What think ye of the Book of Mormon?


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Many claim the Book of Mormon is false and yet they have never read the Book of Mormon....... this is a great talk,

please take the opportunity to read it, especially if you have doubts and have never read the Book of Mormon.....Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

LDS.org - Ensign Article - What Think Ye of the Book of Mormon?

Edited by bytor2112
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"What think Ye of the Book of Mormon?"

Here is my answer:

It is Word of God, received and written by the power of God, preserved through history by the power of God, translated and published by the power of God, and no unholy hand or institution will ever be able to stop its words from being read and spoken throughout the earth.

Before any anti flames me, I am fully aware they harbor criticism of specific items in its content. They should keep in mind however, that any intelligent, educated atheist can point out all sorts of faults with The Bible.

It is for that reason that I declare only the power of God through the Holy Ghost can establish the book's truth, as it has for me many, many times.


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I've read it, several times in English and in German. Good stories, I don't believe it anymore though. The "witness" of the spirit I experienced was an emotional response to the amount of stress and pressure I had put on myself to experience a "witness". This occurred in the MTC for me.

I was raised hearing it's stories so I always "believed it". Like I said they're good stories, I'd be hard pressed to say they wern't, many of them echo the Bible.

I'm not a fan of McKonkie other than to strengthen my faith in God. I didn't care for this little bit here:The plain fact is that salvation itself is at stake in this matter. If the Book of Mormon is true—if it is a volume of holy scripture, if it contains the mind and will and voice of the Lord to all men, if it is a divine witness of the prophetic call of Joseph Smith—then to accept it and believe its doctrines is to be saved, and to reject it and walk contrary to its teachings is to be damned.

If it were true and I failed to accept it's doctrines, but accepted the doctrines of the Bible, would I still be damned? They darn near say the same thing, the title itself calls it another testament of Jesus Christ. To me that leads me to believe the Bible is the other and equally as good a testament (or it would be called a better testament of Jesus Christ)

I liked this one though, I got a good laugh: “Oh, I prayed about it. I said, ‘O God, if the Book of Mormon is true, strike me dead’; and here I am.” In my best Larry the Cable Guy voice - That's funny right there.

So one thing I've wondered recently: If the book of Mormon contains the "Fullness of the Everlasting Gospel", Why did it not contain the doctrines of Polygamy, Temple work (as in endowments and such not sin offerings) I'm trying hard to leave out the taboo topics, but anything else is slipping my mind. If it were the full gospel, should it not have contained those doctrines that are "necessary" for salvation? Would there be a necessity for D&C?

I'm trying to make time to read the Book of Mormon again, but there's a lot of books I'd like to read and little time. Like I said it's a good book, but the first thing that comes to mind for me now is a wolf in sheeps clothing. There's a reason Jesus warned us about them, they'll look good but lead many astray. That's just my opinion though.

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Many claim the Book of Mormon is false and yet they have never read the Book of Mormon....... this is a great talk,

please take the opportunity to read it, especially if you have doubts and have never read the Book of Mormon.....Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

LDS.org - Ensign Article - What Think Ye of the Book of Mormon?

Those who claimed the Book of Mormon is false are those who did not apply Moroni's writings: ASK GOD.

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Many claim the Book of Mormon is false and yet they have never read the Book of Mormon....... this is a great talk,

please take the opportunity to read it, especially if you have doubts and have never read the Book of Mormon.....Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

LDS.org - Ensign Article - What Think Ye of the Book of Mormon?

Hello bytor :)

I would agree that many who claim it false have never read the BOM ( Atleast all of it )

I would point out though ( to be fair ) that there are also many who have read it that claim it to be false. ( Many also used to " Know it to be true " and have now come to " Know it to be false ). This has always " stumped " me as to how one once " Knew " it because the Holy Ghost confirmed it to them and they now " Know it to be false ". Not sure how you get that " absolute confirmation " then get an " absolute contrary confirmation":confused:

I have read the link you offered ( Thanks for sharing ) but must tell you that it offered ( at least me ) nothing new that I have not already heard from many of my LDS friends in this forum.

