So, This is it, isn't it?


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Ok, Elrond, you probably won't like my tone, but here it goes.

As a child, we travelled about 2 hours each way to get to Church. It was farther for Stake events. We raised crops, and tended horses, chickens, and a couple heads of cattle. Yes, the Farm needed looking after, but we still went to Church. I was adopted, and Sealed to my family in the Alberta,Canada Temple. My parents gave up a good swathe of their income for that blessing.

You also need to get some perspective. People walk for miles, sacrificing far more than you are willing to, just to get to Church. These are people from rural economies who are dependant on their land and animals to make it from one day to the next. If you think that your sacrifice to attend church would be great, it pales in comparison to what the Saints in Africa and South America endure. You get to travel without fear for your life.

It can be done, but it is up to you.God has led you. There are times when you need to choose for yourself, God won't always mollycoddle you.

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Ok, Elrond, you probably won't like my tone, but here it goes.

As a child, we travelled about 2 hours each way to get to Church. It was farther for Stake events. We raised crops, and tended horses, chickens, and a couple heads of cattle. Yes, the Farm needed looking after, but we still went to Church. I was adopted, and Sealed to my family in the Alberta,Canada Temple. My parents gave up a good swathe of their income for that blessing.

You also need to get some perspective. People walk for miles, sacrificing far more than you are willing to, just to get to Church. These are people from rural economies who are dependant on their land and animals to make it from one day to the next. If you think that your sacrifice to attend church would be great, it pales in comparison to what the Saints in Africa and South America endure. You get to travel without fear for your life.

It can be done, but it is up to you.God has led you. There are times when you need to choose for yourself, God won't always mollycoddle you.

your "tone" is fine. :wub:

I like Canada. Alberta is an expanse, I know it.

I may only be 47 but I feel 147. I work and I am sore and I am tired. My wife is 36 and she says she fels like a 90 year old lady. We push, we work and we are smashed, and I don't mean smashed in alcohol!

We are physically smashed and run into the ground because we are trying desperately to complete our house building, on top of that cut firewood and work the grounds....

4 years ago I was on a christian form that had a section for "mormonism" This one poor girl was under attack and I came to her aid, defending her and rebuking those foul judgers. She was single at the time and is now married and has a beautiful 18 month old child. We still correspond as friends 3 or 4 times a year. I was so disgusted at what they said to that girl I became annointed of God and slammed them hard. That section of the forum no longer exists. My Mormon friend does.......

I may be vary independant, but just because I don't go to church doesn't mean God doesn't inhabit me as a vessel.

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your "tone" is fine. :wub:

I like Canada. Alberta is an expanse, I know it.

I may only be 47 but I feel 147. I work and I am sore and I am tired. My wife is 36 and she says she fels like a 90 year old lady. We push, we work and we are smashed, and I don't mean smashed in alcohol!

We are physically smashed and run into the ground because we are trying desperately to complete our house building, on top of that cut firewood and work the grounds....

The rest of your post is a nice story, and I've done the same helping out others under attack in forums. Doesn't justify your inaction, nor mine.

If your house isn't watertight by now, and you are without alternative shelter, you've not planned things well. It's time to slow down if you're killing yourself over your house.

Quite frankly, all I hear is excuses from you. If you think excuses will work in the Eternities, then you're deceiving yourself.

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The rest of your post is a nice story, and I've done the same helping out others under attack in forums. Doesn't justify your inaction, nor mine.

If your house isn't watertight by now, and you are without alternative shelter, you've not planned things well. It's time to slow down if you're killing yourself over your house.

Quite frankly, all I hear is excuses from you. If you think excuses will work in the Eternities, then you're deceiving yourself.

I cannot argue. AMEN....

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It's true Kona. If we have done everything humanly possible to accomplish something, and have gone to the Lord with all humility, the Lord will provide a way if it is something that is needed.

Your remarks sounds a bit derogatory.

Edited by pam
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Please don't say pray and ask for guidance... been there done that.....

Ah, but you have not sat still and listened to what God has been telling you. No where in any of your posts is there proof of this.

How do I know this?

Because you are always asking: Why, What should I do?

You are putting up road blocks in front of more road blocks, rather than finding the path to Heavenly Father and walking around those road blocks.

When you fully humble yourself, your ears and heart will be receptive to what the Lord has been telling you.

You must pray for this humility, and you must step forth in faith and walk, talk, think, and act in humility.

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Meet with the missionaries and worry about the rest later. The Lord can provide a way.

I've heard that before.

I spotted this little exchange when I checked the forum before breakfast, and it's been bugging me ever since,so I feel I should reply, even if people do jump down my throat.

Kona, the Lord can and does provide a way, Avatar,that statement, while true has been much overused. The Lord does provide ways,and sometimes those ways involve walking hundreds of miles, suffering disease,malnutrition, Sometimes what is required of us puts us in front of a bullet. This life is not meant to be a walk in the park. We are here to be tried, tested, beat to a pulp and put through fire.

