Are we starting to prepare ourselves?


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In January i posted a link about an article that talked about massive solar flares. This article mentioned that these solar explosions could shut down electrical power grids worldwide.

Here is the link:,2933,478024,00.html

Two months later and here is yet another article from NASA

Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe - space - 23 March 2009 - New Scientist

It seems as if these warnings are coming more often.

The Church has told us to be prepared, to have food stored for at least one year. To have our 72 Hr back packs ready in case of emergencies.

This is a reality and It is just a matter of time. We are living in the last days and this revelation about being prepared came from our prophets a long time ago. So we shouldnt have any excuses when that day comes. The good news........We still have time to prepare.....or do we?

Just food for thought.

Edited by newlight
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It is not too uncommon for the sun to produce solar flairs of such magnitude that the Northern lights can be seen during the day. The last time I heard of this was in the 1800's. If this were to repeat again (and it will ) we are in big trouble. The LDS church is one of the biggest advocates for being prepared for such things. The leadership the church has provided is valuable to all people. We should (LDS and people of other faiths) take their advice and start planning for such hardships that are sure to come. God Bless, Jim

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We were more prepared before my dear hubby was laid off 3 1/2 months ago ... now our food supply is going fast.. I never thought I would run out of green beans and corn... :{ I also am running out of some spices, soups etc not as prepared as I thought going to work out the kinks I found when hubby re-joins the workforce.

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Mahonri, I don't think there is one. I found this on in a FAQ section:

"What about 72-hour kits?

Church members are encouraged to prepare for adversity by building a basic supply of food, water, money, and, over time, longer-term supply items. Beyond this, Church members may choose to store additional items that could be of use during times of distress."

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We were more prepared before my dear hubby was laid off 3 1/2 months ago ... now our food supply is going fast.. I never thought I would run out of green beans and corn... :{ I also am running out of some spices, soups etc not as prepared as I thought going to work out the kinks I found when hubby re-joins the workforce.

But at least you were prepared at least that much. That's one of the reasons we are encouraged to have food storage for situations just as you mentioned.

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