Worship question


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What in the nature of G-d inspires you to worship him?

God is all-powerful and He is good. He not only has the authority and ability to command worship, he has a character worthy of it!

Would you worship anyone with such a nature?

No: It's not only what or how God is, but WHO he is. He's my Father, my Creator, my source of existence.

Yes: Understanding that only God my Creator can be both all-good and all-powerful.

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His Love and Humility inspire to me to worship him. He is The Almighty Creator of the universe, Our God, Yet he descended Below us, Suffered exquisite pain, torment and degradation, so that WE could be with HIM, My Saviour done it for me personally. Our nature as humans is to only make a sacrifice, generally, for our own benefit. But Jesus Sacrificed Himself solely for our benefit. What Love and Charity, how Glorious HE is.

No one has this nature so no, no one else could be worshipped. Through His love and humilty He serves all, through His blessings and Promises.

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My relationship with God is intensly personal for me His physicallity is appreciated but like with my husband its not really the main reason I adore (or I would have married my druid many years ago lol) - For me I appreciate the Wisdom, Strength, Peace, Security that God gives me his guidance in my life is what I love

Basically I worship God because He is there and He has more than earned my trust, faith and love.

Like I have said to many evangelical Christian's if I do worship Satan then the Bible must be false because who I worship has more than earned my Love whereas their God has made no appearence.


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In all of my interactions with Him, meaning, what I have felt from Him, and the way He has chosen to teach me and respond to my petitions, I have witnessed tender love and patience from Him. Fatherly love and Fatherly patience.

It is a life-long process to learn to love God and worship Him (want to be like Him).

Would I worship anyone else with such a nature? No, why would I?

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For the record I think I agree mostly with Prison Chaplin – or at least one aspect of his understanding. The only reason I worship G-d is because He has asked me to. I do not worship power or those that have power or any number of other traits.

I am not saying anyone else is wrong but for me I do not like most of the reasons I have heard from various religions as to why one must worship G-d. For me – I have a covenant and I intend to honor that covenant. If G-d should ask me to worship an Idol or anything else then I would be glad to do so. The reason I do not worship anything else is much along the same line. Through my covenant I am obedient to the commandment not to worship any other g-d or idol. Like Jesus I do as I have been commanded.

The other point I think is important – at least from my understanding. That is: that it does not matter what someone worships if they do not have a covenant. Even the worship of G-d (and the use of his name) is in vein if one does not do so because of a covenant and out of obedience to the commandments that are part of their covenant.

The Traveler

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I like all of the answers so far, they've made me think and I agree with them all. However, for me it's because of His never ending, unconditional love. It doesn't matter how bad things get, I always know that I can go to Him and He will help me. He will always answer when I ask a question, and even if it's not the answer I want at the time, it's always what's best for me. And I don't know how else to describe it other than it just feels right.

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Guest HEthePrimate

What in the nature of G-d inspires you to worship him?

Would you worship anyone with such a nature?

The Traveler

Second question first: A person would have to be a god in order to have such a nature. Jesus did allow people to pray to Him, but generally directed them to worship the Father. So I worship the Father.

First question: God's immeasurable goodness and benevolence inspire me to worship Him. We can totally trust Him and know that He'll see that things will turn out for the best.


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