Eternal Marriage Problems??!

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Here is a scripture that I came across.

23The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,

24Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

25Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:

26Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.

27And last of all the woman died also.

28Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.

29Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

30For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

I don't really understand. I know that we don't GET MARRIED in Heaven, and if we go to Heaven UNMARRIED our work is done for us on Earth.

However, what if something like this happens? It happens all the time...spouses dying...remarrying...etc... Of course..I hear MEN may have more than one wife...but what about women? Are women allowed to have more than one husband? I don't get it....please explain!

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First, remember the context of the scripture. The Sadducees were trying to trick the Savior with this question and he quickly told them that they did not know the scriptures. Through the Sealing ordinances performed at the Temple, ordinances performed through the Holy Melchezdic Priesthood, marriages are entered into for Eternity. The scenario in the scriptures was designed to trick the Savior. Faithful people who receive the Gospel in Paradise will have the opportunity to receive these same blessings of Eternal marriage. Yes, spouses die and people remarry. Women can remarry for time only as well and still be bound to the husband they were sealed to as can men remarry for both time only and time and eternity. Edited by bytor2112
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I would guess that an individual can't make it to the Celestial Kingdom without resolving any problems in their marriage. In short, if you can't be a celestial-type person, you won't be there, and your earthly sealing sealing is only valid in the celestial kingdom as far as I know.

Just my opinion of course.

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However, what if something like this happens?

It happens all the time...spouses dying...remarrying...etc... Of course..I hear MEN may have more than one wife...but what about women?

As far as I know, Woman are only married/sealed to one man.

Are women allowed to have more than one husband?

Allowed? By God? As far as I know, no. At least nothing that would “allow” that to happen here. Could it be in the next life? I don’t know

I don't get it....please explain!

Explain what? What is the problem?

Edited by tubaloth
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There are no weddings in heaven....only marriages which means Oness.

However, the answer Jesus was giving them who tried to snared Him were not Pearls whom He was forbidden to give to swines [unclean]..but He did give them enough truth that they would condemn themselves with it.

Weddings are not performed in heaven. They never are. But on the earth it is possible for a man and a women to wed by those who are given the keys of the kingdom. For the sealing power and authority of Christ is not undone by the Resurrection. Once a sealing is done by the Holy Spirit of Promise it is never made void unless those who have received the promises and sealings become unworthy to keep them. Any wedding performed by those who hold the keys of the Kingdom at the time of the resurrection becomes it becomes Marriage.

"For others their weddings...or marriage is it done according to their faith..right? "until death do you part"


A woman may have only but one husband in heaven...but on some other may be possible for women to have more than one husband. I cannot rule is out.

On the earth the whole truth is not revealed to all...only partially. And after death...GOD shall decides in conjunction with the woman if she wants to have her own husband or become a sister wife. In Either case the decision is made with complete understanding for her happiness.

Peace be unto you


Here is a scripture that I came across.

I don't really understand. I know that we don't GET MARRIED in Heaven, and if we go to Heaven UNMARRIED our work is done for us on Earth.

However, what if something like this happens? It happens all the time...spouses dying...remarrying...etc... Of course..I hear MEN may have more than one wife...but what about women? Are women allowed to have more than one husband? I don't get it....please explain!

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Another key aspect of this passage to remember is the phrase 'having no children.' Wives were only given to their husbands' brothers when the did not have children, and it was the brother's duty to raise a family in place of the dead husband. Thus, in modern terms, the wife would be sealed to the first husband and only civilly wed to the subsequent husbands. The ultimate point the Savior was making, however, was that we should do everything we can to resolve these questions in this life and not ignore it until the next.

bert10 makes a solid point about her happiness.

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Thanks for the answers....but I still didn't get a straight answer to my questions, so here they are again.

According to DOCTRINE, and the PROPHET, what is our stance on this. A woman marries a man in the temple, has children with him, then he dies. She then gets married to another man, and has children with him. Let's say she has bad luck, and he dies too. Then she gets married again (if she's brave) and has children with the next man. So now she has been sealed to THREE men, with children from each of them. What happens in eternity? What if it were reversed, and the man had all his wives pass away?

I don't understand how they were trying to "trick" the Savior? Please explain better.

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Thanks for the answers....but I still didn't get a straight answer to my questions, so here they are again.

According to DOCTRINE, and the PROPHET, what is our stance on this. A woman marries a man in the temple, has children with him, then he dies. She then gets married to another man, and has children with him. Let's say she has bad luck, and he dies too. Then she gets married again (if she's brave) and has children with the next man. So now she has been sealed to THREE men, with children from each of them. What happens in eternity? What if it were reversed, and the man had all his wives pass away?

I don't understand how they were trying to "trick" the Savior? Please explain better.

To whom is the woman is first sealed too? Then her children will follow.

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There are a number of issues to consider. It is quite interesting.

In the one hand, we must avoid speculating on subjects where there no revelation. It could lead to a false sense of comfort when someone has issues that have not been solved. This is the time of probation, to do and overcome and demonstrate with faith and steadfastness that we are willing to follow and hold on to the iron rod. Rationalizing brings solace and quiets our anxiety but it has profound consequences. We must study the doctrine of the kingdom and the revelation received in this dispensation as to know and understand where our feet stand. I have heard some say "it will be sorted out in the celestial kingdom." I think that is shaky ground to stand on when much has been revealed and one has received that revelation while on the flesh and as part of the covenant here on the earth.

