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I'm going to join the Mormon Church. I'm reading the Book of Mormon right now. But I do not call myself an LDS cause I'm not Baptized. I work the night shift in a mental Asylum. I live in Sweden. There are quite a lot of Mormons here. 9 temples in my town alone! The missionaries must have been busy. :lol:

I "discovered" Mormonism true an apologetics forum, but I was never out after debating LDS theology. I just asked questions and I guess this forum is the next step. Going to ask for a couple of missionaries soon.

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Welcome! And wow, 9 temples in one town? Perhaps some are chapels? I know of the Stockholm temple in Sweden, though.

There are different kinds? I know there are 9 places of worship according to the LDS site in Swedish. But now I see that they are called "församling", which might be chapels in English? But whats the difference between the temples and "chapels"?

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Before you are baptized you might want to learn a few things about the LDS faith which the Missionaries are taught to reserve until after you are baptized—things that will give you second thoughts if you accept the Bible as the word of God. You can explore these things by simply going to

Edited by Gwen
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Before you are baptized you might want to learn a few things about the LDS faith which the Missionaries are taught to reserve until after you are baptized—things that will give you second thoughts if you accept the Bible as the word of God. You can explore these things by simply going to

I've been to that site already. And I'm not calling for the missionaries until I finished the Book of Mormon. I can not discuss anything I don't know.

Edited by Gwen
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Chapels are places of worship, where we go for weekly Sacrament meetings, Sunday School and Priesthood or Relief Society and Primary for the children.

Temples are places where enternal covenants are entered into. Its a special place. I volunteer at the temple in Ogden Utah. I love to be there.

I'm glad you're investigating the church and reading the BOM.


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Before you are baptized you might want to learn a few things about the LDS faith which the Missionaries are taught to reserve until after you are baptized—things that will give you second thoughts if you accept the Bible as the word of God.

What a bunch of one-sided, agenda-bearing, lying crap. "taught to reserve" my flabby rear end. This site is just as nasty and full of half-lies as any bitter angry anti-site - it's just prettied up to look nice.

Nightshift, this message board here is a great place to ask about anything you like. How odd that our cultlike, non-biblical false religion would teach our missionaries to lie, but allow this site to remain standing...


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My response at "•••" below:

moutWhat a bunch of one-sided, agenda-bearing, lying crap.

••• Thanks for taking me to task and holding me accountable, Loudmouth. If there's anything I fear, it's wasting my time promoting lies which could be refuted and embarrassing. Please be constructive in your criticism of our web site, though, so that I can make sure it gets corrected. What, specifially, would you consider a lie on the CRC web site? And why do you say that?

"taught to reserve" my flabby rear end. This site is just as nasty and full of half-lies as any bitter angry anti-site - it's just prettied up to look nice.

••• I appreciate this specific item which you believe to be a lie. I'd like to call your attention to page 29 of the current Missionary manual "Preach My Gospel". On that page there's a list of 5 things the missionaries are to teach. Then it says "Teach the first four lessons before baptism. . . After baptism, new members are taught the first four lessons again, as well as 'Laws and Ordinances.' "

This clearly reserves the "Laws and Ordinances", among other secretive doctrines (i.e., that God was once a man and had to work to become a God), until well after the initiates are made to feel at home in their new church. Included in "Laws and Ordinances" are many things which would be a put off to investigators if they were aware of them up front. This is especially true of those who have some Biblical background. Those are the ones who, when they find out some of the things they were shielded from during the recruiting process, feel betrayed and leave the LDS Church.

Nightshift, this message board here is a great place to ask about anything you like. How odd that our cultlike, non-biblical false religion would teach our missionaries to lie, but allow this site to remain standing...

••• How is it that some of my posts have been omitted because they lead to a web page that compares LDS doctrine to the Bible?

I would urge you to check out some of these things for yourself, LM, actually go read some of the documentation for the items on our web site that you suspect are exaggerated. See if they are true or not. If you find any that are mistaken or used out of context or lying, please let me know so that I can repent and make it right. On the other hand, if you find some of the factual resources troubling, you might want to rethink your situation. It's a dangerous thing to trust your eternal destiny to something or someone that you have not thoroughly checked out.

I'd like to see your smiling cheeks in heaven some day!

Blessings to you in the name of the Jesus Christ of the Bible.



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you might want to learn a few things about the LDS faith which the Missionaries are taught to reserve until after you are baptized

"taught to reserve" my flabby rear end.
I'd like to call your attention to page 29 of the current Missionary manual "Preach My Gospel". On that page there's a list of 5 things the missionaries are to teach. Then it says "Teach the first four lessons before baptism. . . After baptism, new members are taught the first four lessons again, as well as 'Laws and Ordinances.' "

This clearly reserves the "Laws and Ordinances", among other secretive doctrines (i.e., that God was once a man and had to work to become a God), until well after the initiates are made to feel at home in their new church.

So, is there no difference in your mind between "taught to reserve", and "not specifically directed to teach"? The claim "taught to reserve" involves someone telling a missionary "do not teach a,b, and c". If you want to back up your claim with a relevant source, we're all ears. The Preach My Gospel manual, as I'm sure you're aware, is a set of guidelines, not a checklist to be strictly followed. Missionaries are free to enhance and add to the lessons as directed by the spirit.


* Missionaries often invite potental members to the Gospel Principles class, which does indeed teach about the laws and ordinances of the gospel, including the concept of exhaltation.

Gospel Principles chapter 47 - Exhaltation

* These "secretive doctrines" are posted on the church's website for all to see.

LDS.org - Gospel Principles Manual For that matter, the 'secretive' Preach My Gospel book is also available online.

* Here is the Laws and Ordinances section. Again, published to the world on the church's website, available for free, to any anonymous visitor who wishes to see. We mormons sure have a funny way of protecting our damning secrets, don't you think?

Feel free to hop on over to the Mormon Apologetics Discussion Board and try to convince us which items here put off investigators, especially if they know their Bible.

Phooey. Your claims are full of holes and sensationalized language. Perhaps "lying" is uncharitable and unwarranted on my part, but I'm standing by "crap".

How is it that some of my posts have been omitted because they lead to a web page that compares LDS doctrine to the Bible?

Because the link violates the rules of the board. Right here, at the top forum - in a sticky post entitled LDS.net Rules - Please be familiar with these rules before posting . It's site rule #1. "1. Do not post, upload, or otherwise submit anything to the site that is derogatory towards The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its teachers, or its leaders. Anti-LDS Propaganda will not be tolerated anywhere." Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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Congratulations on your decision to join the church. As you read the Book of Mormon, pray about and ask for the spirit to be with you and the Lord is going to reveal to you the truth of this book.

I am also a convert to the church. I didn't read the whole Book of Mormon prior to being baptized, but you do what you need to do with out anyone pressuring you. You'll know when is the right time for you.

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