Considered Suicide. worried about living


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There have been many wonderful responses to your original post, and I hope mine won't be considered "hate" because that is not what I am intending...

There was a talk given some years ago by one of the Bretheren about a person who wished the Lord would take away their burden....I don't recall all the details, but what stuck in my mind was this...One evening this person had to return home after being out all day doing errands, and had to be home by a certain the end of the errands, this person looked at their watch and noticed that they had a little less time than required to get home given the distance away they they said a little prayer to remove their burden. While on the way home, a storm started to blow in, and this person had to ride in to a headwind, virtually guaranteeing that they would not get home on time. On top of that, the rain started to fall making the trip home miserable on top of being late. When they got to within the last half mile of their house, this person mumbled under their breath "thanks for nothing!" at God, for not helping their situation. As this person got into their house, they saw the clock on the wall and noticed that not only did they make the journey faster than they had ever traveled before, they made it home in plenty of time for what they needed to be there for.(I'm hoping someone will come up with a link for this talk, as it hit me in a special, helpful way, and I don't think I did it any justice here)

The Lord had not taken their burdens away, but bouyed them up, and strengthened them to make their burdens light.

I guess what I am trying to say is, don't look for the Lord to take away your burdens, because He will never do that. He will help you through them, strengthen you, and make them lighter.

You describe yourself as quiet, and never been able to make any freinds. I don't know what that means, but I have learned over the course of my years, that I have needed to step out of my comfort zone, for my own good, and for my own growth.

Since I don't know specifics about you, glean what you can of what may help, and do it. Maybe this is a good place to start, but it won't be the end all, be all answer you want. That will come through your efforts, and that of the Lord.

I wish you well in you endeavors.

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Dude, here's some good advice.

There is life after high school!

The gossip and spreading of rumors seems so silly and stupid when you get out of high school and look back...... so don't worry!

I've talked with successful people with many friends and are liked my many who used be VERY shy in high school. It will pass man.

Work on developing confidence within yourself. Say "hello" to people you walk by.... ask them how they are doing. Simple things. You will gain confidence in social situations.

Don't worry, things will get better!

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I have come to make this thread for a simple reason, and I intend for no one to

see this as a joke. This problem involves the high school that I go to, I'll explain.

For some reason I had always been quiet, and have never been able to acquire a single friend, i would always be alone and continue to struggle to get friends. Because of that people at school had assumed that i am mentally handicapped which I am clearly not, and explaining does not work. The lies keep getting stronger and more people there continue to bother me every year, they talk behind my back taking these lies as if i don't notice the world around me, i have become paranoid because of it and have considered suicide. Even the girl i had a severe crush on had tried to say hurtful words to me. Its not as simple as moving to another school, the closest one being 40 miles away. Why doesn't the lord answer my prayers to stop this? I've been asking for 3 years now for him to stop this and am starting to believe the gospel does not exist. Its not worth living life if i cant have a normal adolescent life, I'm no where near mentally handicapped. Please do not bring hate upon me, just help me, what should I do?

i feel your pain ... i was always the freak girl that everyone made fun of in elementry and junior high.. people always talking about me and when i'd walk by they stop talking and just laugh.. as if that wasnt obvious they were talking aobut me one of them would always yell some rude degrading comment to me... they would tease me cause my older brother had bladder problems and would wet the bed... i'd never let him know that though ... i know it would hurt him more then it hurts me .. its not his fault and who ever told someone should be ashamed of theirselfs... at my old house i lowered my standards just to get some friends ... i thought they were really friends but i was never happy and i soon found out they weren't really my friend they had been back stabbing me ... but then i moved here and i got one friend in my ward the first real friend i had had for a long time.. then i met her best friend and became freinds with her ... but it wasnt always like that when i first moved here i was mad at my parents i found my "friends" and they were moving us again ... but now i feel as if the was the best thing my parents have ever done to me ... who knows where i'd be today if it wasnt for that move

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I was painfully shy in high school also and did not have many friends. But as other people have said, there is life after high school. College was so much better for me than high school was. I made friends in college that I still have today. Please talk with your Bishop and your parents about what you have been going through. Having battled depression and suicidal thoughts myself, I know that having a good support system is key.