At any rate, thanks for your perspective



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I always enjoy your insight Ceeboo :) I must say that I find that puzzling as well. My thinking on this is as follows:

1. The really didn't gain a spiritual witness

2. They didn't nurture the witness they had.

3. They really never read the Book as they claimed.

4. They weren't valiant in there testimony.

5. Led astray.....

These scenarios happen to many....not just LDS. How many at one time or another appear to be on the straight and narrow and then later veer sharply off course? A lot. There isw a scripture that might explain somewhat from D&C :

33 And he that repents not, from him shall be taken even the light which he has received; for my Spirit shall not always strive with man, saith the Lord of Hosts.

I am not saying that anyone who leaves the church does so because of sin, but the Holy Spirit continues with you if you are worthy of it's companionship.

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Many people don't understand that a witness is REQUIRED, not just a good idea.

The beauty and power which flows from God through the Book of Mormon's words is closed to the skeptic. To them, the book is an enigma, and will remain so, until they receive the witness. But to receive the witness they must humble themselves and ask in faith (being willing to act upon the answer).

The Book of Mormon identifies why some people "just don't get it":

2 Ne. 9: 42

42 And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.


If we DO come down in the depths of humility ... He WILL open unto us!

The choice is ours.

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I always enjoy your insight Ceeboo :) I must say that I find that puzzling as well. My thinking on this is as follows:

1. The really didn't gain a spiritual witness

2. They didn't nurture the witness they had.

3. They really never read the Book as they claimed.

4. They weren't valiant in there testimony.

5. Led astray.....

These scenarios happen to many....not just LDS. How many at one time or another appear to be on the straight and narrow and then later veer sharply off course? A lot.

I have also ejoyed your insight as well.

I also have admired the enormous strength of your faith ( At times I wish I was that strong in my own ):)

Although I have no " thinking " on the why ( as I have never had or lost said " confirmation")

I can tell you what several others have shared with me along my journey in many settings.

1. They wanted so desperatly to get this witness because others said they had it

2. They were following ( being obedient ) to the leaders teachings

3. They were deeply saddened as they felt " unworthy " to gain this witness

4. They tried for years and years because they had so much invested is gaining " witness"

5. Left blank on purpose ( Many have shared " not so nice " things regarding this.

At any rate, I like you, am very puzzled by " Had an absolute one " now " have an absolute contrary one ":confused:



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I have also ejoyed your insight as well.

I also have admired the enormous strength of your faith ( At times I wish I was that strong in my own ):)

Although I have no " thinking " on the why ( as I have never had or lost said " confirmation")

I can tell you what several others have shared with me along my journey in many settings.

1. They wanted so desperatly to get this witness because others said they had it

2. They were following ( being obedient ) to the leaders teachings

3. They were deeply saddened as they felt " unworthy " to gain this witness

4. They tried for years and years because they had so much invested is gaining " witness"

5. Left blank on purpose ( Many have shared " not so nice " things regarding this.

At any rate, I like you, am very puzzled by " Had an absolute one " now " have an absolute contrary one ":confused:



Ceebs, I have a couple of friends who went from believing strongly in Christ to becoming an atheist. I simply don't understand that. What they told me was that they were lied to all their years from their parents, spiritual leaders, etc. That it is impossible to "receive a witness" because there isn't a higher being--only here and now.

I believe people when they say they've read the Book of Mormon and either didn't get a witness of it or got one that was opposite of what I would expect. I am not privy to their thoughts/desires/circumstances, etc.

I can share that I have had an experience with the BoM that I simply cannot deny. I feel as Paul in the NT (and Joseph regarding the 1st Vision) that God knows what I know and I cannot deny it without fear of condemnation.

But, it took me over 10 years to have that experience. I had other experiences during those 10 years, but nothing as powerful as that one. In fact, those other little experiences didn't prevent me from doubting, not seeking truth, and even thinking it was all a little crazy sometimes.

I wish that all my friends could know what I know. But, it is a deeply personal experience that one MUST have with Christ in order to gain knowledge. I find it difficult to understand how anyone CAN read the BoM and NOT believe it--it seems so clear and true to me.

Thank you for your perspective, Ceebo. I appreciate your sincere questions as it helps me to understand your view and I hope that it helps others who have questions.

