Three Kingdoms & a 4th - what are they like?

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This are these truths I envision about the coming heavenly kingdom. As a Protestant, I do not look to three levels or kingdoms, but only to one. Yet, my guess is that any heavenly kingdom that is a reward will hold most of these elements in common:

Jesus says He is preparing a place for us. If earth took six days to make, and Jesus has been working on our new place in heaven for 2000 years, how wonderful it will be!

C. Jesus says He will be there with us. He loves us!

Transition: If heaven is the answer, what will be different there compared with here?

II. Revelation 21:1-4

A. The first heaven and the first earth passed away.

1. All the injustices.

2. All the pain.

3. All the broken relationships.

4. All our mistakes.

B. God calls the New Jerusalem a bride. Compare with earth, which he simply called good.

C. God will be with us!

1. No more separation.

2. No more loneliness.

3. No more desperate searching and waiting.

C. All hardships will be gone. Why?

1. The curse of the Fall of humanity is broken! Gen. 3:15

2. Our relationship with God is now complete. Rev. 3:20

Transition: So our hardships will be gone. What will take their place?

III. Revelation 21:22-27

A. We no longer go to worship God. Our very existence is worship and communion with Him!

B. We no longer depend on nature, or any creation of God, for what we need. God, Himself, is our source.

C. We no longer worry about safety. There is no evil and no danger.

D. We no longer struggle with sin and temptation–there is no evil intent in heaven!

Transition: relationship with God! Our finally passage shows that all doubts are removed, and our lives gain tremendous purpose.

IV. Revelation 22:3-5

A. The curse of sin (sickness, corruption and death) are gone!

B. We will know God personally, and we will clearly belong to Him! No more doubts!

C. God will be our light and we will rule with Him!

1. This means, in spite of how much God will provide, we will still have very meaningful work to do.

2. But it won’t be hard–it will be the work of rulers.


1. Heaven will be so wonderful.

2. I want to be there. So, I must follow Jesus–the only way to heaven. John 14:6

3. I want my loved ones there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

4. I want everyone there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

Perhaps others can share what the envision the heavenly kingdom(s) will be like. I'm particularly interested in ideas about the terrestial and telestial kingdoms. Feel free to speculate. Oh....any thoughts about that 4th kingdom (the outter darkness) are welcomed, also.

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This is a profound subject, of which much can be discussed. I agree with your conclusions and look forward to it as well and try to live every day as if it were my last. I believe heaven will be glorious and all good and wondrous things will be there (Joseph Smith, having seen his brother Alvin there, mentioned there being streets of gold. He also said, if I remember correctly, that if we could peer into heaven for a few moments we would kill ourselves just to get there).

Whatever heaven is like, whatever it looks like, I know this much--Father in Heaven and Christ are there and if we make it, we will never again be separated from them. Nothing but the best of feelings and love for one another abounds there. There are many mansions and we can all be there together and enjoy each other's company.

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There are many things implied about heaven. I will summarize in most general terms – going into specifics only if requested.

  • The Celestial Kingdom. The Father and the Son are Celestial beings. All that comprise the Celestial Kingdom abide with great desire and love by the same covenants that govern G-d. Jesus said that he did nothing outside of his covenants with the Father – I believe this is the manner that all Celestial beings live. Our hearts, minds, might and strength will be one – with G-d and our Celestial neighbors all based on love of all peoples including our enemies. The Book of Abraham tells us that although we will be equal under the covenant (Law) that some will be greater than others and that G-d is greater that all.
  • The Terrestrial Kingdom: I believe this is a great and wonderful kingdom. Those that abide the Terrestrial covenant love G-d and worship him. They are honest and hard working but have no desire to serve others as G-d serves. They are content to be watched over and cared for by G-d, his love and his grace. They are not interested in living the same covenants as G-d. Their desire is to receive grace and not necessarily interested in giving grace. They will do whatever G-d ask but they are of the mind that they want to be asked.
  • The Telestial Kingdom: These are people that are good but they are interested in getting what they want. The will work hard but only for themselves. They are not interested in being told but when things get messed up enough they will seek help. They were involved with all manner of temptations and often became addicted to various passions, desires and various wants. They love a good time. They are grateful to be saved from the wages of sin but long for various ung-dly things from time to time.
  • Outer Darkness: These are the people that honestly love Satan’s concept of compulsion and disagree with G-d concept of agency, love and compassion. They believe they should be saved from sin because they have an in or a personal relationship with the one in charge – or who they think should be in charge. And they believe others should be made to suffer eternally in order to keep them in line. They are all about force and making other comply. They are loving and compassionate to those that support what they want but they believe that those that disagree with them should be punished forever until they relent to their line of thinking. To them the only way anyone should be forgiven is if they get in line with the program of forcing everyone to comply with the standard. Being nice to the enemy is a sin to be punished. It is not about love, compassion and forgiveness – it is all about conforming or being tormented and punished. It is about getting even with those that screw up making sure they get what they deserve.

