Don't like the stimulus???


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One point that I do not like is that the stimulus package does not offer any incentive for someone receiving unemployment or welfare to make effort especially exceptional efforts to get off government assistance and contribute to a healthy economy. I firmly believe that if we are not willing to create incentive for any social behavior that we cannot expect that social behavior to occur. The stimulus package appears to have strong incentives to get onto and depend on government assistance – and that I believe will actually stimulate more failures in the economy rather than health.

The Traveler

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I wouldn't go so far as to say JCDean's right, but I disagree with the stimulus bill. It has the taste of something that ostrichlike sticks its head in the ground and ignores what's happening.

Sooner or later, we have to pay for our mistakes we have made economically. While this would have been bad without the stimulus bill, with the bill it will become catastrophic. How government can't see it is beyond me.

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Anyone that voted for it should be impeached and thrown in jail. That includes the first one as well.

I was raised in a political active family. I got involved with the republican party on the national level while living in the Washington DC area and fell out of politics with the impeachment of Nixon. Ever since then I have told, warned, blogged and maintained that if we knew the truth about what our politicians were doing we would take them out in the streets and lynch them. Many people think that I am kidding or overstating things – but I am very serious.

The reason that there are secrets in domestic policy and that many domestic policies are decided behind closed doors is because there are deliberate efforts to defraud the people of their freedoms to be replaced with oppression.

How many times must we be told that when the government comes and says they are here to help that it is a lie. It is not just a lie when the party you do not like is in power.

The Traveler

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The only thing that bothers me is how the porn industry has the gull to ask for any money:

An article in next month's Atlantic asks, "Is porn recession proof?" According to porn magnate Larry Flynt and "Girls Gone Wild" king Joe Francis, the answer is no.

TMZ reports that the pornographer pair is heading to Washington to ask for a $5 billion porn bailout:

"With all this economic misery and people losing all that money, sex is the farthest thing from their mind," Flynt says. "It's time for Congress to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America."

Francis sees his industry like the big three automakers, only BIGGER: "Congress seems willing to help shore up our nation's most important businesses; we feel we deserve the same consideration."

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The silly thing is that a lot of the protesters see this as an "Obama Administration fault." That's absolutely ridiculous because essentially John McCain would've done (one way or another) the exact same thing.

This was the point of my previous post - both partys are corrupt.

The way to identify an honest politician is one that by what they say and do are more interested and involved in reforming and ending corruption in their own party before thinking to reform and end corruption in their opposing party.

If politicians cannot reform their own party - they will not nor do they really have any desire to reform their country. Their real intent is to implant the corruption of their on party upon the citizens of the country.

This principle troubles me the most about Obama - can anyone give me even one example of something Obama did to rat out and end the corruption in the Democratic party in Ill.?

The Traveler

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You're going to get clobbered by the right AND the left. Don't think you won't get hit just once and by just one.

Ofcourse there's clobbering from the left and the right because they're put in place for the most part through the same lobbying groups, the same funding (corporations, etc,).

I like your points Traveler, however, the reality is we cannot reform politics because it's a dead system. Opinions do not help people, they do not solve problems, they do very little at all. Because with opinions, rather than appealing to reality (in other words, most up to date knowledge) the usual way is that someone forms their own IDEAS about something, and then uses rhetoric and other forms of language to convince people that they need whatever the politician THINKS is best. Ugh.

Watching parliaments is like... watching a family argue. Pathetic.

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