Edited by beefche
brain block on grammar
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Ceebs, I have a couple of friends who went from believing strongly in Christ to becoming an atheist. I simply don't understand that. What they told me was that they were lied to all their years from their parents, spiritual leaders, etc. That it is impossible to "receive a witness" because there isn't a higher being--only here and now.

I believe people when they say they've read the Book of Mormon and either didn't get a witness of it or got one that was opposite of what I would expect. I am not privy to their thoughts/desires/circumstances, etc.

I can share that I have had an experience with the BoM that I simply cannot deny. I feel as Paul in the NT (and Joseph regarding the 1st Vision) that God knows what I know and I cannot deny it without fear of condemnation.

But, it took me over 10 years to have that experience. I had other experiences during those 10 years, but nothing as powerful as that one. In fact, those other little experiences didn't prevent me from doubting, not seeking truth, and even thinking it was all a little crazy sometimes.

I wish that all my friends could know what I know. But, it is a deeply personal experience that one MUST have with Christ in order to gain knowledge. I find it difficult to understand how anyone CAN read the BoM and NOT believe it--it seems so clear and true to me.

Thank you for your perspective, Ceebo. I appreciate your sincere questions as it helps me to understand your view and I hope that it helps others who have questions.

Hey my favorite cow :)

Thanks for sharing that with me :)

To add a little more perspective ( and to certainly not take anything away from your kind and heart felt contribution ), There are Millions of Christ followers who are completly engaged and called to seek " truth " as well ( Many also have a very strong but different witness. Some, simply put, find their journeys lead to a different end.:) ( Ceeboo included ).

I certainly do respect and admire yours.:)



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To add a little more perspective ( and to certainly not take anything away from your kind and heart felt contribution ), There are Millions of Christ followers who are completly engaged and called to seek " truth " as well ( Many also have a very strong but different witness. Some, simply put, find their journeys lead to a different end. ( Ceeboo included ).

I'm sorry, Ceebs, I didn't express myself clearly. I know that the pursuit of "truth" may or may not lead to the BoM or the LDS church. My statements about people pursuing truth meant truth--which can be found in a variety of places. I believe you are on the path of truth. Your path may not lead you to the LDS faith--I don't think any less of you for that.

One of my 2 best friends is a faithful Nazarene. She has a strong witness of Christ and is a great example to me of faith, devotion, compassion, and love. She thinks the LDS church is a church that brainwashes people (at least she did a few years ago). As we have focused less on differences but more on what we have in common, I have learned a great deal from her. She has truth. She continues to seek truth. I find that admirable and desirable.

So, yes, I know that there are millions of people (whether they follow Christ or not) who are good, faithful truth-seekers. I applaud them in their pursuit. Of course, I wish all would come to know, understand, and love the BoM and the LDS faith as I do. But, I also know that you don't have to be Mormon to be a good and faithful person.

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I'm sorry, Ceebs, I didn't express myself clearly. I know that the pursuit of "truth" may or may not lead to the BoM or the LDS church. My statements about people pursuing truth meant truth--which can be found in a variety of places. I believe you are on the path of truth. Your path may not lead you to the LDS faith--I don't think any less of you for that.

One of my 2 best friends is a faithful Nazarene. She has a strong witness of Christ and is a great example to me of faith, devotion, compassion, and love. She thinks the LDS church is a church that brainwashes people (at least she did a few years ago). As we have focused less on differences but more on what we have in common, I have learned a great deal from her. She has truth. She continues to seek truth. I find that admirable and desirable.

So, yes, I know that there are millions of people (whether they follow Christ or not) who are good, faithful truth-seekers. I applaud them in their pursuit. Of course, I wish all would come to know, understand, and love the BoM and the LDS faith as I do. But, I also know that you don't have to be Mormon to be a good and faithful person.

No need to aplogize ( but that does speak volumes as to your genuine effort to love ALL as our Lord has taught :)) Thanks but I was not offended at all, I was simply trying to make a point and perhaps I misunderstood your post. ( I am sorry for that )

I am encouraged and admire a great deal, the " best friend " part of your post.:):)

Peace and no harm done here :)


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Guest Godless

A very interesting article. Thanks for sharing it. I agree that many who reject the Book of Mormon are those who have not seriously read it or prayed about it. Such is not always the case though.

