Hi from New Mexico


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Hi-My husband and I are Roman Catholic. We joined this site to meet others and learn more about the LDS Church. Many of our friends are members of the LDS Church.

We are supports of BYU TV and love the programs we see.-so different and uplifting compared to main-stream TV.

We celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary last November.

My husband has terminal pancreatic cancer. He is a Registered Nurse but now on medical disability. I have been an accountant most of my life-but now I am helping him with his care. He is doing great-as the doctors said he would not live past last November!

We have one daughter and one grand daughter.

God bless each and every one of you on this site.

Thank You for having us.

Your prayers for us and especially my husband are welcome.

Our God is a God of Love!

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Hello abqfriend, my name is Brett, nice to meet you. yes the LDS church sight is awesome, lots of stuff just for families, i saw a bit of it when i was in the states on holiday, you are so lucky to get it. :) sorry to here about your husband but there is a plan for him, all will be ok. how long have you been married for? me just 2 years now, im 38 and my wife is 36, both is our first marrage, what an awesome wife i have. wana be freinds?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm new to this site too. I've posted on some of the other boards but this is the first time looking here. Welcome to you and to me, ha. I see you live in ABQ -- I live south of you in Silver City. I've been a member the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 3.5 yrs. I never thought that I would become one of "those Mormons" but......here I am. I love the church! I have had so many blessings since joining this church. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in this church. When I joined this church I thought that I would have to leave all the good things that I had learned from being brought up as a Baptist -- not true -- what I've gained from the LDS church is just added upon what I already knew. I know that we are led by a living Prophet and Apostles and that has blessed me in so many ways. I will pray for your husband and for you. I'll pray that you are comforted during this difficult time in your lives. I know prayers are answered and I know that Heavenly Father knows what's best for us. Sincerely, Candace

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Thank you Candace for such a nice message of welcome. Welcome to you also.

New Mexico is indeed a wonderful place!

Thank You for your prayers.

God bless your journey of Faith.



I'm new to this site too. I've posted on some of the other boards but this is the first time looking here. Welcome to you and to me, ha. I see you live in ABQ -- I live south of you in Silver City. I've been a member the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 3.5 yrs. I never thought that I would become one of "those Mormons" but......here I am. I love the church! I have had so many blessings since joining this church. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in this church. When I joined this church I thought that I would have to leave all the good things that I had learned from being brought up as a Baptist -- not true -- what I've gained from the LDS church is just added upon what I already knew. I know that we are led by a living Prophet and Apostles and that has blessed me in so many ways. I will pray for your husband and for you. I'll pray that you are comforted during this difficult time in your lives. I know prayers are answered and I know that Heavenly Father knows what's best for us. Sincerely, Candace

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