Sleep Problems


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I've had diagnosed Major Sleep Disturbance since I was a little kid. When I was in Junior High School my doctor prescribed Phenobarbitol to help me sleep. Nowadays its Zolpidem Tartrate, Mirtazapine, Diphenhydramine, and melatonin; at such high dosages that its almost unreal.

I rarely get more than a few hours sleep in a night; frequently not sleeping for several days at a time.

all I can recommend is working with a doctor that specializes in sleep disorders to see if medication is right for you, or if therapy and sleep hygiene practices are enough.

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Try doing a nightly bedtime routine.

Write down the things that are on your mind so you can worry about it later.;)

Take a 10+ min candle lite bubble bath

Get ready for bed, cozy jammies

Wash your face, brush your teeth

Read something calming

Spray some lavendar on your pillow

Use as many pillows as needed for comfort.:D

I hope things get better are so girly.

ahem, it's nice, tho'.

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i take trazodone......thank HF for

50mg of Trazodone doesn't even make me yawn. Nor does Zyprexa or even 600mg of Seroquel. Right now I'm prescribed 50mg Ambein (Zolpidem), 100mg Diphenhydramine, 20mg mirtazipine, and 30mg melatonin. Barely makes me drowsy, and when I do get to sleep it lasts about 2 hours then I'm awake for the rest of the night.

Doc says she's going to go old school on me soon and try Benzodiazapines if I can't get normal sleep soon.

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Guest mirancs8

i take trazodone......thank HF for

I just got prescribed that Friday when I went into the doctors office! I was out BUT had some crazy dreams!!!! I never dream... well ya because I really don't sleep :rolleyes:. Phamacist said in 30 minutes but it took a good 2 hours to get me yawning and droopy eyed.

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  • 1 month later...

Well as I heared that most probably will be affected by insomnia. Its a short in terms of sleep problems. If you have just the same problem than you have to check up with the doctors. Insomnia might be a symptom of a more significant sleep problem. But you don't have to take a more tension about it because its not permanent problem.

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  • 1 year later...

Well sleep problem was also with me but now i have solved it due with the help of these tips. You can also follow these tips.

1. Avoid eating too much in dinner.

2. Breath in fresh air.

3. Early morning walk is best solution of sleep problem.

4. Eat less.

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  • 7 months later...

I have the cpap machine as well but I move around at night. Not sure why your hoses are too short? Can you get longer ones?

What I like to do is lay down with most lights out, get my ereader, find a book I have read before, snuggle in and read for a few pages and wake up the next morning. For a long time I had bad insomnia so it wasnt really that easy to find a routine that worked for me. If it is really bad I make up a dream and start 'predreaming' it. That not only puts me to sleep it helps get rid of nightmares. :)

You have a lot of stresses in your life, especially lately, so its not really the sleep that is eluding you, I would guess. Its the ability to relax and stop worrying. Time to just trust in God that things will work out and let Him take that weight off your shoulders.

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  • 2 months later...

I haven't read the entire thread so forgive me if someone has already discussed this.

Have you thought of neurofeedback? I don't know how it would work with the sleep apnea stuff, but I do know that it can help with a variety of sleep issues. Might be something to look into.

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