I was raised to believe that the Book of Mormon was the word of God and that it was translated through divine inspiration. I always did my best to find the faith within myself to believe this, and I prayed on the matter on multiple occasions. My personal conclusion was that the Book of Mormon, while containing some beautiful passages, is nothing more than a creation of man. I later reached the same conclusion about the Bible. That was my own personal experience as someone who had always struggled to have the spiritual experiences and fullness of faith that many LDS members so passionately talk about. To this day, I respect and admire the fact that many people are able to find spiritual peace and meaning in those volumes. However, I doubt that I could ever do the same.

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I was never a religious person. I went through a period in my late 20's when I rejected the whole notion of God. I was baptized in the LDS church a a teen....my best friend was a member and I joined the church...but not really. Prior to that I had been baptized a Southern Baptist...about age 12?? Before that I attended an Assembly of God church. So, I have been all over the board religiously and I have always been intrigued by the Catholic church:)

I became an active member of the LDS church in March of 2005. Believe me when I tell you ....I didn't want to. My kids wanted to go to church....I had no interest, zero, and frankly no real belief.....and I loved coffee and other things that were really bad for me. A neighbor stopped by our home to welcome us to the neighborhood.....of course we had been living there for a year, but as it turned out he was on a mission from the church. The church never forgets you.......I like to say now that the Lord never forgets you. There were other well intentioned members that tried to make contact over the years....but no thanks. Anyways, a week later, some missionaries showed up at my door and wanted to teach our children. My kids were very excited and so I relented and said ok. We scheduled an appointment for them to come back. I started researching the LDS church on the internet and I was stunned by what I found. How could I have been so dumb as a teen? Look at all this information about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon can't possibly be true. I was really torn, I didn't want my kids to get sucked in, but I would be polite and hear them out and again my best friend and his family were LDS and just awesome people, so could it really be that bad?

We began meeting with the missionaries and something happened. Something that I can only describe and continue describe as Holy and sacred. The Holy Spirit filled my home and as a family we were converted. The gospel changed my life in ways to numerous to explain....I am a miracle of the grace of Jesus Christ.

The witness of the Spirit as we call it or when people say they know the church is true is something that is undeniable. As a member, I have this experience, usually daily, it is literally the Holy Spirit of God communing with my Spirit. It is quite literally being in the presence of God. If it were not for this continuing experience that is Holy and sacred, I would not be LDS. It is the reason most are members of the church. It is why I not only believe in God and his beloved Son, but know that they exist. I don't know why some never receive a witness, maybe it's not there time. Only Heavenly Father knows. I do know we are his children, he loves us and will deal fairly with us.....he is perfect and his love for us is perfect......his work and his glory is to " bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". Very cool.:cool:

Edited by bytor2112
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I was never a religious person. I went through a period in my late 20's when I rejected the whole notion of God. I was baptized in the LDS church a a teen....my best friend was a member and I joined the church...but not really. Prior to that I had been baptized a Southern Baptist...about age 12?? Before that I attended an Assembly of God church. So, I have been all over the board religiously and I have always been intrigued by the Catholic church:)

I became an active member of the LDS church in March of 2005. Believe me when I tell you ....I didn't want to. My kids wanted to go to church....I had no interest, zero, and frankly no real belief.....and I loved coffee and other things that were really bad for me. A neighbor stopped by our home to welcome us to the neighborhood.....of course we had been living there for a year, but as it turned out he was on a mission from the church. The church never forgets you.......I like to say now that the Lord never forgets you. There were other well intentioned members that tried to make contact over the years....but no thanks. Anyways, a week later, some missionaries showed up at my door and wanted to teach our children. My kids were very excited and so I relented and said ok. We scheduled an appointment for them to come back. I started researching the LDS church on the internet and I was stunned by what I found. How could I have been so dumb as a teen? Look at all this information about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon can't possibly be true. I was really torn, I didn't want my kids to get sucked in, but I would be polite and hear them out and again my best friend and his family were LDS and just awesome people, so could it really be that bad?

We began meeting with the missionaries and something happened. Something that I can only describe and continue describe as Holy and sacred. The Holy Spirit filled my home and as a family we were converted. The gospel changed my life in ways to numerous to explain....I am a miracle of the grace of Jesus Christ.