Sometimes it appears to me as many speak their minds about things that they really prefer Satan to be their G-d.

The Traveler

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This answer is in the Doctrine and Covenants, it is quite specfic to the three Glories. Sometimes we spend more time trying to get the deep answers when really we should try praying for an answer. Remember we are taught doctrine line upon line and we will get the answers after we understand the doctrine ahead of it. If you want to understand the things of God you have to start by wanting to. Yes all the Kingdoms will be a Heaven but the only one where we can continue to learn and grow in will be in the Celestial Kingdom. To get there you must have the ordinances that are ordained of God. Will all the Kingdoms be beautiful I believe they will.

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This are these truths I envision about the coming heavenly kingdom. As a Protestant, I do not look to three levels or kingdoms, but only to one. Yet, my guess is that any heavenly kingdom that is a reward will hold most of these elements in common:

Jesus says He is preparing a place for us. If earth took six days to make, and Jesus has been working on our new place in heaven for 2000 years, how wonderful it will be!

C. Jesus says He will be there with us. He loves us!

Transition: If heaven is the answer, what will be different there compared with here?

II. Revelation 21:1-4

A. The first heaven and the first earth passed away.

1. All the injustices.

2. All the pain.

3. All the broken relationships.

4. All our mistakes.

B. God calls the New Jerusalem a bride. Compare with earth, which he simply called good.

C. God will be with us!

1. No more separation.

2. No more loneliness.

3. No more desperate searching and waiting.

C. All hardships will be gone. Why?

1. The curse of the Fall of humanity is broken! Gen. 3:15

2. Our relationship with God is now complete. Rev. 3:20

Transition: So our hardships will be gone. What will take their place?

III. Revelation 21:22-27

A. We no longer go to worship God. Our very existence is worship and communion with Him!

B. We no longer depend on nature, or any creation of God, for what we need. God, Himself, is our source.

C. We no longer worry about safety. There is no evil and no danger.

D. We no longer struggle with sin and temptation–there is no evil intent in heaven!

Transition: relationship with God! Our finally passage shows that all doubts are removed, and our lives gain tremendous purpose.

IV. Revelation 22:3-5

A. The curse of sin (sickness, corruption and death) are gone!

B. We will know God personally, and we will clearly belong to Him! No more doubts!

C. God will be our light and we will rule with Him!

1. This means, in spite of how much God will provide, we will still have very meaningful work to do.

2. But it won’t be hard–it will be the work of rulers.


1. Heaven will be so wonderful.

2. I want to be there. So, I must follow Jesus–the only way to heaven. John 14:6

3. I want my loved ones there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

4. I want everyone there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

Perhaps others can share what the envision the heavenly kingdom(s) will be like. I'm particularly interested in ideas about the terrestial and telestial kingdoms. Feel free to speculate. Oh....any thoughts about that 4th kingdom (the outter darkness) are welcomed, also.

I really dont beleive the "4th" kingdom as you reffer is a kingdom, it is outer darkness, or maybe hell, but not a dwelling place of living exsistance, it will be a place of non exsistance and final death, as the bible speaks of eternal life with the saviour when we "overcome" to eat of the fruit of the tree of life.:)
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I really dont beleive the "4th" kingdom as you reffer is a kingdom, it is outer darkness, or maybe hell, but not a dwelling place of living exsistance, it will be a place of non exsistance and final death, as the bible speaks of eternal life with the saviour when we "overcome" to eat of the fruit of the tree of life.:)

I suggest you read Doctrine and Covenants 88:36-38.

The Traveler

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HI prison chaplain....I disagree with your entire post. Are there any LDS out there that can point the errors to Prison Chaplain?

