Missionaries Came To The Door And...

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Well, it's finally happened, I'm in touch with the meetinghouse I want to join! Today, the missionaries came to the door and because my Mum and Step-dad had gone away on holiday this morning I was able to let them in for a chat!

They're coming round again on Monday with a friend to show me a DVD and they've left me with a leaflet to read.

I can't tell you how exciting it is to finally know that I'm on my way to being a member. Even my Pug dog is happy and he loved sniffing in the Elder's bags!:cloud9::cloud9:

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Wonderful news! Congratulations. I remember that feeling too, even though it's been 37 years now. Try to keep that memory with you always and you will do great things for Him that created us. Welcome to LDS.net. Also, there will be questions you'll have, so don't hesitate to ask here. There are many lovely willing and learned folks here to help you in your new understanding.

Keep smiling ~


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Congratulations! Your happy message was uplifting. You'll love the lessons the missionaries have for you and feel the spirit that is with them. And I can tell it's with you too right now. Keep remembering that feeling because it came from the Spirit. And I hope you'll stay in contact with all your friends here.

I was born over there too, in Scotland but I'm living in California now. I returned to serve a mission in Northern England.

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Hi LanPingPug, Yes those missionary's really are great Guys and girls,when i joined the church it was the love and spirit that radiated from them that first filled me with the spirit,they dident feel like strangers to me, they felt like part of my family from the word go.

They so much loved and believed in what they were doing, they were alive with happiness.

Both guys were from the usa, it was winter and in those days rode peddle bikes, i used to feel bad watching them riding away in the snow.

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:bighug:I've been a member going on 4 years. It's the most exciting thing I have ever chosen to do. Congratulations!! Your enthusiasm is fantastic! Always remember how you're feeling right now, it will help get you through the times that get you down.

Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and all the heavenly angels are celebrating right along with you!;)

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Oh Congratulations!!

How great it is to hear of people being taught by the missionaries. I too remember when I was having the lesson's how WONDERFUL and full of joy I FELT! It is awsome you feel so good about going to Church and meeting with The Elders. I wish you all the best and hope you continue to enjoy the company of the member and the love of the Lord!! Take care

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:D:bouncingclap:FABULOUS!!!!! Wonderful news! A little bit of advice from an fairly new member, myself -- The Lord is not primarily interested in having his children only convinced of his work. He would like them to be converted to the gospel. Marion G. Romney said, "While conversion may be accomplished in stages, one is not really converted in the full sense of the term unless and until he is at heart a new person." And President Thomas S. Monson teaches, ..."the prime element of any conversion is personal prayer. When a person gets down on his or her knees and prays to Heavenly Father about the message that he or she has heard, that's when conversion really starts to take place...Until a person comes to the point where he or she desires to really communicate with our eternal Heavenly Father, conversion will always be elusive..."

Rulon T. Burton, We Believe

Receiving a testimony requires a trial of our faith. Before we can receive a testimony, we must have a trial of our faith in patience. We must have a trial of our faith in knowledge - that means studying the scriptures. We must have a trial of our faith in temperance -- that means keeping the Word of Wisdom, primarily. We must have a trial of our faith in virtue, in charity, in brotherly kindess. And only after we have had a trial of our faith and we have proved ourselves, then only can we receive the witness -- that means testimony.

Until you have a testimony for yourself lean on the testimonies of your bishop, your stake president and other faithful members, until you develop your own. But beware of doing that for too long. A testimony can grow or diminish. The most satisfying thing in all the world, the greatest anchor to your soul, in time of trouble, in time of temptation, in times of sickness, in times of indecision, in times of your struggles and work, is to know with a certainty that defies all doubt, that God lives.

I personly can't stress more how important a strong testimony is.

Congratulations again!!:flowers:

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Well, I went to church and loved it. It was really great to be around people who believed like I do. And...I got my baptism date! Its the 9th of August and I'm already having a white dress made for me to wear in the font.

How does your family feel about all this?

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WOW CONGRATS on the baptism date!! I am so excited for you, you will look beautiful in your white dress/gown!! Oh you will be blessed so much , you are ging to be EVEN HAPPIER once you come out of the waters... CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS:):D You are making the best decision you will ever make, trust me!! As for any1 who is weary of your choice, don't worry. They will come round once they realise how happy you are in life. GREAT STUFF, well keep on going and endure to the end. BEST OF LUCK FOR YOUR BIG DAY...

Remember just pray whenever you feel nervous or have doubts PRAYER IS THE ANSWER!!!!

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