Have YOU seen the July Ensign?? Gospel & the Internet!!

Tough Grits

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The July issue of the Ensign is dominated on the very cover by this cover story, "Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet".

I was so excited when I opened the package and saw the cover! I tore right to the article (pg. 58) and started reading!!!!


Don't want to burst your bubble, but it's ten plus years late in getting out...

I've been online doing this since 1997. The fastest means of reaching the most people at any given time is through the Internet.

I've been an LDS Apologist since 1983...on the Internet since 1997, and many people have changed their minds because of long hours of discussion with them...

It is the most non-invasive avenue to reach people. I just hope the Church doesn't go "PR" in its' presence...internet followers are too savvy for the "rose-colored-glasses" approach, when the opposing (and vastly better prepared, many times) view is just a click away.

We need complete openness on our history, and our doctrines, however uncomfortable we may be about them...

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So what did it have to say?

I was going to post snippets of it from the on-line Ensign...but it was not up on LDS.org the other day when I submitted this thread. I would check now, but my mind is mush...I had THREE tests today (Psychology, Astronomy, and Humanities) and I had to turn in FOUR assignments on-line for psychology. Just got done. It is 11:41 pm.

I also found out today that my algebra teacher is going to be out of town part of next week, so to make up for the missing day she is asking the students to come in to class tomorrow if they can. Our campus does not have classes on Friday's. So, I need to get my tired little self to bed, wake up early enough to do the Math homework that I didn't have time to do tonight, and then be at class by 11 a.m.

Luckily Michael does not work tomorrow. He will have the kids!!! LOL LOL


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I thought this portion was quite significant:

As you participate in this conversation and utilize the tools of new media, remember who you are—Latter-day Saints. Remember, as the proverb states, that “a soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger” ( Proverbs 15:1 )...

There is no need to argue or contend with others regarding our beliefs. There is no need to become

defensive or belligerent... We simply need to have a conversation, as friends in the same room would have...

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I'm reading the April issue ATM. I wish I had a sub to the mag but as it is I am borrowing from the meeting house.

I haven't had an Ensign sub since they started putting it online. Reading online solves storage probs for me and is also a greener alternative, plus I'd already read it online anyway by the time our paper copies arrived- we're lucky if we get it here before the third week of the month.

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