As for what the kingdoms will be like well they shall be based on the laws of Love.

The highest of these will be the kingdom whom the people Render good twain to the evil done or perceived done to them. I tell you the truth....Only they who live that law and others laws of love on that level....shall live with the Father.

The laws that we are willing to accept and are able to live on the earth shall determine which kingdom we shall inherit. God shall not give us a kingdom whose laws are are not able to abide in.

Peace be unto you


This are these truths I envision about the coming heavenly kingdom. As a Protestant, I do not look to three levels or kingdoms, but only to one. Yet, my guess is that any heavenly kingdom that is a reward will hold most of these elements in common:

Jesus says He is preparing a place for us. If earth took six days to make, and Jesus has been working on our new place in heaven for 2000 years, how wonderful it will be!

C. Jesus says He will be there with us. He loves us!

Transition: If heaven is the answer, what will be different there compared with here?

II. Revelation 21:1-4

A. The first heaven and the first earth passed away.

1. All the injustices.

2. All the pain.

3. All the broken relationships.

4. All our mistakes.

B. God calls the New Jerusalem a bride. Compare with earth, which he simply called good.

C. God will be with us!

1. No more separation.

2. No more loneliness.

3. No more desperate searching and waiting.

C. All hardships will be gone. Why?

1. The curse of the Fall of humanity is broken! Gen. 3:15

2. Our relationship with God is now complete. Rev. 3:20

Transition: So our hardships will be gone. What will take their place?

III. Revelation 21:22-27

A. We no longer go to worship God. Our very existence is worship and communion with Him!

B. We no longer depend on nature, or any creation of God, for what we need. God, Himself, is our source.

C. We no longer worry about safety. There is no evil and no danger.

D. We no longer struggle with sin and temptation–there is no evil intent in heaven!

Transition: relationship with God! Our finally passage shows that all doubts are removed, and our lives gain tremendous purpose.

IV. Revelation 22:3-5

A. The curse of sin (sickness, corruption and death) are gone!

B. We will know God personally, and we will clearly belong to Him! No more doubts!

C. God will be our light and we will rule with Him!

1. This means, in spite of how much God will provide, we will still have very meaningful work to do.

2. But it won’t be hard–it will be the work of rulers.


1. Heaven will be so wonderful.

2. I want to be there. So, I must follow Jesus–the only way to heaven. John 14:6

3. I want my loved ones there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

4. I want everyone there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

Perhaps others can share what the envision the heavenly kingdom(s) will be like. I'm particularly interested in ideas about the terrestial and telestial kingdoms. Feel free to speculate. Oh....any thoughts about that 4th kingdom (the outter darkness) are welcomed, also.

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Now that becomes very personal [sacred]

All I can say, is what Joseph Smith said about the First Vision, [paraphrasing here] "I cannot even begin to write what I saw and permitted not too by the Spirit..."

What is known publicly is Alma Jr description what it was like for those who will suffer the pains of hell.

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That's a difficult thing to speculate. I do imagine that those in each kingdom will be content with their reward. For example, people who love the night life would feel out of place in a spiritual setting like a Sunday school class or a sacrament meeting/mass service. Someone who would rather gamble for recreation might not feel comfortable with someone who enjoys gardening or quilting. These are probably silly examples, but I believe that someone who inherits the Telestial Kingdom would not feel at home or comfortable or even be able to abide the Terrestrial Kingdom and likewise for those in the Terrestrial Kingdom to be able to abide the Celestial Kingdom.

Whatever each kingdom is like, I believe each will have it's own beauty according to its glory and brilliance. As for what we'll wear, what our houses will look like or day to day activities, it is certainly fun to speculate. I think of beautiful architecture, the finest materials and scenery in the Celestial Kingdom and a little bit of all of it is found on earth like gold and other precious things. I believe the gardens and landscaping are exquisite. I see the lion getting along with the lamb as they would during Christ's reign on earth. I see my pets there with me who have long since departed. Whatever mansion I inherit will be prepared by the Lord according my diligence in serving Him in this life with all the things in it that God knows I would enjoy. I'd love to be able to play the piano. Maybe there will be something like that up there for me. I picture a perfectly manicured and grand garden of a grand design and architecture that I can retreat to for meditation or personal enjoyment with my wife and family. Things like this. I just visualize complete serenity, love and joy.