The witness of the Spirit as we call it or when people say they know the church is true is something that is undeniable. As a member, I have this experience, usually daily, it is literally the Holy Spirit of God communing with my Spirit. It is quite literally being in the presence of God. If it were not for this continuing experience that is Holy and sacred, I would not be LDS. It is the reason most are members of the church. It is why I not only believe in God and his beloved Son, but know that they exist. I don't know why some never receive a witness, maybe it's not there time. Only Heavenly Father knows. I do know we are his children, he loves us and will deal fairly with us.....he is perfect and his love for us is perfect......his work and his glory is to " bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". Very cool.:cool:

My dear friend bytor

I was almost in tears reading your post to me ( I mean that ) a beutiful and persoanl story of how the Lord has worked in your life. ( Thank you dearly for sharing that with me :))

I am reminded of my journey ( short version as not to bore ) when not very long ago I was a womanizer, party animal, etc, etc. I am also very blessed and give the Glory to God for my life turning to the ways of Christ. I am also convinced that it was the Lord who placed my gorgious bride and best friend in my path.:):)


Peace and God bless


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I know ceeboo that im only your wife and all but do u think you can add me as your friend now??

or is that moving to fast?

My dear, kind, sexy, gorgious, sweet, loving, BESTEST FRIEND :)

Not to fast at all, actually kinda like a woman who " drives the bus ":)



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Many claim the Book of Mormon is false and yet they have never read the Book of Mormon....... this is a great talk,

please take the opportunity to read it, especially if you have doubts and have never read the Book of Mormon.....Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

LDS.org - Ensign Article - What Think Ye of the Book of Mormon?

The Book of Mormon is an incredible document that sheds light on several important subjects”

1. The history, society, geography and conditions of the Arabian Peninsula around 600 BC.

2. A divine witness of Christ that conforms and fulfills Biblical requirements. (See Genesis 41:32)

3. A companion to the Bible as required in #2 – The arguments I have seen that are claimed to disprove the Book of Mormon would also disprove the Bible. For example the claim that the indigenous peoples of the Americas prior to the arrival of Columbus migrated over ancient land bridges to Asia from 20,000 and 40,000 years ago. This would also disprove Adam existed some 6,000 years ago as recorded in the Bible as well as the Bible testifying that all modern societies are derived from Noah.

4. Proof that Jesus is indeed the Christ to all peoples throughout the entire world – both in respect to geography and time. And that G-d is both interested and has a plan of salvation for all peoples – regardless of place or time.

5. An ancient book of divine scripture divinely crafted and preserved specifically for our time.

6. That G-d calls his servants with the same power and miracle today as he did in the days of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses.

7. That there are miracles as divinely empowered today as in any age, place or time.

As many did not recognize Christ as he walked and talked among man and as many that claimed to be covenant children of G-d rejected Jesus as the Christ – so today there are among men those that reject the Book of Mormon using the same patterns and excuses as those that rejected the Christ – claiming among other things that there is a contradiction with the traditions and traditional understanding of traditional scriptures. What I am suggesting is that just like in the days of Jesus many made excuse to deny that He was the Christ – so many today deny that the Book of Mormon is of G-d and demand that it be proven (or as with Jesus that he speak plainly).

The Traveler

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My dear, kind, sexy, gorgious, sweet, loving, BESTEST FRIEND :)

Not to fast at all, actually kinda like a woman who " drives the bus ":)



See what I tell you, Ceeboos_Boss? on-and-on-and-on.... who has the remote? Can we PLEASE change the channel on this boy?

I am kind of glad though that he found his lash, I mean his match. Much nicer and well behaved. I don't even want to imagined him intoxicated...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I was never a religious person. I went through a period in my late 20's when I rejected the whole notion of God. I was baptized in the LDS church a a teen....my best friend was a member and I joined the church...but not really. Prior to that I had been baptized a Southern Baptist...about age 12?? Before that I attended an Assembly of God church. So, I have been all over the board religiously and I have always been intrigued by the Catholic church:)

Only Heavenly Father knows. I do know we are his children, he loves us and will deal fairly with us.....he is perfect and his love for us is perfect......his work and his glory is to " bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". Very cool.:cool:

Thank you Bytor:

I can certainly relate to your story. I pray it will continue to be an inspiration to all that seek.

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