I scream, You scream, We all scream...


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I used a breast pump so I could give my son breast milk in a bottle. One time I prepared such a bottle and then left to visit a friend. She was drinking a cup of coffee, and suddenly she grabbed the bottle and shook some of the breast milk into it.

Expecting her to spit her coffee out, I told her that it was breast milk. Instead, she said "Yeah? Well it tastes good in my coffee." I about died.

I have wondered before, why does breast milk repulse us so, when formula doesn't, or at least it doesn't me. Do you think it is because it comes from the body, including breasts? And is this revulsion an instinctual thing?

Interestingly, the vitamin industry has started selling colostrum supplements. Colostrum is the substance a mother's body makes before the actual milk, and I have heard it boosts the baby's immune system.


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lol, a mildly creative idea for an infant line of milk based products. i might not object to making some side money.......

could be some good recipies for your food storage; yogert, icecream, cheese.... all new defination to being self sufficient.

You know, if a natural disaster were to hit my area and wipe out our food supply, or if my family were to be stuck in the middle of nowhere in our car with no help immediately available, I hope and pray that I'm lactating. I could single-handedly (boobedly? :lol: )keep my family alive. ^_^ (assuming there was food enough for at least ONE person - me - to eat :lol: )

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I used a breast pump so I could give my son breast milk in a bottle. One time I prepared such a bottle and then left to visit a friend. She was drinking a cup of coffee, and suddenly she grabbed the bottle and shook some of the breast milk into it.

Expecting her to spit her coffee out, I told her that it was breast milk. Instead, she said "Yeah? Well it tastes good in my coffee." I about died.

I have wondered before, why does breast milk repulse us so, when formula doesn't, or at least it doesn't me. Do you think it is because it comes from the body, including breasts? And is this revulsion an instinctual thing?

Interestingly, the vitamin industry has started selling colostrum supplements. Colostrum is the substance a mother's body makes before the actual milk, and I have heard it boosts the baby's immune system.


It actually taste better then cow milk IMO. But i would not want to eat products made from it from strangers.

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I would most likely be the person at the store staring at the box tring to figure out if it is a joke or not. It would take way too long to get the admount of milk needed for ice cream and also the idea of breast milk coming from someone I don't know at all to me seems creepy! So no i wouldn't eat this.

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I don't know. You don't really know where any other ingredient comes from, so why would anyone care about not knowing from whom the breast milk is coming? I'll join in with Elphaba in questioning the matter. Why is it more disgusting coming from a human than an animal? I mean, cows are dirty and smelly. But in any case, I don't really care what comes in my food as long as it tastes good and is good for my body.

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It actually taste better then cow milk IMO. But i would not want to eat products made from it from strangers.

I think a good ice cream store of this nature should take customers to the back room and introduce them to the producers first. That way, you will not be strangers and perhaps even be on a first name basis.

Just a thought... :D

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