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The part I caught was that "Jesus will be there." Which it seemed bert was saying only those in the Highest Kingdom will get, not everyone who gets into Heaven.

It was my understanding that LDS theology is that Jesus will be present in the Terrestial Kingdom, but only those in the Celestial Kingdom will see the Father. :confused:

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God has in reserve a time, or period appointed in His own bosom, when He will bring all His subjects, who have obeyed His voice and kept His commandments, into His celestial rest. This rest is of such perfection and glory that man has need of a preparation before he can, according to the laws of that kingdom, enter it and enjoy its blessings. This being the fact, God has given certain laws to the human family, which, if observed, are sufficient to prepare them to inherit this rest. -Joseph Smith, Jr., Documentary History of the Church 2:12, January 22, 1834

If you and I ever get into the celestial kingdom, we have got to keep the law of that kingdom. Show me the law that a man keeps and I will tell you where he is going. -Wilford Woodruff, Millennial Star 51:596, July 29, 1889

I always have said and believed, and I believe today, that it will pay you and me and all the sons and all the daughters of Adam to abide the celestial law, for celestial glory is worth all we possess; if it calls for every dollar we own and our lives into the bargain, if we obtain an entrance into the celestial kingdom of God it will amply repay us. The Latter-day Saints have started out for celestial glory, and if we can only manage to be 64 faithful enough to obtain an inheritance in the kingdom, where God and Christ dwell, we shall rejoice through the endless ages of eternity. -Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses 17:250, October 9, 1874

Those men, or those women, who know no more about the power of God and the influences of the Holy Spirit than to be led entirely by another person, suspending their own understanding, and pinning their faith upon another's sleeve, will never be capable of entering into the celestial glory, to be crowned as they anticipate; they will never be capable of becoming Gods. They cannot rule themselves, to say nothing of ruling others, but they must be dictated to in every trifle, like a childÂ… They never can hold sceptres of glory, majesty, and power in the celestial kingdom. Who will? Those who are valiant and inspired with the true independence of heaven, who will go forth boldly in the service of their God, leaving others to do as they please, determined to do right, though all mankind besides should take the opposite course.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 1:312, February 20, 1853

The man who drinks with the drunken, and who lives an immoral life, and who gives himself up to evil things should not hope to go into the celestial kingdom of our Heavenly Father, for the Lord has said he cannot go there. -George Albert Smith, Conference Reports, p. 71, October, 1923

A man may be saved, after the judgment, in the terrestrial kingdom, or in the telestial kingdom, but he can never see the celestial kingdom of God without being born of the water and the Spirit He may receive a glory like unto the moon (i.e of which the light of the moon is typical), or a star (i.e. of which the light of the stars is typical),but he can never come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God Â… unless he becomes as a little child and is taught by the Spirit of God. -Joseph Smith, Jr., Documentary History of the Church 1:283, August. 1832

How few there are on the earth today, or in any dispensation, who have been able to abide the celestial law of God. It brings down the hatred of the whole generation in which we live. No man can live the celestial law without bringing upon his head persecution. -Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses 22:209, January 9, 1881 65

One of the beautiful things to me in the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it brings us all to a common level. It is not necessary for a man to be a president of a stake, or a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, in order to attain a high place in the celestial kingdom. The humblest member of the Church, if he keeps the commandments of God, will obtain an exaltation just as much as any other man in the celestial kingdom. The beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it makes us all equal in as far as we keep the commandments of the Lord. In as far as we observe to keep the laws of the Church we have equal opportunities for exaltation. -George Albert Smith, Conference Reports, p. 25, October, 1933

We must have faith in God, we must repent of our sins, because while we are in a sinful condition we are in no way prepared to enter into the celestial kingdom, and we are informed that if we cannot keep the celestial law we cannot abide a celestial glory. The gospel has been restored in these latter days to prepare men for the celestial kingdom. This gospel has not been given to qualify men for any other kingdom, but has been given to us to prepare us that we may dwell upon this earth when it has been celestialized, when our Redeemer will dwell here and He will be our Lawgiver and our King. -George Albert Smith, Conference Reports, p. 102-103, October, 1926

