tired and miserable and totally fed up with life lol


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I am not really after advice I know that this soon shall pass and that it will be a great blessing, but there isn't a blooming miserable board

Since end of November my son has been teething, both kids have had a chicken pox, a flu bug, ear infection, tonsilitis and tummy bug, I have had everything except the tummy bug. I know I was blessed as hubby was home for 3 weeks of it BUT I AM SO SICK OF BEING SICK - I want to feel well and have a sense of humour and no neglect my kids, my carer came round to give me a shower this morning and I felt too sick to contemplate a shower I was really ill. I am surviving on Pepsi which isn 't good for me or the unborn - I just WANTS to feel well and now Gubby is teething the other side.


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oh did I also mention to top it off today the washing machine leaked and I tried to set fire to the kitchen lol and poor husband feeling tired and miserable after his lovely 2 weeks off went to work and discovered the heating wasn;'t working (its -7C/19F out there which I know for some of you ain't cold but its freezing here)


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oh did I also mention to top it off today the washing machine leaked and I tried to set fire to the kitchen lol and poor husband feeling tired and miserable after his lovely 2 weeks off went to work and discovered the heating wasn;'t working (its -7C/19F out there which I know for some of you ain't cold but its freezing here)


Definately not good times but yu need to continue to work for better times. there is no other choice. None.:(

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Definately not good times but yu need to continue to work for better times. there is no other choice. None.:(

Sure there is. Whine some more.... then eat some chocolate. THen whine a little more, take a bath. THEN FINALLY...whine a little bit more, and take a nap.

Then work for it;)

Though I find that even when I work for it, the elements are out to get me. The cosmos like to combine in some sick little game of 'stick it to Alana!' With that said, I had a great day:)

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remind me next time to put it on a board with a laugh button - I do need to stop whining though lol I need to stop neglecting kids - its 9.31am and aside from Breakfast and putting the TV on have ignored em. Need to go see if I have any clothes that are clean enough for everyone to wear, although haven't done much washing haven't really got dressed in weeks lol my dressing gown needs a wash before postie see's it again


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lol no just sick syndrome we didn't manage much by way of Christmas . Anyway prayers seem to be working managed to get kids dressed by 10.30am not bad since we haven;'t been dressed in a week and we did 2 hours home education with Ellie (I normally do half an hour but she loved it), and now Gubby is reading me his Book of Mormon. I even have dinner in the slow cooker


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lol no just sick syndrome we didn't manage much by way of Christmas . Anyway prayers seem to be working managed to get kids dressed by 10.30am not bad since we haven;'t been dressed in a week and we did 2 hours home education with Ellie (I normally do half an hour but she loved it), and now Gubby is reading me his Book of Mormon. I even have dinner in the slow cooker


look at you go ma! hurrah for the slow cooker! :)

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I am not really after advice I know that this soon shall pass and that it will be a great blessing, but there isn't a blooming miserable board

Since end of November my son has been teething, both kids have had a chicken pox, a flu bug, ear infection, tonsilitis and tummy bug, I have had everything except the tummy bug. I know I was blessed as hubby was home for 3 weeks of it BUT I AM SO SICK OF BEING SICK - I want to feel well and have a sense of humour and no neglect my kids, my carer came round to give me a shower this morning and I felt too sick to contemplate a shower I was really ill. I am surviving on Pepsi which isn 't good for me or the unborn - I just WANTS to feel well and now Gubby is teething the other side.


My wife is the feeling the same lately...perhaps, there is something in the air or in the water? ;)

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This came in the morning e-mails:

Dear Reader,

We've all heard it hundreds of times – and we've probably said it even more often...

"I think I'm losing my mind!"

And it isn't just memory glitches that make you feel that way. Overreacting to little things, feeling down all the time, worrying about things that didn't used to bother you...it's enough to make you feel crazy.

Now there's a simple 7-step solution that you can use right now to unleash your body's hidden ability to dramatically improve mood, memory and thinking speed.

And it comes to us from Dr. Mark Hyman, a friend of HSI who is a 3-time NY Times bestselling author and an MD pioneering the field of functional medicine.

His new book, "The UltraMind Solution: The Simple Plan to Defeat Depression, Overcome Anxiety and Sharpen Your Mind," maps out a simple, yet powerful solution to keep your mind sharp and your mood great.

