Curry Recipe


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Hello all,

I am in desperate need of a good curry recipe from someone who has actually made it and who might know where to find the ingredients.

I'd like to make it from as many "scratch" materials as possible, but if you know of a good premade "mix" then that is alright as well.

FYI, what I am looking for is something that resembles the taste of Thai green and red curry and prefer a vegetarian recipe (though I'm not opposed to meats).

Thanks in advance!

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I had curry once in institute for a Friday, $1 meal that the University Insititute program always had. The people that fed us were planning on opening an East Indian resturant, they wanted to know what we thought of the curry. I am brave when it comes to spices and hot foods, and had the normal hot style curry. I went home with a headache, the spice was too strong on my stomach. :rolleyes:

But curry does sound good.

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The last time I had curry was on my mission in England and it was awesome.....I got mine watered down cause I am weak when it comes to spices.....:D:D

So much I could say here. :P

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The recipes for curry looks easy, but has many uncommon ingredients. Unless you plan on using lemongrass or shrimp paste again, I would suggest visiting a local Oriental market and find a packaged one. I found one at a Japanese market and it was great.

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Lived on curry for almost 2 years... Even through my pregnancy....

Sigh... Talk about heaven on earth....

I must say that compared to 5 years ago I can handle it much hotter now....

I do have a simple recipe that was sent to me by the lady at the spice shop I get my goodies from... I will have to have a looksie for it if you are interested...

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I got most of my ingredients from an Asian grocery store near my apartment and they did have mixes there, but I'm looking for something more authentic if possible.

Speaking of, funny story last time at the Asian market. I was there to buy bean sprouts which the store sets out in a large vat in the produce section. Often the shoppers there just rummage through them, touching them all as they sift them about.

Call me OCD (I'm not, but you can say I am), I don't like to touch food that I do not intend to eat. So last time I was there, I took one of the plastic bags you are supposed to put your veggies in, turned in inside out and put my hand in it like a glove. I then stuck my covered hand into the vat of beansprouts and pulled out as much as I could grab, then pulled the plastic back right-side out, thus having beansprouts in the bag with no bare fingers involved.

Well I looked up to notice I had caught the attention of many of the Asian people in the market who stared at me doing this. I looked over at one guy and he was pointing at me and then back to (presumably) his wife laughing.

It was awkward but kind of funny. I wonder how many of them will try my trick. ;)

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Here is a curry recipe I have made and it was very good:

1 lb. rice

1 lb. beef chunks (or chicken or pork)

1 can Masaman Curry paste (from Asian store)

1 12oz. can sweetened condensed milk

1 can coconut milk

1 lb. Snow peas.

3 bunches scallions

Boil rice adding snow peas the last two minutes of cooking. Sauté beef with sliced scallions. drain rice and snow peas. combine ingredients and stir well. Might need some reheating in microwave if not hot enough.

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  • 2 months later...

If you look on youtube they have a little video on how to do Egg curry.

I love curry, I usually have a medium curry because it's a perfect balance of taste and spice. There are some easy curry fixes like curry mixes you can find at asian markets. I reccommend ootogi curry.

When making an easy curry mix all you have to do is mix in beef/chicken, potatoes, carrots, and onion. Sort of like a beef stew, all you have to do is let that cook for a bit and then add as much of the curry mix as you'd like. It will thicken and you'll have some decent tasting curry that you can serve with a side of rice.

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Guest Alana

My curry recipe isn't very authentic. It is easy:) I saute chicken and very finely chopped apples until cooked through. While doing this I boil egg noodles. Then to the chicken/apple mixture I add a can of cream of mushroom soup and as much or little coconut milk that I need to get it a creamy sauce like consistency (usually about 8-10 ounces) then I start shaking my little plastic container of curry powder. Shake shake shake, taste, shake shake shake, taste. I probably use about a tablespoon or two. Pour it over the noodles. That is how I do curry.

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