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I have 5 girls. 9 (2)- 20.

My 20 year old treats me like I just crawled out of the swamp of creation. In her book I'm a Neandertal. I have a furrowed brow, bow legged, able to manipulate tools, but still, not very bright. If I said the sky is blue she'd figure out a way to argue about it.

My 16 year old would do anything in the world to please my wife and I. Two years ago we thought she was headed for counseling. She pulled it together and is as pleasant a mid-teen you could find.

My 12 year old. Thinks dad is a geek. We "go" to the same school. She says "hi" and even smiles. But mostly I'm her way of avoiding riding the bus to and from school. That's OK. She tried out for the volleyball team (and got cut) because she thought it would make me happy.

My 9 year olds. I'm still the hero. I can tell them stories about Bigfoot and they believe them. They stick me in the back with a knee or elbow at 2:30 in the morning. Didn't even know they'd crawled in bed with me. (My wife works nights...) They aren't ashamed to cuddle on the couch.

Eventually they are all going to meet boys they like and get married.



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#1 - Just beginning to recognize his own (high) intelligence and ability, very good looks (which, trust me, he got from mom), and attractiveness to and interest in girls (which I had hoped would wait until college -- darn). Desperately wants to impress me and gain my approval, but resents his own feelings and therefore often wishes I would just drop dead. Doesn't help that I'm sometimes too hard on him.

#2 - Pleasant, responsible, clever, funny, comfortable in his own skin. Doesn't mind that I'm sometimes too hard on him.

#3 - Happy, mischievous, affectionate. Doesn't seem to notice that I'm sometimes too hard on him.

#4 - Sweet, social, moody -- six different emotional outbursts every five minutes. Quickly forgives me for being sometimes too hard on her.

#5 - Energetic, non-stop randomizer, spoiled (in a good way) by older siblings. Too young to be too hard on, even for me.

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I have 5 girls. 9 (2)- 20.

My 20 year old treats me like I just crawled out of the swamp of creation. In her book I'm a Neandertal. I have a furrowed brow, bow legged, able to manipulate tools, but still, not very bright. If I said the sky is blue she'd figure out a way to argue about it.

My 16 year old would do anything in the world to please my wife and I. Two years ago we thought she was headed for counseling. She pulled it together and is as pleasant a mid-teen you could find.

My 12 year old. Thinks dad is a geek. We "go" to the same school. She says "hi" and even smiles. But mostly I'm her way of avoiding riding the bus to and from school. That's OK. She tried out for the volleyball team (and got cut) because she thought it would make me happy.

My 9 year olds. I'm still the hero. I can tell them stories about Bigfoot and they believe them. They stick me in the back with a knee or elbow at 2:30 in the morning. Didn't even know they'd crawled in bed with me. (My wife works nights...) They aren't ashamed to cuddle on the couch.

Eventually they are all going to meet boys they like and get married.



I have 3 daughters and 2 of them are married.....when my oldest started dating I had a hard time with that.....when my other daughter started to date I thought it would be easier after having gone thru it wasn't.......with my younges daughter dating now it still isn't easy for this Dad....:mellow::mellow:^_^
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I have a daughter and a son.

My 20 year old daughter is the brain. Always has got excellent grades, harding working when it comes to school, not so much when it comes to domestic chores. She has very different tastes and interests then I do, although we do have a couple. :) She's bright, has good judgement, although teaching her to drive a car is a challenge. She's always been a very respectful person, even as a teenager.

My 17 year old son (as of tomorrow) is helpful. He's good with his hands and loves paintball and vehicles. He's not the academic type, but surprises me with what he's proficient in. He helps with jobs in the house, has always been a great teenager and is very generous with hugs, even in public.

And both kids are very mushy towards the cats.

Of all the things in this world, I'm proudest of my kids.


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I love my babies. I understand that they don't, and can't, love me as much as I love them, and sometimes I'm bummed out about that...fortunately, I have my wifey all to myself after the kiddies grow up, get married, and go away. That's some major consolation.

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ok here is my group

18 year old boy in a band wanting to be professional musician instead of college graduate. (i guess this is the only time in life he will be free enough to try.)