Second, the last and everlasting covenant of the priesthood is the celestial marriage. I do not want to get into a lot of detail but suffice to say that there are no shortcuts, wavers or special dispensations. We must be careful to listen to the prophet, search the scriptures, pray for faith and endurance to overcome the challenges in our way and see where we stand as to align ourselves with the word of the Lord. Stretching or re-interpreting as to accommodate our situation is not only misguided but also useless in the long run. These issues relating to marriage are of pivotal importance to us in this life and the one to come.

The more I study and understand, the less inclined I am to speculate in regards to these issues.

Edited by Islander
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i think you may be looking at this 'problem' the wrong way. you say that "... now she has been sealed to THREE men, with children from each of them." it's my understanding that a woman cannot be sealed to more than one man. so, unless the first sealing was canceled, she would still only be sealed to the first man/husband she was sealed to. a woman can marry again, but she is not also sealed again for time and eternity with the new man unless she first gets a temple divorce with the first husband.

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i think you may be looking at this 'problem' the wrong way. you say that "... now she has been sealed to THREE men, with children from each of them." it's my understanding that a woman cannot be sealed to more than one man. so, unless the first sealing was canceled, she would still only be sealed to the first man/husband she was sealed to. a woman can marry again, but she is not also sealed again for time and eternity with the new man unless she first gets a temple divorce with the first husband.

Yeah but MEN can get sealed to more than one woman.....

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Yeah but MEN can get sealed to more than one woman.....

this is because lds, as far as i know, believe that polygamy is an eternal principle. just because it is no longer practiced on earth, does not mean that it is done away with, and that they do not still believe in it. a man can be sealed to more than one woman, but a woman cannot be sealed to more than one man.

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this is because lds, as far as i know, believe that polygamy is an eternal principle. just because it is no longer practiced on earth, does not mean that it is done away with, and that they do not still believe in it. a man can be sealed to more than one woman, but a woman cannot be sealed to more than one man.


Doctrine and Covenants 132

And more of D&C 132 clarify this a bit.

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Doctrine and Covenants 132

And more of D&C 132 clarify this a bit.

Do any other women find this VERY VERY annoying/wrong?

That's polygamy in Heaven is DOCTRINAL. I have prayed and searched and it's still so frustrating to me. I can't accept that polygamy is part of Heaven. If it is, I don't believe that women can't have more than one husband in the eternities. It makes no sense whatsoever and REALLY REALLY makes my testimony falter. I don't understand how anyone can condone this!

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Do any other women find this VERY VERY annoying/wrong?

That's polygamy in Heaven is DOCTRINAL. I have prayed and searched and it's still so frustrating to me. I can't accept that polygamy is part of Heaven. If it is, I don't believe that women can't have more than one husband in the eternities. It makes no sense whatsoever and REALLY REALLY makes my testimony falter. I don't understand how anyone can condone this!

It is OK sister. You do not have to worry about that issue right now and if you are married your husband has only one wife. If we make it to the celestial kingdom we'll all receive further instructions. But once we are there whatever it is that we have to do will be a bliss compared to what we had to endure to actually get there.

For now just love the ONE husband your father has appointed to you and bask in his love for you. :)

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There are inherit differences in gender. One is not greater than the other, but they are different.

Read The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

It's not sexist (just to stamp that spark out before it gets started.)

Polygamy has been mentioned throughout the Bible. Rules regarding it have also been taught.

It's how it is.

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Me thinks, If one truly believes that Gods Word is to be obeyed, then that means all of his Doctorine, not just those parts we find agreeable or to our liking. I personally find it extremly challenging to keep one women happy most of the time, and can't imagine trying to keep a concubine happy. That would fall under the heading of "Mission Impossible".

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Me thinks, If one truly believes that Gods Word is to be obeyed, then that means all of his Doctorine, not just those parts we find agreeable or to our liking. I personally find it extremly challenging to keep one women happy most of the time, and can't imagine trying to keep a concubine happy. That would fall under the heading of "Mission Impossible".

Some just seem to get caught up on the Priesthood/Males issue.

But no one ever complains that God sent a male Savior!

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Here is a scripture that I came across.

23The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,

24Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

25Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:

26Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.

27And last of all the woman died also.

28Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.

29Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

30For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

I don't really understand. I know that we don't GET MARRIED in Heaven, and if we go to Heaven UNMARRIED our work is done for us on Earth.

However, what if something like this happens? It happens all the time...spouses dying...remarrying...etc... Of course..I hear MEN may have more than one wife...but what about women? Are women allowed to have more than one husband? I don't get it....please explain!

First of all, the Sadducees had no clue about eternal marriage. Marriage to them under the law of Moses meant till death only. So, their scenario cannot be taken to mean that the marriages were sealings.

So, the Savior's answer was spot on. Since they were not sealed by the power of God before the resurrection, "...they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven..." (See also D&C 132:16). Sealings must be done before the resurrection, either while living in mortality or by proxy during our stay in the spirit world.

That's why Jesus said to the Sadducees, "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.".

Now, as to the sealing power. It is true that a man can be sealed for eternity to more than one wife if his wife dies and he marries another. Plural marriage, as found in D&C 132, is a true principle of the new and everlasting covenant. We are simply not authorized to practice it in mortality at this time. In other words, we are not authorized to have more than one living wife.

A woman cannot be sealed for eternity to more than one husband. She can have a temple marriage for time only if she marries another after the death of their husband.

So, if the Sadducees had meant that that the woman was sealed to her first husband, and the others were just plain jane marriages, then the answer would have been that she would be with the first in the resurrection. But clearly the Saducees had not idea about temple marriages. So, that's not what they meant. :)

They wanted Jesus to make a guess at who would still be married in the resurrection, so that they can accuse him of going against the law of Moses. They had no understanding of the higher law that we now have.



Edited by Vanhin
made a correction.
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