Halloween fun


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So how many of you like dressing up with your kids or just like costuming and going to Halloween parties? I personally enjoy it and like building a new costume each year. Last year I built a Neo costume (Matrix) but this year I'm dressing as Zorro. I posted a couple more in my gallery. I'd love to see your costumes too! Don't let me be the only one to share the fun!


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We usually dress up - did even before we had kids. We'd be dressing up for our ward's trunk or treat, but this year they say it's "Hillbilly Style" and I'm still not sure if that means we dress up with the theme or not. It doesn't matter because my husband has a work party (NON-costume) on the same night.

Last year we were pirates.

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If we take my son trick or treating he'll be a puppy (he's 2, not sure he'll care).

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I'm with pam...the only time I liked Halloween, was when it used to be going to the church and bobbing in a barrel of water for apples; catching "fish" with magnets on a fishing pole for prizes; sticking you hands (in total blackness) into bowls filled with guts (spaghetti) and blood (colored water) and "eye-balls...etc

That was fun. When it turned into going house to house "begging" for candy...and then having to have the candy checked over, even x-ray-ed...NOT fun.

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I'm with pam...the only time I liked Halloween, was when it used to be going to the church and bobbing in a barrel of water for apples; catching "fish" with magnets on a fishing pole for prizes; sticking you hands (in total blackness) into bowls filled with guts (spaghetti) and blood (colored water) and "eye-balls...etc

That was fun. When it turned into going house to house "begging" for candy...and then having to have the candy checked over, even x-ray-ed...NOT fun.

I didn't even like those things. Okay well maybe I liked the candy...just hated dressing up. I have seen some people so obsessed with all the Halloween decorations. I guess I just don't see the point.

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Stupid paegan holiday. I don't know why we (as a family) even bother.

Is it just me, or is holloween all about celebrating scary things, ghosts and evil spirits (and the evil spirit in teenagers who go rampant in the neighborhood) to go begging door to door?!?

And if you don't have anything good to give away, your house gets egged!

Leave a light on to enjoy some TV, and your door gets knocked and rang on all night long.

Let's just call it what it is: Teaching our kids how to become a professional BEGGER and blackmailer! It's the stupidest blackmail joke going on, and we're all the victims of it - and all the candy companies benefit! (Okay, so do dentists - I feel a little better about that.)

The mantra: "Give us candy or we'll egg your house and smash your pumpkin!" (Heaven help your black cat if you have one!)

Yes, I'm the holloween party pooper. I've just never liked the "holiday".

However, I will be dragged (kicking and screaming I'm sure) to our ward holloween "Trunk or Treat". I'll have to get a good T-Shirt that says "This IS my costume. Get over it!"

End of rant. I feel better now.

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I LOVE Halloween! Last year I bought a blue dress from DI, a red sash from Ross, and red devil horns and red fish-net stockings from Hot Topic and went as a Devil in a Blue Dress (I wish I had pictures!). The year before that was my son's first Halloween, and we bought him a "knight in shinning armor" costume (a little bunting bag) and I put on my old HS graduation dress, which was the same colors as his knight costume (shimmery white/silver and black) and bought a costume tiara and went as his princess.


My daughter has been Winnie the Pooh the past two years:


But this year she's going to be a dinosaur (no pics yet) and my son will be wearing the Winnie the Pooh costume.

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I think it is okay to have an opinion, but to post it on this is a bit out of place. I don't know, I like Halloween for the small people, but I don't complain about it when the big kids come. It is a tradition to get Halloween candy. It is not begging since that is what everyone does. Everyone plans for it because of tradition, and if you are looking for the bad in anything you will find it. Have a better attitude, and life is a lot more fun!

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Being at the awkward in-college stage, I'm not one for trick-or-treating now. But I must admit that I look forward to the day I can get dressed up with my husband in funny pair or matching costumes and then have kids and dress them up. I love the creativity of halloween. I don't think I'll be someone who just gives out candy (or at least not the expected Hershey's or lollipops). But we'll see.

A couple years ago I went to a school halloween party as Dirty Laundry. I safety-pinned a bunch of clothes to my clothes and carried a big laundry bag around. I won "Most Original Costume" :D

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That reminds me of when I was in HS and had to do costumes "on the cheap" (i.e. I was broke, and my parents refused to buy me anything) and I went as "Super Store" I wore plastic grocery bags over my shoes, and one around my head as a headband, then I cut a paper grocery bag into a vest, and taped a large sheet of Sunday ads to the back as a "cape".

I was sooooooo rockin' that year. :lol:

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Do you mean this one Naomi?

I think it is okay to have an opinion, but to post it on this is a bit out of place. I don't know, I like Halloween for the small people, but I don't complain about it when the big kids come. It is a tradition to get Halloween candy. It is not begging since that is what everyone does. Everyone plans for it because of tradition, and if you are looking for the bad in anything you will find it. Have a better attitude, and life is a lot more fun!

I think you're being thrown off by the list of names appearing undernieth that post? Those are just users "thanking" you for the post. There's a "Thanks" button in the bottom corner you can click if you liked someone's post especially, and your name will then appear under that post. It's not an actual reply.

Hope that helps. :)

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for our trunk or treat, I want to go as Moroni (i'm going off of the statue atop the Temples).

basically would use a bathrobe spray painted gold, with a plastic trumpet sprayed gold too.

do you think that'd be too much?

I just don't want to trivialize something important at a Stake party.

(our missionaries will be with me...so it'll be like Moroni proclaiming the gospel, and the missionaries going out full-time, i think it fits).

what do you guys think? I don't want to make too much of it, or be irreverent or disrespectful. I am honestly excited, very much, about serving a mission and sharing the truth...and I thought this would be a great way to express that. But now i'm afraid i'll disrespect a Prophet. :(

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Guest SisterofJared

I'm with Skippy... I HATE halloween!

I grew up celebrating halloween, and when my kids were young were participated. But one year I read a report on the roots of halloween. Amazing.... jackolanterns come from turnips the druids used to hollow out and carry around, believing a spirit lived in them. Trick or treating came from a feast that was held, the druids would go door to door asking for food for the feast... if they got food, they were happy and went on, if they didn't get food, they placed a curse on the house. This was the night the dead walked the earth. All the "scary" traditions we have come from roots... real beliefs and practices from an earlier, pagan culture. Why the heck are we celebrating them?

When I was a kid, a halloween party at church was more than an activity than the "trunk or treating" so many wards do today. Lots of games... bobbing for apples, a cake walk, a fish pond, etc... stuff to do all night, and yes you ended up with sugar, but not like today.Besides being a celebration of evil, halloween is an excuse to overload your body with sugar. One OUNCE of sugar suppressing your immune system for 5 hours. How many days will our children run around suspectible to ever sneeze or cough, every toy at their daycare center... all because they are eating sugar at every turn?

I'm for alternate celebrations.... harvest parties, with costumes from the scriptures, maybe, games and activities for the whole family that feature a small amount of sugar, instead of an invitation to illness. So that sounds stuffy.... sobeit. I want my family healthy.

And I'm sorry if this seems crazy, but on halloween I imagine satan rubbing his hands with glee... even the saints are celebrating with him.

Sister of Jared

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