15 year old boy spent summer grounded for getting into trouble works for dad and goes to school, just getting some of his privledges back (good learning for him tough consequenses but better to learn at 15 that life has consequenses)

12 year old girl mouthy to mom loves dad (i think that is normal will wait for a year or two to find out)

9 year old girl thinks she should have all the privledges the others have yells when she doesn't (still young enough to give hugs for no reason and i love you's)

love my kids they have taught me more than any teacher or professer ever did. LOL

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  • 2 months later...

My 20 year old treats me like I just crawled out of the swamp of creation. In her book I'm a Neandertal. I have a furrowed brow, bow legged, able to manipulate tools, but still, not very bright. If I said the sky is blue she'd figure out a way to argue about it.

I'm 36 and I still feel that way about my mom sometimes. I love her, but she truly isn't very bright and she has a hard time grasping many concepts that are very simple for others. But I have matured myself since my teen and young adult years, and I now have an understanding and compassion for her that I just didn't have when I was young (and maybe wasn't capable of having).

On the flip side, my 16-year-old daughter is smarter than me. I'm no dummy (advanced classes in high school), but she really is just smarter than me. And she knows it. And sometimes she lets me know she knows it.

I think it's hard for a teenager or young adult to respect those they see as less intelligent than they are. Maybe it's that adults are supposed to be smarter than kids, so those who aren't must be flawed. I know I used to have almost no respect for my mother whatsoever, but time (and parenthood) has changed that. Hopefully it will for your daughter too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have four chickens, yes I'm a hen mother..... always calling them when we are shopping.... "Come on chickens, this way."

9 year old son: thinks he is his father, and when Dad is away he give the orders to the younger ones and keeps them in line. Grasps all school concepts taught in 2 seconds and is bored very easliy. Very annalytical mind.

7 year old son: Mr Melodromatic. I'm sure our neighbours thought we were torturing him when we cut his hair with the clippers. But very intelligent, and thought provoking with his articulation and creativeness.

5 year old daughter: Loves the sound of her own voice and thinks she is me with her younger brother. She calls him chicken and has him following her around the house, reading him books and telling him made up stories and playing funny games.

2 year old son: house wrecker. Into every cupboard and bathroom he can have access to. Drives me crazy. But then he smiles and use polite language consistantly. Mummy drink please mummy. Thankooo mummy. He is sooo adorable. Everyone loves him everywhere he goes... he is one of those kids that all shops we go to consistnantly, they know his name and love when he comes for a visit. When we get to church on a sunday, Daddy play piano and he sings at the top of his lungs hymns that have not been written yet. He is actually sitting on my lap right now chewing on a pencil and falling asleep. I don't want him to grow up for his cuteness... but maybe it'll stick to him.

We love our children and appreciate their uniqueness and also look forward to the day when they all have the strength to dig and prune in the garden.... Right now they just make one big mess of it.... not that we tell them... we just smile and say they are doing great!!

Edited by Nappaljarri
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I have 5 girls. 9 (2)- 20.

My 20 year old treats me like I just crawled out of the swamp of creation. In her book I'm a Neandertal. I have a furrowed brow, bow legged, able to manipulate tools, but still, not very bright. If I said the sky is blue she'd figure out a way to argue about it.

My 16 year old would do anything in the world to please my wife and I. Two years ago we thought she was headed for counseling. She pulled it together and is as pleasant a mid-teen you could find.

My 12 year old. Thinks dad is a geek. We "go" to the same school. She says "hi" and even smiles. But mostly I'm her way of avoiding riding the bus to and from school. That's OK. She tried out for the volleyball team (and got cut) because she thought it would make me happy.

My 9 year olds. I'm still the hero. I can tell them stories about Bigfoot and they believe them. They stick me in the back with a knee or elbow at 2:30 in the morning. Didn't even know they'd crawled in bed with me. (My wife works nights...) They aren't ashamed to cuddle on the couch.

Eventually they are all going to meet boys they like and get married.



I have six daughters....I feel you. :mellow:

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