For years, people have been looking at memory, anxiety and depression as unrelated. But Dr. Hyman has discovered that these seemingly separate problems -- and even chronic problems such as autism, Alzheimer's, dementia, ADD/ADHD and more -- are really all the SAME problem -- a broken brain.

And he goes on to explain that the solution to a broken brain isn't found in your head, it's found in your BODY -- in the core underlying biology that runs every cell, organ and system you have.

By fixing your body FIRST, you can get it to heal your brain automatically...all by fixing the imbalances in the 7 core biological systems at the root of health and most diseases.

You can learn more by going to:

The UltraMind Solution

Or let me tell you about Jackie, a 40-year-old, type-A, high-achieving lawyer who was at the top of her class in high school and college and who suddenly lost her short-term memory, developed a deep depression and gained 30 pounds.

After seeing Dr. Hyman and going on The UltraMind Solution, she came out of her brain fog, began to reconnect with life, experienced a tremendous lift in energy and even lost the 30 extra pounds she had put on after college. You can read all about her success in "The UltraMind Solution: The Simple Plan to Defeat Depression, Overcome Anxiety and Sharpen Your Mind,"

And wait until you read about Jackson, a little boy who was diagnosed with autism.

He had been developing completely normally until the age of 2, when he suddenly began losing his verbal skills. Within 3 months he completely lost his speech, became extremely irritable, threw terrible tantrums and eventually completely disconnected socially from his family.

However, after his parents took him to see Dr. Hyman and he went on the same program found in The UltraMind Solution, his tantrums stopped almost immediately, his focus improved and he began building up his verbal skills. Now he is quite talkative and once again part of his family.

Dr. Hyman's groundbreaking approach shows us that that there IS hope...

...hope for our children with ADD, autism and Asperger's, and with problems concentrating, staying focused and controlling their behavior...

...hope for our aging parents who are suffering from dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, whose lives are quietly slipping away...

...hope for those who suffer from depression, anxiety and brain fog and who have problems remembering things and dealing with stress and mood swings...

And now, Dr. Hyman is making this program available to you – so you can experience the same miracles that his patients have for over 10 years.

You can find out much more about The UltraMind Solution, and which of the 7 of your own biological systems may be out of balance, by going to the website now:

The UltraMind Solution

Some of the interesting things you'll discover -- and be able to put to immediate use are:

- How to increase your body's own natural flypaper-like sticky substance to gobble up and eliminate toxins that are dulling your mind...

- What substance you eat every day that literally hardens and encrusts your brain, slowing your thinking and causing mood swings...

- How two of the most powerful natural chemicals in your body can send your brain into a thick fog (and make it harder to fit into your jeans)...

Plus, you'll get...

- A simple 6-week brain-boosting program to cleanse, heal and strengthen your brain, leading to an UltraMind...

So if you want to heal your brain from within – without drugs -- and get rid of the brain fog, anxiety and worry, get your own copy of Dr. Hyman's book today The UltraMind Solution.

To your good health,

Jenny Thompson

Director, HSI

P.S. -- It's hard to believe some of the success that people have had after going on this program, but after reading case study after case study, I found that it all made sense.

One of the most powerful examples is George, a 70-year-old who suffered from dementia. He wasn't allowed to play with his grandchildren and couldn't manage his business anymore. After going on The UltraMind Solution, he was able to manage his business and play with his grandchildren again, and could sing in the shower, remembering the words to all of his favorite songs...and even lost his diagnosis of dementia.

You can see Dr. Hyman describe some of these powerful case studies in clips from his upcoming PBS special on The UltraMind Solution, which you can find at the website below now:

The UltraMind Solution

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no plain Pepsi - I don't do no added sugar things.

LOL well day got better we squeezed in Family Home Evening and managed to leave the kids shoes out for the wise men (its epiphany) and even though my dinner didn't work out (somehow got unplugged an hour before end of cooking time) hubby showed up with a pie the guy in the shop had given him because otherwise it was being junked and I had earlier found some bread in the freezer we know wasn't there last week. So all in all my prayer that Heavenly Father get his angels to hold me up today was well and truly answered. And despite dinner crisis and FHE kids are in bed only 10 minutes later than they should be - have been a bad Mum and drugged Gabriel with Calpol Night (Baby Tylenol with added sleepy ingredient) despite him not being sick. But we haven't had his routine working for months so this seems to be great.


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