What do our kids think of us?


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I'd like to learn a little about each of you. But, I don't want it to come from your mouths. I'd like for you, if you wish to participate, have your kids say something, type something, or write something about you. They can write it right in a post if they are old enough, or you can transfer it in for them.

I'll have each of the three of my kids at home say something about me, uncensored of course. Oh boy, I can't wait to see what they say!

C'mon, what have you got to lose?

(Maybe a little dignity and pride?) :cool:

Can you sticky this thread, at least for bit, so all can see it?

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She's not mine by blood, but i raised her as my own. she wrote this as a school paper cause she just had to let people know how she felt about me.

On the stormy night of dec 2 1990, screaming and crying, i was brought into the world. unexpected and just as unwanted, i was thrust into life as a ship out on to the sea. My early years are vague in my mind as i now try to recall them. the little i do remember amounts to lonliness. i was constantly without human company, but in a strange way, that was how i liked it. being an only child, i was constantly wearing holes in the floor of my 4 walled cage.

Nearly my earliest memory of my parents was hearing from them that i was not to be around adults until i had the capacity and willingness to be one. due to this fact, my childhood was compacted into a few lonesome years. by the time i was 8 i had made my decision, and the child was gone from me. i was an adult at 8.

Thanks to the maturity i had , i knew something was missing from my life. i had no life outside myself because, what kid wants ot play with an adult? So even through school i was alone. My parents, throughout my life. had provided nanny after nanny and none had ment anything to me, until the day Roy came into my life. he was young, and like me, mature beyond his years.

I have contemplated and though to this very day about how it was that Roy became such an irreplaceable part of my life. it could have been the way he neverleft me, or the way he made me smile, at a mere 7 when i felt the world would fall apart. He taught me to think and to learn and to listen. However possibly the very best thing he ever did for me was when he listened to me and when he gave his silent encouragment and loving advice. he would read to me, and he would share his knowledge with me whenever i asked, but again i am forever grateful for his advice and his ears.

for years i would tell myself, and anyone who would listen, of the horrific chain of events that composed my life. I have lost many a friend to my whining and my constant murmuring, but i could never lose roy, no matter what.

Eventually my paretns sepertated and i was thrown into the whirlwinds. Though i still; had Roy, i was no too old and too far away for him to be a big part of my life. My mother and i ended up in a basement and again i was lost. i had friends now, but sadly they meant nothing to me. i longed for the home i had lost, and the life i left behind. Thinking about it now, i have come to realize that i was being extremely melodramatic and was possibly the cause of most of my heartache. i remained in the basement for just under a year, when the trouble of living in your aunts basement we un-bearable for my mother and i. we found ourselves a house mere blocks away, and i began to live. i now enjoyed school and looked forward with vigor to each and every day i got to live. By now i had almost forgotten Roy, but he was still there in my heart and the things he taught me lived on.

a year and a half later my mother remarried and i moved again, 3 hours away. Again i was drowning in a whole new world. Staying back for a few months so she could finish up work my mom sent me to live with my step-dad. I fought the current for the longest time, constantly searchingfor a way out,and again something to whine about. I felt i had nothing and lived silently as depression and lonliness were again my constant companions.

Eventually i knew that i had to get over myself, or else i would die in the mess i had created, but how? Roy.

Throughout the past few years i had kept in contact and depended on Roy's constant support and contributing advice. I i didn't always listen to what he had to say, or even put it in action, but still all he did for me had a lasting effect.

There were times where roy would disappear and i would live as though he had never existed, if that were possible. Then he would come back and we would talk again. Only now uir was not only me that needed Roy, Roy also needed me. Months passed and i was on the verge of a revelation. at last it came and i was content with my life. I was finally ready to let go of everything i was holding on to. i was free. i was free to live my life, to have fun with my friends and enjoy being a teenager.

Roy was there through it all. He watched from the sidelines as i pushed him away,but would come back willingly the second i needed him. He was and is not ever quick to take offense and is famous for his constant support he offers everyone. His thoughtful composure and sure answers to un-solveable problems have made him the best mentor, support and influence in my life.

He has been my Father, my friend, my grandfather and brother. he has filled my life with all the wonderful things i have constantly needed in my life. Through the highs and lows, Roy was my hero, and will continue to be for the rest of my life.

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Son #1: "Daddy is a doctor and helps lots of people, my dad is the best for me"

Daughter: "Daddy is so handsome, he's happy, and he's so handsome"

Son #2: "My dad took me to TBCY (TCBY), my dad is nice"

Son #3: [he became sick last night so he's still in bed asleep :( ]

son #4: [he is 5 months but he thinks I'm the best! He'll learn to talk by next week and tell u all ;)]

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my 7 yr old brought home this paper from school...... the assignment was "write a few sentences about someone you look up to or consider a hero."

"my mommy because she's always there to talk to. And helped me bown a lader. So she is very very and so much secile to me."

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Pams Son Bryan:

At times my mom is really weird and at times embarrasing *Especially when we used to bowl. She would hear a song she liked, and would jump out of her seat and start dancing. She didnt care, but I sure did. She is also a lot of fun to work with (Her being my boss and all). Even tho she is weird though, I still love her!

Edited by pam
My son can't type
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Martin 16 my youngest: mom is short, but still a sport ;)

As you can see he LOVES writting! You get Stian 18 later when he gets home from school... Martin loves to tease me by standing right in front of me and looking OVER me asking where did mom go?

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Here's what my kids think of me.. First is Katie :

Katie says: my mom is crazy and i love her too. shes funny sometimes but then when she tries to be and she really isnt....haha wow. she also likes snuggies but the rest of us dont....lol. but other than that she is super cool. :D:computer: mommy likes the puter!!! goodmorning PUTER :P

Bryan says: My mother leans to the left and cranks three times....YOU!!

Ivy says: my mom is nuts! but we love her anyway. She is freaking awesome though. She is totally chill and always down for hanging out with us. She says literally all the time and when she gets hurt, everyone knows. But I wouldn't have it any other way. She is my best friend. I love her forever and ever. I always talk to her about everything :)

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so i asked my 5 yr old son..... he rolled his eyes, didn't say a word (and yes he can talk lol) however the eye roll was probably fitting seeing as he gets that from me. lol

my 6 yr old son said "i don't know"

maybe there it to much pressure having me ask them..... hummm.

i'll get to the girls later, however i don't think i will get much from the 9 month old either....

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