Anyone who says that this life should be easy, does not understand why we are here. If we are not being tried and tested to breaking point, asked more than we think we are capable, we are in the wrong place Spiritually.

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Ah, but you have not sat still and listened to what God has been telling you. No where in any of your posts is there proof of this.

How do I know this?

Because you are always asking: Why, What should I do?

You are putting up road blocks in front of more road blocks, rather than finding the path to Heavenly Father and walking around those road blocks.

When you fully humble yourself, your ears and heart will be receptive to what the Lord has been telling you.

You must pray for this humility, and you must step forth in faith and walk, talk, think, and act in humility.


Right on.

I used to do that you know...

And I used to tell people exactly what you just told me.

What happened?

Never mind..... I'm too busy... that's it isn't it?

Love your avatar by the way.......

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I spotted this little exchange when I checked the forum before breakfast, and it's been bugging me ever since,so I feel I should reply, even if people do jump down my throat.

Kona, the Lord can and does provide a way, Avatar,that statement, while true has been much overused. The Lord does provide ways,and sometimes those ways involve walking hundreds of miles, suffering disease,malnutrition, Sometimes what is required of us puts us in front of a bullet. This life is not meant to be a walk in the park. We are here to be tried, tested, beat to a pulp and put through fire.

Anyone who says that this life should be easy, does not understand why we are here. If we are not being tried and tested to breaking point, asked more than we think we are capable, we are in the wrong place Spiritually.

Yes, yes, yes.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

You are so right.

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I've been doing some research on LDS and found Joseph Smith originally settled in Missouri, later went to Illinois. He was shot in a jail by some irate people. The Mormons eventually migrated west and settled mainly in Utah.

I am in Missouri. What brought me here, I don't know (Yes, I do think I know: God)

I live where it all started: the restoration......

The closest LDS church is at least 65 miles away. I would like to go but my work precludes me....

This is a small town of rednecks, fundamentalist Christians and Meth dealers.

Where do I go from here. ??????

God has always brought me to places I am supposed to be, and I've lived in at least 12 states from new england to alaska, san diego Cal to Florida.......

What I read about the persecution of JS and the early Mormons convinced me it's all of God. It was like Pharisees persecuting th early Christians......

I will never wear a suit and tie but I have felt very comfortable spiritualy around you all for quite a few years.

What do I do?

Please don't say pray and ask for guidance... been there done that.....

God called me to be a prophet in 1987. It was from the Book of Ezekiel and personal revelations. There were signs that came to pass. Ever since then I have opertated in this capacity. In fact I even dropped out of a pentecostal Bible college because of what God had shown me. I knew Native Ameriacan were of the tribe of Joseph 3 years before I ever read of the Book of Mormon.

I feel lost but I also feel found.

What do I do?

And since I am very independant and shun the words of man I will take any answer under consideration, prayerfully.....

Only God can reveal the truth and reality.

whatever you do, may you find peace and compassion in the journey. namaste. ^_^

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Now that hurts. Why do you always pick on me Kona? How come you can't say anything nice to me?

John Doe, don't people realize just how sensitive and caring you really are? Perhaps you should try and let your true feelings out a little more often, so we can all see your softer, more feminine side.... :D

On second thought, never mind.

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Explain to me then how we can change a few laws so I can get married? Prayer?


Perhaps it is an issue of looking at life too narrowly. We are not mortals having an occasional spiritual experience, but rather spiritual beings having a mortal experience.

Marriage will happen, if not in this life, then in the next. It has been promised by several prophets to those who patiently wait on the Lord.

In the meantime, do not sit around waiting for marriage or a miracle to drop on your head. Move forward in the areas of life where you have control. You have no control over others' agency, and whether anyone will choose to marry you or not. Then again, you could have dozens ask you, and you could say 'no' to all of them because they do not meet your high expectations.

Spend your life developing your talents and skills, then share those gifts with others. I have not been able to find anything in the scriptures that says, "you must be married before you are 25 years of age, or you are a menace to society." Brigham Young notwithstanding, the Lord knows that it isn't fully under your control. What you can do is make yourself a better choice for someone to choose in marriage. And if it doesn't happen in this life, you will be prepared to have dozens of suitors in the next life.

Many of us go through life missing out on certain things. I have no biological children. Would I like some? Of course I would. But for this life, I must be satisfied and grateful with what the Lord has given me: step, foster, and adopted kids. And then I must look forward in hope for the promised day when I can have my own children. It is a hope and desire that I thank God for everyday - in that I know He keeps His promises.

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just a note here: The LDS Church does not lease buildings, they are 100% paid for from day 1. The Church takes on o debt.

maybe they should buy it then.

Every church pastor who has been there has to pass an offering plate just to pay the bills, then after a few months they go belly up......

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