Most Embarrassing Moment. Yours or others


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My wife had a friend that used to travel with her husband on business. One day they stopped at a roadside rest. It was Saturday afternoon and the place was packed. Upon leaving the restroom the toilet paper roll got caught in the back of her slacks. When she got to the car she had a string of toilet paper back up the sidewalk, into the restroom and still attached to the roll in the stall.:o

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"John." "Hey John." "John, it's me." "John quit messing around i know it's you." Yells hordak at the store.

Person in the middle of the isle finally turns around to reveal a complete stranger:doh:

"Yeah, i see you hiding down there at the end" fibs hordak as he slips past the stranger hoping to save face.:whistling:

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Oh, man - I have too many to count. The only way I get from day to day is by refusing to think about all the foot-in-mouth stinkers I've let fly over the years. If I let myself think about them, I'll be rocking back and forth in a little ball in the corner within an hour.

But I enjoy hearing other people's experiences - it helps me feel a bit less like something that ought to be buried in a cat's litter box.


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Once in my much earlier days I was at church. I went to use the bathroom. The dress I had on had a very full skirt. Little did I know that the back of the dress was stuck in my panty hose leaving quite a site. Luckily it was discovered immediately upon leaving the bathroom. That was embarrassing enough..but would have been even more so had I walked the length of the church.

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I was wearing pantyhose that was losing its elasticity. In the middle of a store aisle, the hose started travelling south. I tried to pull them up but they kept slipping. Finally, I just slipped out of them, in what I thought was an empty aisle!

Oooops, there was another lady there, who looked at me kinda funny.

I was embarassed but it sure felt good to get them off! LOL!

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I have lots of embarrassing moments which I share most readily--they're too funny not to share! This is kinda long, but one of my favorites--I copied it from another place where I posted it:

I have family in Bulgaria. While there on my mission, two of my cousins wanted to come visit us in America. Since airline tickets were cheaper to buy in America than in Bulgaria, my cousin gave me $2000 in cash to take home with me to buy the tickets. Dad, being the paranoid father that he is, insisted that I not keep this money in a purse, pocket, or any other normal holding place. He insisted that I keep the money on my person. So, being the woman I am, I thought of one place to hold the envelope full of $20's--in my bra.

Coming home from the mission was a long trip. We flew to Vienna Austria, spent the night there, then flew to Copenhagen Denmark. We had about a 45 minute layover and then on to Chicago. While in Copenhagen, my flying companions, 2 Elders, and I got out to walk the airport. We needed to stretch our legs before the long flight to America.

Once on the flight, I remained in my seat for almost the whole duration. Before landing in Chicago, though, I decided that I should visit the restroom. It was dark in the cabin as they were showing a movie. I carefully made my way to the back of the plane to stand in the short line for the lavatory. As I'm standing there I realize that I don't feel the envelope of money. I discreetly check to see if I can locate the envelope--perhaps it shifted from the middle of my bra to the cup. As I covertly check, I don't feel anything. Nothing anyway in my bra. It has to be somewhere. I then began to panic--I lost $2000 in American cash! I begin to frantically search my entire body for the money. I'm feeling all around my chest, stomach, back, get the picture.

I have no idea what the people nearby were thinking. I can only imagine their thoughts and looks as they shielded their children's eyes from this insane woman groping herself. When I was able to go into the lavatory, I was even more groping--to no avail. It wasn't there.

I couldn't kneel in the lavatory, so I stood and said a quick prayer. I was prompted to remove my shirt. When I did, I turned to look in the mirror and there on my shoulder blade was the envelope full of cash. It was stuck to my skin. Nothing held it in place. I quickly counted the money--all there--replaced my shirt and said a prayer of thanks. I kept repeating thank you's as I made my way back to my seat. Paranoid father or not, that envelope went into my purse which kept it safe until I was able to hand it to Dad with a terse, "Here, take this now!"

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I was giving a talk in Sacrament meeting one Sunday when I had a terrible cold. That morning of I thought about calling in sick, but decided not to be that mean to the Bishopric. In the middle of my talk I was seized upon by one of those sneak attack sneezes that gives you absolutely no warning, or at least not enough to do anything about it. I showered the people on the front row, and the microphone and podium were splattered with green goo. Using a tissue someone handed me from behind, I wiped off the mike and podium, apologized to the people on the front row, gave an abbreviated version of the talk, and then left the building and went home. I did not wish to stick around to hear what wisecracks people might think of, or for the insincere "good talk!" comments.


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Once I tried to impress this guy I liked by parking in the management section of the lot. He asked me how I was lucky enough to park there, I said, "oh you just have to know the right people." Just then the parking security guard walked over and told me to move my car.

Needless to say I failed to impress or know the right people for that matter.

