that to obtain and KEEP the power over the elements, one must refuse such pointless demonstrations as Randi is demanding. (I like Vit Van)


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Do you believe in:




Ghosts: I believe in that there are spirits here on earth. The veil can be very thin at times. My family use to be caretakers of a cemetery. We would mow and water lawns. Dig and bury graves. Several times when we were burying people, we would see the lingering spirt. Sometimes, near the casket, or standing a few yards away as we were shoveling the dirt on. Some looked sad, and some looked happy. We have seen them standing by their loved ones, with their arms around them during the dedication of the graves. You see that they were trying to comfort them. Those times were very humbling.

Levitation: I do don't believe in.

Telepathy: I am not sure on this one. My spouse and I can also read each others minds on some things. I contributed that to being married so long. Now premonitions I believe in because I know that those premonitions are coming from the holy ghost.

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