Jesus offered up one of the most essential prayers that could possibly be offered up by a human or heavenly being-no matter who, pertaining to the salvation of the people, and embodying a principle without which none can be saved, when He prayed the Father to make His disciples one, as He and His Father were one. He knew that if they did not become one, they could not be saved in the celestial kingdom of God. If persons do not see as He did while in the flesh, hear as He heard, understand as He understood, and become precisely as He was, according to their several capacities and callings, they can never dwell with Him and His Father. -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 6:96, November 29, 1857

I know that there is no man on this earth who can call around him property, be he a merchant, tradesman, or farmer, with his mind continually occupied with: "How shall I get this or that; how rich can I get; or, how much can I get out of this 66 brother or from that brother?" and dicker and work, and take advantage here and there-no such man ever can magnify the priesthood nor enter the celestial kingdom. Now, remember, they will not enter that kingdom; and if they happen to go there, it will be because somebody takes them by the hand, saying, "I want you for a servant;" or, "Master, will you let this man pass in my service? "Yes, he may go into your service; but he is not fit for a lord, nor a master, nor fit to be crowned;" and if such men get there, it will be because somebody takes them in as servants. -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 11:297, February 3, 1867

No man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith. -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 7:289, October 9, 1859

There are a few individuals in this dispensation who will inherit celestial glory, and a few in other dispensations; but before they receive their exaltation they will have to pass through and submit to whatever dispensation God may decree. But for all this they will receive their reward-they will become Gods, they will inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers through the endless ages of eternity, and to their increase there will be no end, and the heart of man has never conceived of the glory that is in store for the sons and daughters of God who keep the celestial law. -Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses 18:39, June 27, 1875

No organized beings are prepared to become associated with or crowned heirs in the celestial kingdom, until they have passed through these ordeals and have drunk of the bitter cup to the dregs, so that they know and understand good from evil. -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 6:144, December 27, 1857

No man can enter the celestial kingdom and be crowned with a celestial glory, until he gets his resurrected body. -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 3:371, June 22, 1856

Reference: Latter-day Prophets Speak, The Three Degrees of Glory, By Daniel H. Ludlow

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The heavens were opened upon us, and I beheld the celestial kingdom of God, and the glory thereof, whether in the body or out I cannot tell. I saw the transcendent beauty of the gate 67 through which the heirs of that kingdom will enter, which was like unto circling flames of fire; also the blazing throne of God, whereon was seated the Father and the Son. I saw the beautiful streets of that kingdom, which had the appearance of being paved with gold. I saw Father Adam and Abraham, and my father and my mother, my brother, Alvin, that has long since slept, and marvelled how it was that he had obtained an inheritance in that kingdom, seeing that he had departed this life before the Lord had set His hand to gather Israel the second time and had not been baptized for the remission of sins.

Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying- "All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God; also all that shall die henceforth without a knowledge of it, who would have received it with all their hearts, shall be heirs of that kingdom, for I, the Lord, will judge all men according to their works, according to the desire of their hearts."

And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven. -Joseph Smith, Jr., Documentary History of the Church 2:380-381, January 21, 1836

When we arrive in the celestial kingdom of God, we shall find the most perfect order and harmony existing, because there is the perfect pattern, the most perfect order of government carried out. -John Taylor, Millennial Star 9:321, May 7, 1847

A man who has had his mind opened to the operation of the priesthood of the Son of God-who understands anything of the government of heaven, must understand that finite beings are not capable of receiving and abiding the celestial law in its fullness. When can you abide a celestial law? When you become a celestial being, and never until then. When you hear men and women talk about living a celestial law, you may know that they are ignorant of the fact that no finite being is living in its fullness, or can.. -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 7:143, May 22, 1859

While we are here we are surrounded by temptations because we are where devils dwell. They are around us and have power to tempt us; and here is the place they work. But there is no man or woman who has been true and faithful here until 68 death, that will ever be disturbed or annoyed by them after death, for the reason that when faithful Saints receive their resurrected bodies they will occupy a place in the celestial kingdom, and there devils do not dwell. In that kingdom there will be no one to tempt you or lead you astray. If you are true and faithful here you will be true and faithful there, and be so throughout all eternity. -Wilford Woodruff, "Wilford Woodruff" by Cowley, p. 618-619, November 16, 1897

In the celestial kingdom of God there is oneness-there is union.. -Wilford Woodruff, Millennial Star 52:577, August 3, 1890

