Tue April 21st, the day I PASSED MY CCNA and got my life bac!!!


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I just passed the hardest test in my life. Cisco Certified Network Administrator. My brain still hurts. I feel like it's been mutilated beyond all chance of repair. Now I can get back to doing things I enjoy and actually wasting time instead of studying every spare moment.

I'm so excited! I have the first step in the pathway to certifications nobody I know (outside of work) has ever heard of!! :lol: My father never heard of it. My brother never heard of it. My mother isn't really sure what to think of it, and also never heard of it My sister's husband is a super-geek so I told her to ask her husband about it (he's on a business trip unfortunately.) My wife only knew about the CCNA because she saw how hard I was studying and her Dad works in the same Network Operation Center as me. I'm UBER EXCITED, but I gotta laugh at how absolutely NOBODY has any concept of what I've just accomplished. I do get a lot of blank stares and mumbled uncertain words of congratulations.

So I have come here and posted this so that I might receive your blank stares and mumbled uncertain words of congratulations.

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Congrats, in no uncertain terms!

I think everyone's taken tests that have warped their brains beyond comprehension. But they recover. Just watch a few days of MTV's Real World and you'll go back to being dumb like everyone else :P

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I just passed the hardest test in my life. Cisco Certified Network Administrator. My brain still hurts. I feel like it's been mutilated beyond all chance of repair. Now I can get back to doing things I enjoy and actually wasting time instead of studying every spare moment.

I'm so excited! I have the first step in the pathway to certifications nobody I know (outside of work) has ever heard of!! :lol: My father never heard of it. My brother never heard of it. My mother isn't really sure what to think of it, and also never heard of it My sister's husband is a super-geek so I told her to ask her husband about it (he's on a business trip unfortunately.) My wife only knew about the CCNA because she saw how hard I was studying and her Dad works in the same Network Operation Center as me. I'm UBER EXCITED, but I gotta laugh at how absolutely NOBODY has any concept of what I've just accomplished. I do get a lot of blank stares and mumbled uncertain words of congratulations.

So I have come here and posted this so that I might receive your blank stares and mumbled uncertain words of congratulations.

I guess you never done a thesis yet....:lol:

Congrats. Yes! I know it is a very hard exam to pass. ^_^

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I took, and passed, the CCNA 4 years ago and my head hurt afterwards also. I swear I was dreaming about subnets the whole week before I took the tests. Since it's been 4 years, mine is now expired. Not sure if I want to re-certify or not. I hear it's changed some since I took it.

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