
Dr T

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Kobe Bryant and Andrew Bynum have been honored as part of this year's All-NBA Teams. Bryant makes the 1st team for the seventh straight season and 10th time over all. For Bynum it's his first All-NBA honor, garnering the 2nd team center nod.


I thought this was Kobe's 11th time overall.

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We definatley need something. I think we are able to play tough, are a good team, need work on the pick & roll, need some consistent 3 point shooters, if Pau stays around he needs to play like a big man and be tough and not take jumpers as much. Bynum needs to grow up, Kobe needs to play better team ball. We have out work to do but I think we can take it all next year. I'm not used to being out so early... :(

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The thing that irks me is when Kobe is doube and triple teamed, he has open men but wants to take bad shots instead of dishing it out. Another issue I could not stand to watch was how flat we looked. It seemed like players would play at the begining and then just fall off and Kobe seemed to think it was up to him to bring us back in the game. As we see, he against another team does not make a championship team. I wonder if Pau will be around next year. When his name came up for a trade it really messed him up.

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Awww "T", that's not good! So sorry to hear about that. :(

How did you break three ribs?

My hubby did that on a water weenie years ago at Lake Powell. He went back to the house boat and wrapped himself (with help of course) with duct tape for support. He should have put a t-shirt on before applying the tape, but he was with a bunch of guys and didn't think about the tape coming off....:lol:

I hope you can find relief for the pain.

Laughing hurts, so stay away from that if possible. :)

Here is a link to an update I just wrote on our family.

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Hi Dr.T, Sorry to learn about yer broken ribs. I broke my sternum last November and it just takes time to heal. It seems like it will never heal fast enough, but it will eventually. R they all broken on the same side of ur rib cage? Usually by elevating the same arm on the side with the broken ribs you can take some of the body weight pressure off of the sore side as your ribs. I have had so many broken ribs that I have a pretty good scoliosis now, but resting has always helped me heal faster. Best Wishes, Gar By being grateful for the miracles we have - we won't see the pain that surrounds us. We will see the beauties of life. Edited by Gargantuan
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The new free agent issue handed down by the new collective bargaining agreement that starts July 1 really seems to change the face of what I’ve grown up with and have expected from my boys. The excerpt from said, the Lakers made some moves last season that I was upset about but it was about freeing up money. We have not won recently and also foresee other moves coming.

Due to the new terms of revenue sharing and luxury tax payments, the cost of the Lakers putting the same team with a $90 million payroll on the court next season would be roughly $140 million. Even for the perennially-flush Lakers, that's a big hit.

we will see what happens to my team and how we pull out another championship. Kobe will not be able to play at his level much longer and I’m sure leadership knows it so we will see. GO LAKERS!

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Ok, we didn't win this year and not may people care but from today I read this

The NBA today released its first-ever overall international top selling jerseys list and five-time NBA Champion Kobe Bryant has the most popular NBA jersey internationally. The NBA also announced the top five selling jerseys in key regions: China, Europe and Latin America.

Kobe is amazing.
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Bynum's agent said there has been no talks with him about any trades. He also said it is the same rumor that was going around earlier in the year. Bynum might end up in Orlando or something. We will see what happens I guess.

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Do you hear that sound? It is the sound of my heart breaking. Steve Nash a Laker? Your boys will have the heart and soul of my team. My faith has been broken. I don't know that I can continue being a Sun's fan. I might have lost my taste for the game completely.

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Hi Nills,

:( I was just coming on here to post about that for you specifically Nillers. I heard it last night during fireworks, woke up, went to Lakers site then to Sun's and found nothing there. The sports world is all over it though. I have to say that I am VERY pleased with that pick up. I thought of you right away too. I understand your heart being broken over this. Nash is one of the best point-guards of all time imo. He has played for 16 years and does not seem to have slowed. He makes everybody better! I am happy about it.

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I understand his reasons for making the deal. Clearly money was not the issue as he was offered 10 million more to go elsewhere. He made this decision to be close to his kids. Who can fault that? He also left the Suns a couple of first draft picks, which was extremely generous of him. So all in all, he is a great dad with a generous heart. Ironic since he is breaking mine. You're right, he is ageless. An MVP. A team player who brings out the best in others. Please cheer extra hard for him.
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Ahhhhh…PAMMY! I didn't come to talk about the Lakers, but rather to talk about Steve Nash. I had to come and let the good Doc know that I was devastated by his team’s gain.

I have to say that life has gotten the best of me and by the time I have free time, I want nothing more than to sleep. I hope all is well with you and yours. Anything note worthy I should know about?

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Silly Dr! I might be heart broken, losing faith in my Suns, and possibly the game altogether, but once Steve Nash slips into that Laker's jersey, he is a Laker and I will trash talk him along with the rest of the team! Lakers are a big deal? Pfff... Please! As if! In Dr. T's dreams!!! ;-)

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