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As I walked down the hallway on my way to a college classroom I noticed a group of girls all looking my way. This was good for my ego everthough I was already married with three children. As I passed a male student he pointed toward the floor. The static electricity from the clothes dryer had caused a sock to cling to the inside of my pants leg. It was now sticking out the bottom of pantleg and trailing behind me down the hall.:o

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I am not a small person ... never have been never will be. Years ago when No Nonsense Queen size panty hose came out (yes I am THAT old) I figured this was great so I bought a new pair and wore them when I dressed for a dog show (I believe you dress for success so I wear nice clothing in the ring)

I got to the show and showed the first dog a small one with no trouble. I then went in with my whippet (a 1/2 size version of a greyhound) who you have to move much faster. After the first go round I was in trouble, I called the ring steward over and asked if I could leave the ring because my panty hose were down around my knees .. she goes and tells the male judge who turns and winks at me and then she comes to hold my dog so I can deal with the problem. I walked out of the ring and did a quick disscussion with myself as to whether I should make this look good or crawl away and never come back. Looking good won ... I kicked off my shoes, pulled off the pantyhose, threw them over my shoulder, put my shoes back on and went back to my dog. This was done in front of about 500 people. My whippet won the only point she every got that day! (She hated showing)

I heard of another gal whose slip fell down as she was running her dog in the ring ... she just step out of it and kept on going!

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I am so glad I'm not the only pantyhose and pantie person here!

We were all dressed up, visiting teaching I think.

As me and my companion were sitting in a home of some members, something around my bottom felt strange (like something was very lightly crawling on me for a moment), but it's not like I could just go digging around or snatch up the back of my dress, to figure out what is was.

We were in the middle of a discussion so, I sat there, we visited back and forth with the family, yes the menfolk were there too.

Needless to say I suppose, I forgot about the strange feeling around my bottom.

Time was up, we got up to leave.

We had gotten out the door and were walking downhill on the sidewalk/driveway, when all of a sudden, the panties I was wearing to help hold up the pantyhose slid down around my feet.

I walked out of one side and kicked the panties into the shrubbery on the other side of the sidewalk as a car was pulling into the drive way.

So, I kinda did a little tricky footwork, my companion asks me, what are you doing?

I said, Oh, nothing...

Thank goodness I was on the inside next to the shrubbery.

As the car was pulling up, there were a couple of friends in it, both started pointing and laughing.

When the others stopped the car and got out, I asked them what they were pointing and laughing about and they told me nothing, they were just messing with me.


None of them ever knew or saw the panties go flying into the shrubs and where they are now is a mystery!

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I spent a few minutes thinking over the many, many disastrous incidents I have had in my 22 year life so far lol. Many of them still make me cringe to this day, so I'll only talk about one which I think I'm just about over lol.

First I should say that I've always been very susceptible to motion sickness/travel sickness, an unfortunate thing I inherited from my mother. So I usually avoid fairgrounds as a rule. However, when I was about 14, my cousin insisted I accompany her to the fairground that has been temporarily set up just down the road from my house.

Well the very first ride we went on was the teapots. Almost immediately the ride started I felt my head start to spin. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on something else, but nothing worked. I even tried alerting the staff that I was going to be sick, but to no avail, they refused to stop the ride. Anyway, about 40 seconds into the ride, I literally vomited everywhere. All down the t-shirt I was wearing at the time, all down my jeans, all over the "tea cup" we were in. The staff operating the ride saw what had happened, yet still refused to stop the ride until the time for it to finish arrived. As I got off, I was shaking slightly from feeling so ill, then noticed EVERYONE who was on the ride and a whole load of people around it were watching me. Plus there was a whole bunch of teenage girls pointing at me covered in my own vomit and giggling - not good for a 14 year old boys ego. The fairground was about two miles from my house, needless to say we went straight back home, but we had to walk, with me covered in vomit.

I think that rates as one of my most embrassing experiences, but there are worse, but I still cringe over those ones so would rather not go into them here lol.

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when i was going to Ricks, our FHE group decided to carve pumpkins for our activity one night. we separated into groups of 2 and carved away. most people did just normal pumpkins except the 2 brothers (bret-who i had a huge crush on and ben) in our group who carved a baby out of the pumpking. it was amazing.

so the next week, we did a ward FHE. we carved pumpkins again that week. we all broke into our separate FHE groups and we had to carve one pumpkin per FHE group. we sat around for quite some time thinking what we could carve. i was sitting next to one of brets roommates, and across from one of my roommates as we sat there thinking. finally i came up with an idea and blurted out...

"hey bret, you wanna make a baby? you're good at making babies."

i didn't even realize what i had said until sam, the roommate, turns to me and says "what did you just say????"

i turned bright red and shut up after that.

the end.

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