If we live for it, our Heavenly Father will give to us eternal life in the celestial kingdom-and that celestial kingdom will be this earth which we dwell upon, when it is cleansed and purified, and when it becomes the kingdom that will be presided over by Jesus Christ our Lord. -George Albert Smith, Deseret News Church Section, May 26, 1945

All Christians are looking for celestial glory, but can they abide it? They cannot; it would consume them, for "our God is a consuming fire." They think they could abide a celestial kingdom; but they could not. - John Taylor, Journal of Discourses 14:151, June 25, 1871

Some might suppose that it would be a great blessing to be taken and carried directly into heaven and there set down, but in reality that would be no blessing to such persons; they could not reap a full reward, could not enjoy the glory of the kingdom, and could not comprehend and abide the light thereof, but it would be to them a hell intolerable, and I suppose would consume them much quicker than would hell fire. It would be no blessing to you to be carded into the celestial kingdom, and obliged to stay therein, unless you were prepared to dwell there. -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 3:221, March 2, 1856

When you see celestial beings, you will see men and women, but you will see those beings clothed upon with robes of celestial purity. We cannot bear the presence of our Father now; and we are placed at a distance to prove whether we will honor these tabernacles, whether we will be obedient and prepare ourselves to live in the glory of the light, privileges, and blessings of celestial beings. We could not have the glory and the light without first knowing the contrast. Do you comprehend that we could have no exaltation, without first learning by contrast? -Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 4:54, September 21, 1856 69

Reference: Latter-day Prophets Speak, The Three Degrees of Glory, By Daniel H. Ludlow

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Hi Prisonchaplain....I would like the Other LDS to bring up the points. Also I do not wish to be the only one to do this all the time. Sometimes I am tired and would like to receive teachings rather than be the one giving them out.

From my perspective and understanding.... there are two types of gospel since I am dealing with Christians and LDS....for others there are at least three Gospels.


Each gospel is represented by a covenant with conditions and consequences. Each Covenant of GOD is an everlasting covenant..because Each Covenant contains laws of love for that particular covenant. We can only fulfill a lower Covenant by living a Higher One. Each man is welcome to try to reach perfection by living the laws of the Covenant that he prefers.

The laws of Moses for example...contains a covenant of laws at the most basic level. It is only one step up from the animal kingdom. It basically teach...."An eye for an eye...a tooth for a tooth,,a life for a life." It teaches that there are physical consequences when we do physical stuff that is not correct to our neighbor.

And so on.

For example some of the things - that you teach on are not for the future but are for now.

The Kingdom is literally At Hand....or as far as your hands go. It has been at hand for each man since the days of the apostles...only man has seen this as a promise in the future rather than a reality for now. They did not have the vision nor hope of this....nor can any man exercise faith if he has no hope. I tell you the truth....the kingdom of God is within each one of us. [Luke 17:21] When you have prophets, healings, visions, dreams, revelations..then the kingdom of God is arrived for that man. When many do shall be on the earth. For the kingdom of GOD is not to be forced on is to be established by love, meekness and humbleness. The tribulations/wraths are for removing the wicked who have stopped those who are taught of God from establishing the kingdom. There shall come a day when those who do not hear God in their heart shall be stopped from preaching or teaching the gospel.

That has only been one point.

Peace be unto you


Bert, perhaps you should explain your disagreement...because I didn't see it. Hemidakota, could I get the title of the string, or a link to it? Thanks to both.

Lnks to both.

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bert's reply raises a question. PC, were you looking for personal speculation as to what we personally envision it will be like, as in my post, or a technical answer as in Hemi's? I'm sure you are aware of the technical answers, even more so than many LDS members. I tailored my answer to "envision" what it might be like for me on a personal level. That's what I thought you meant.

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I can tell you what the Celestial Kingdom won't be like...

All everyone does is stand around and praise and sing to God, as is the usual description from Protestants. It will be a place of growth, work, learning, doing... in short, progressing.

Outer Darkness is different than hell, in that hell will end (Revelation 20) when each person there pays the utmost farthing. Some will be brought out of hell to the Telestial Kingdom, and some will be brought out to Outer Darkness where they will remain in forever, where no glory and darkness reside, along with Lucifer and his followers.

As for the Terrestrial Kingdom and Telestial Kingdom, it has been said that the Telestial Kingdom will be a far better place than mortal life on the earth.

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