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I'm not LDS but let me see if I can offer you a few words of hope. We may not understand why we are doing through hardships when they come or why they seem to drag out. I remember high school and it is a very difficult time in life. I honestly think the world is harder now then it was then. Gosh that makes me feel old. But keep this in mind. We live in a very broken sicken sin fill world and we have since sin entered the world. God never promised it would be easy only that he would go through it with us. God uses our trials and tribulations to mature us. He is the potter and we are the clay. And if you have every watched an actual potter making pottery on a wheel you would see how the clay is mashed and twisted as it is mold. Going through trials is never easy. It's hard. It's frustrating and a lot of times it's a test. God will use trials to test our love for Him. To see if through the midst of the storm you love Him enough to keep on praying and praising Him for the things that you do have. When you feel weak in faith, ask the Lord to give you that degree of faith you need to reach for Him and to hold out. The Lord is the author and finisher of our faith and he developes our faith through the experiences in life. When we pray and ask the Lord for help through a circumstance and He pulls us through it, our trust in Him grows. When our trust in Him grows, He then increases our faith.

2 Corin 1:3-5

3Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.

This verse is sometimes easier to understand in the NIV translation as well.

3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 5For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.

Don't give up praying over it. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Ask for his comfort. Let him comfort you and then you will be able to comfort someone else through the love of Christ. I have had that heartache that made me want to give up. Sometimes it's the Lord's amazing way of making us draw closer to Him. I will keep you in my prayers! God Bless you!

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Hello, Everyone

It is so cool to see how many people care here and how much they relate to what SAG has said....It seems so many of us had problems in high school and getting through it!!

I'm just wondering where SAG went?!

SAG, if you're reading, please let us know what you think and how you're doing~ We all care about you and hope you're okay! I'm sure we would all like an update as to what you feel and have chosen to do!

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Hello, Everyone

It is so cool to see how many people care here and how much they relate to what SAG has said....It seems so many of us had problems in high school and getting through it!!

I'm just wondering where SAG went?!

SAG, if you're reading, please let us know what you think and how you're doing~ We all care about you and hope you're okay! I'm sure we would all like an update as to what you feel and have chosen to do!

If you check his profile he hasn't been back up on the site, not logged on, since he posted that:( Looks like he was back up here about 8 hours after and that is the last time he was on.

I'm just going to keep praying that he will get some help, talk to someone, and check back in eventually.

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Dont forget you are the son of our Hevenly Father and a very special person! Keep your head up and try to mix with people a bit more so they can see what they missed!

Stay fokused, life is waiting and it will be fantastic!

Sometimes God answeres us in a way we dont really realise or He is working on it. Working on some people, and people are not easy to move sometimes. Just wait you`ll see!

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My, makes you wonder if high school does any good.... my husband wants to move to the USA, but my biggest fear is not being able to protect my children from their peers at school. At least here is SA I know what to look out for, but so called school friends are another story.

But, doesn't mean we not faced with cruel ppl here. Something I've had to deal with all my life too, and suicide does end up entering your mind out of desperation. Perhaps you could ask a trusted priesthood holder for a blessing, you don't even have to tell them why..... Gretchen, this goes for you too. I once asked a good friend of mine to give me one and it opened my eyes to the fact that I chose the most difficult path on earth cause I knew the prize at the end..... well, I am wondering what the heck was I thinking, and would like to make changes to that decision. But, though it does not make life easier, it helps when there is light on the subject on Heavenly Father's will for you. Ask for a blessing every 2 wks or more if you have to, and you can also call the temple and ask them to put your name on the prayer list.

My daughter has made friends with a girl who gets bullied at school, she has been called names because of her friendship with this girl..... but she sticks by her.... and I am so proud of her. When she was called a nerd I told her that nerds make a name and money for themselves, have good homes and grow into themselves..... I'm yet to know of many jocks who live a good life..... without a beer. Now, when they call her friend a dork, she happily replies.... "but she's my dork"

I so wish I could sort out those kids for you, but pls you should know by now that most of us have gone through that high school age, and you know what.... some are still going through it, you'll make an awesome friend to someone who faces the same trial one day. Hold your head up, you are a king.... in training...

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