Obama and Transparency: No More Need for Limbaugh


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For the first time in my life, I have just read an entire Congressional bill, which is, of course, "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." It's on the official website Home | Recovery.gov.

Also included is a chart showing exactly where the money is allocated, and a time frame for each successive step.

It is extremely long, and I admit I scanned most of the pages. However, I can tell you, having had a career in job training, that the monies allotted to job training WILL put people to work, in the jobs of the future, not ones that will disappear in a year.

I can also tell you the industries that caught my eye WILL snatch these people from these job training programs.

Obviously a good portion of the allotments I don't understand, as I have no expertise in them.

Of those I did understand, some I don't understand the need for, but most of them make perfect sense.

But love it or hate it, at least it's out there where we can all see it.

Best of all, you don't have to rely on Limbaugh to tell you what's in it anymore. You can look it up yourself.


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I congratulate you for having read the bill in its entirety. That apparently puts you ahead of 435 Representatives and 100 Senators at the time the bill was actually passed.

Best of all, you don't have to rely on Limbaugh to tell you what's in it anymore. You can look it up yourself.

Why couldn't I look it up at least 48 hours before it passed, as the Congressional leadership promised would be the case with all bills to go before this Congress?

Waiting until a proposed bill is practically a done deal before releasing its contents is *not* transparency.

Oh, and by the way, you might want to take a look at this little analysis of Obama's "transparency". Consider, too, that unlike the Bush White House, the Obama Administration has chosen *not* to make transcripts of press briefings available on the White House website.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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For the first time in my life, I have just read an entire Congressional bill, which is, of course, "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." It's on the official website Home | Recovery.gov.

Also included is a chart showing exactly where the money is allocated, and a time frame for each successive step.

It is extremely long, and I admit I scanned most of the pages. However, I can tell you, having had a career in job training, that the monies allotted to job training WILL put people to work, in the jobs of the future, not ones that will disappear in a year.

I can also tell you the industries that caught my eye WILL snatch these people from these job training programs.

Obviously a good portion of the allotments I don't understand, as I have no expertise in them.

Of those I did understand, some I don't understand the need for, but most of them make perfect sense.

But love it or hate it, at least it's out there where we can all see it.

Best of all, you don't have to rely on Limbaugh to tell you what's in it anymore. You can look it up yourself.


I hope people 'WILL" look things up after they hear limbaugh tell his stories; He is the biggest liar that ever was on public broadcast in history; it utterly astonishes me how so many people in this country actually beleive every word this nut job tells them.:)
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When somebody is bleeding and at risk of going into shock and dying, it is not the time to worry about how the scar will look and how it may impact his/her love life in the future. The intervention MUST be directed at stabilizing and preserving the life NOW.

An investment supposed to generate a sustainable return. Building bridges and schools, parks and the like sounds like a worthwhile project but it is not an investment. It is a spending project with no return or growth opportunities. The growth engine of the US economies is the Small and Medium-size Businesses. Although we hear about the lay offs from the automakers and others, the bulk of the unemployment comes from the SMB sector. They have no bail out money, no congressional suppport and no lobby. Since the numbers are (individually) small, they have no social leverage to scare the government into bailing them out. My county lost 125,000 jobs in 10 months and has the highest foreclosure rate in California.

They will pour billions into the automakers and the banks and they will still go bankrupt and consolidation will take place. The hemorrhage is in the housing and financial markets. Without solid, concrete, decisive and specific action in those two segments of the economy nothing will change. As it is, we are headed into the deepest and longest period of economic recession in our history. In terms of dollars, this downturn makes the 30's depression look like a 7 Eleven holdup in comparison.

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I hope people 'WILL" look things up after they hear Limbaugh tell his stories; He is the biggest liar that ever was on public broadcast in history; it utterly astonishes me how so many people in this country actually believe every word this nut job tells them.:)

Doesn't matter if he lies, he tells his listeners what they want to hear. Besides, sometimes it has the ring of truthiness. :)

As for being specific about a time table for goals and and exacts limits to be spent, this will greatly aid the agencies administering and overseeing these programs. Hopefully it can be a trend for the future.


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I hope people 'WILL" look things up after they hear limbaugh tell his stories; He is the biggest liar that ever was on public broadcast in history; it utterly astonishes me how so many people in this country actually beleive every word this nut job tells them.:)

Awfully strong words there jadams????? Limbaugh's not a liar, he just sees things through conservative lenses. Your comments suggest that everyone that listens to him is stupid and gullible. Where do YOU look things up after YOU have listened to Limbaugh's alleged lies?????? Or are you just spewing venom, because you disagree with his politics? Disagreeing with someone politically doesn't mean they are lying.........it just means that you are on the other side of the political spectrum. Political truth depends on your viewing angle......and for what ever it's worth, Limbaugh is wildly successful because he is entertaining.

Edited by bytor2112
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For the first time in my life, I have just read an entire Congressional bill, which is, of course, "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." It's on the official website Home | Recovery.gov.

Also included is a chart showing exactly where the money is allocated, and a time frame for each successive step.

It is extremely long, and I admit I scanned most of the pages. However, I can tell you, having had a career in job training, that the monies allotted to job training WILL put people to work, in the jobs of the future, not ones that will disappear in a year.

I can also tell you the industries that caught my eye WILL snatch these people from these job training programs.

Obviously a good portion of the allotments I don't understand, as I have no expertise in them.

Of those I did understand, some I don't understand the need for, but most of them make perfect sense.

But love it or hate it, at least it's out there where we can all see it.

Best of all, you don't have to rely on Limbaugh to tell you what's in it anymore. You can look it up yourself.


I concur and only give thanks to those who provide us the INTERNET and the tools to provide needful information. Information is knowledge and power in the right hands.

....after digesting the Stimulus package, I am amaze how we are heading down a path of destruction. :eek:

We need to stop listening to others and as you stated, read it for our selves.

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I do think the stimulus was needed. Although some of it I have to agree is junk. And this is coming from someone who is a democrat.

I am highly skeptical of the housing mortgague bill being put on the table. Obama is asking for people who can't pay to go bankrupt. That means their credit is shot for seven years and this means for millions of people there credit rating will be shot all to heck and back. It means that our country will be frozen for seven years perhaps more. It's only going to make things worse not better.

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It is not the package that concerns me; it is what is added that has no relevance to our state of economy. Some states reps who had read it are bulking at the federal strangle hold. Not only that, as I stated when I first heard of it, we should allow the industry to correct itself and not by the helping or meddling hands of the federal government. Noting Roosevelt failure after the depression to correct a problem by meddling in the same economic failure, it was not corrected by the federal government but by a world war.

What will Obama say in four years when this fails? No different than what Roosevelt did, give me four more years...ugh...NO!

A scenario here, 2010, war breaks with Iran and North Korea as they both try to bring down America. Economy is dismal and oil futures which drives the market, reaches 200.00 dollars a barrel. Obama blames the last administration and those who now oppose him being in office, of the economic failure and growing global negativism of the American meddling in foreign lands. American forces are thinly spread throughout the globe as the European allies stand idling by. I can go on with nature reeking havoc with our land…:)

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