Things they should bring back to life


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Many things have come and gone in this world, like the Garden of Eden, real democrats, and Sega Genesis game consoles. My question of the day is this: if you could bring one thing back, be it item, philosophy, pantheon, basically anything, what would it be?

Without a doubt, my choice would be sour cherry Altoids gum. That stuff was awesome, 30 seconds of sheer sour painful bliss and 10 minutes of sweet stuff.

You guys are smart, give me your want.

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I'm sorry, I can't pick just one.

Ding dongs in the original aluminum wrapper

SAMMY TERRY and George (his pet spider) (he was a local scary guy who showed classic scary movies)

Good family sit-coms like the Cosby Show or Home Improvement

Schoolhouse Rock

And the days when I could eat what I wanted without gaining a pound.

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Guest Godless

The more I read about it, the more I long for the good-ole days of American Socialism that lifted the working man from the scourge of poverty and death during the brutal years of the Industrial Revolution. And before anyone flames me with the same old "socialism bad!" nonsense, take a look at how industrialization was treating the workers of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and what the Socialism movement was able to do about it with the help of unions (before they were bought out by the fat cats).

Also, I miss Pinky and the Brain.

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The more I read about it, the more I long for the good-ole days of American Socialism that lifted the working man from the scourge of poverty and death during the brutal years of the Industrial Revolution. And before anyone flames me with the same old "socialism bad!" nonsense, take a look at how industrialization was treating the workers of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and what the Socialism movement was able to do about it with the help of unions (before they were bought out by the fat cats).

Also, I miss Pinky and the Brain.

A government should fear it's people, people should never fear their government. The early 1900s were pretty wild times.

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Okay on a serious note...I really miss some of the old tv shows of my childhood. Daktari was my absolute favorite. Clarence the cross eyed lion.

Now do you see why I want my youth back? This really dates me.

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