Embryo Donation...


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My husband and I have three sons and I am now pregnant with twins. We did IVF due to trauma to my husband after the 3 boys were born. My RE suspected that I would produce around 12 eggs and instead I produced 47! I actually set a record...anyhow, of those 47, 27 fertilized. We did a day 5 embryo transfer and of those 27 eggs 13 made it to a day 5 blastocyst. We implanted 2 an I am pregnant with two. Our problem is that we have 11 grade "A" blasts that we probably won't use. Our RE told us that our options are to either donate them to someone, destroy them, or donate them to medical research. We aren't sure of what to do. My husband and I are extremely active in the church and we are trying to figure out what is best. If we did donate them we would only want to give them to an active sealed couple in the church. Any thoughts? There is no way we can have 11 more babies!!!!

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If I were in the situation, I'd be willing to donate them. I wouldn't even have the restriction of an active sealed couple.

Congratulations on the success of your procedure. I've been dabbling in IVF research a bit recently as your numbers are very good. I hope all goes well with your pregnancy.

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I would not donate. With me this is along the lines of abortion and should not be done at all.

Besides even if you donate your genes will end up in that child not the person you donated them to.

how do you consider donating like abortion? the emryos are already there. i can agree with destroying them being along those lines, but if they're already created? DONATE!

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For those of you that said "No Restrictions" consider this. If the child goes to a family that has less then ideal values that child then will be at a much greater disadvantage in regards to reaching the Celestial Kingdom then if that child was killed before reaching the age of accountability. Why not specify that you want an LDS family to raise the children?

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For those of you that said "No Restrictions" consider this. If the child goes to a family that has less then ideal values that child then will be at a much greater disadvantage in regards to reaching the Celestial Kingdom then if that child was killed before reaching the age of accountability. Why not specify that you want an LDS family to raise the children?

  • I wouldn't worry about it because the Lord has an uncanny way of recognizing personal circumstances.
  • I wouldn't worry because I don't believe any of the fertilized eggs getting tossed out are going to the Celestial Kingdom anyway.
  • I wouldn't worry because anyone that can afford IVF and wants a child that badly is going to get one from somewhere, and I'm certain that the donor would hold not accountability for whatever ideals the receiving family instilled in the resultant child.
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The same line as abortion IN REGARDS that it should not be done. Your genes should stay in your own bloodline.

Eh, what about adoption? ;) I'd just view the donation as a form of adoption, in my own strange little view of the world. But that's just my own opinion and I'm hoping no one takes offense to it.

Adoptions are not uncommon in my family history, so I'm not of the opinion that "bloodline = your permanent family." "Blood" may be "thicker than water" but I think the ties made by one's heart and spirit are even stronger. :)

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I think adoption is a wonderful thing. My brother is no less my brother because we aren't of the same "bloodline". He's my brother because we grew up together, we love each other, we're sealed to the same parents.

I think embryo donation is making the best of a sticky situation. I would view the destruction of embryos as being rather like abortion...but IMO it's hard to say when the spirit enters the body. That's not a debate I'm willing to enter here. :)

In your shoes, I'd donate the embryos to other couples. :)

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I will not destroy them. I guess we're going towards donation. I just don't know how to specify that I want them in an LDS family. I do prefer them to go to a sealed couple. I want them to be with whoever they go to forever and I want them to know about Heavenly Father and at least have a chance of growing up in the church. I know that you can't make a child have a testimony, but I grew up in the church and I am so grateful that I did. It prepared me for all of the blessings that have come our way. They are our children, and I want what I had for ALL of my children. Even the little ones that are frozen. I wish there was a website of LDS couples looking for donors!!!

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Adoption has no meaning in my line of reckoning. If you have a child it should be off your own bloodline and from your own egg.

I find it disturbing that people want a baby from other people's genes.

What if the couple in question are infertile? Any child, no matter if adopted after birth, or as the result of an embryo donation, won't be of their bloodlines, but they WILL be that couple's child in the eyes of law. I think it's fair to say that couples who go thru IVF are people who really, truly desire to be parents. Being a parent of a child is not strictly defined as being one of the people who gave the egg or spermatozoa that resulted in the child coming into being.

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