Sacrament Pet peeves


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these are my Sacrament meeting pet peeves

1. 5 minutes before meeting starts while the pre-lude music is playing everyone is talking in the Chapel as if they were outside

2. Watching adults talk to each other during the service

3 Kids making noise and need to be taken outside and no one does it

4. watching kid or kids throw things into the air and catching it while service is going on-makes me want to get up from stand and go sit by them.

5. Watching someone text message during the service or maybe they were bidding on something on E Bay.

6. Someones cell phone goes off while the Sacrament is being passed and the person answers it

7. Watching people make fun of the person who is speaking

that about does it....if I left something out I will post it later...:)

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My peeves:

Talks with no point

Long introductions when people new to the ward speak. Seriously, we recently had one that sounded like a resumé, but with all the personal details added! Twenty minutes worth!

Crying kids staying in the chapel

Just plain ornery kids staying in the chapel

Other stuff I choose to find amusing:

I love to watch the Aaronic priesthood kids: baggy pants, long hair, and all. I just so enjoy seeing young men doing their best to fulfil their duty.

My son keeps track of how many SBHB's take place. For those of you new to the game, that would be Sleepy Bishopric Head Bobs. Those guys really need to re-think those pre-dawn meetings. If you're taking out the trash and find the program with all the tally marks...that one was ours.

I also have a little game of Testimony Meeting Bingo. The Free Space is the one kid who goes up EVERY month. The other squares are filled with things like "I'd be really ungrateful if..." "I promised myself I wouldn't cry!" Lost Item Found tale, reference to BYU or BSU football, Rambling Travelogue. It's all I can do not to call out "BINGO!" in the middle of the meeting.

I also keep track of phrases one would not expect to hear in church. My current top three:

"It was the worst head-on collision I'd ever been in!"

"Explosive diarrhea"

"Freaky, cultish people" (My son uttered this. From the pulpit. Really.)

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Ben, yep, I'm in Idaho. I work in an elementary school, and on the day of The Big Game, the kids are encouraged to wear BSU or UofI colors. They ask me, "Mrs. Mighty, are you a Bronco or a Vandal?" I reply, "Baby, I'm an AGGIE! Woo!"

Kona, I think kids should only share their testimony if they are able to do it on their own. AND I think adults should be restricted until they understand what a testimony is...and isn't.

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I understand that there are going to be the last minute "emergencies" that can happen in any family, especially large families with small children. However, I do not understand how a family, (no matter the size), can be late every Sunday. In addition, this family sits in the 2nd row, right up front. This large family comes trailing in late every single Sunday. :confused:

Set your clock thirty minutes earlier.

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I understand that there are going to be the last minute "emergencies" that can happen in any family, especially large families with small children. However, I do not understand how a family, (no matter the size), can be late every Sunday. In addition, this family sits in the 2nd row, right up front. This large family comes trailing in late every single Sunday. :confused:

Set your clock thirty minutes earlier.

Well, to give them the benefit of the doubt, are there any other empty pews BESIDES that 2nd row? I know in my ward those front pews are always filled with late-comers, because none of the on-time people want to sit there, and fill up the back. :lol:

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Well, to give them the benefit of the doubt, are there any other empty pews BESIDES that 2nd row? I know in my ward those front pews are always filled with late-comers, because none of the on-time people want to sit there, and fill up the back. :lol:

I live in a small town; the row they sit on has been "their" family pew for years and years! It is like our Church has assigned seating...:eek:

And yes, there are pews available in the back.

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There are no assigned pews. I sit wherever I please. No one buys a pew in LDS church and has their name on it.

If someone were to say to me "We normally sit here" I would say "Guess you need to get here earlier". Of course I never sit where those who have a special need would sit. Up front for those who have sign language, near the back where the wheelchairs go.

Ben Raines

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You can't???? Dang.

Wonder what my home teacher did with the money I gave him. And I so wanted my name in gold. :mad: Bummer!

Hey! I told you I'd hook you up with a golden seat, Halfway! Who're you gonna believe: Me, who is going to sell you a pew with your name in gold, or some guy who says it 'Isn't possible'?

Sic itur ad astra, Halfway!

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I can deal with almost all of the things listed here so far, my pet peeves are the young men and young women. Not just sacrament but all the time. I live in Mesa a place that is pretty saturated with LDS. The kids see each other at school then come to Church to talk about who is with who, who is doing what, who is....I heard them talking about the footbal score for an NFL game that took place right before church showing that they werent being revernt at home or at church. The majority of the young men also are really sloppy. They have long hair and baggy pants, (when in young mens I told the boys that if they could see another youngmens underwear they had permission to give him a wedgie) They have no regard for really old or really young people in the hallways and run over children regularly. The young women have to drag and lock themselves in a room because something they heard from school is so important they have to talk NOW.

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I can deal with almost all of the things listed here so far, my pet peeves are the young men and young women. Not just sacrament but all the time. I live in Mesa a place that is pretty saturated with LDS. The kids see each other at school then come to Church to talk about who is with who, who is doing what, who is....I heard them talking about the footbal score for an NFL game that took place right before church showing that they werent being revernt at home or at church. The majority of the young men also are really sloppy. They have long hair and baggy pants, (when in young mens I told the boys that if they could see another youngmens underwear they had permission to give him a wedgie) They have no regard for really old or really young people in the hallways and run over children regularly. The young women have to drag and lock themselves in a room because something they heard from school is so important they have to talk NOW.

Westwood High School?

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