The NEW Nation of Deseret


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A few months ago I announced that the Nation of Deseret would be reorganized. Well it's finished. The New Nation of Deseret organization is not a independence movement. It is now a self sufficiency movement. Our goal is not to become an independent nation. Instead our goal is to organize and coordinate resources within the Deseret region to reduce our reliance on outside sources.

By becoming self sufficient we can create our own "sub-economy." This will help us to overcome the current economic crisis.

Well I thought I should just inform you of the changes. I think this movement is something that is much more reasonable. It also has the potential to not only be more successful but be more beneficial to those involved.

If you forgot the link to the website it's in my signature.

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Thanks for the encouragment everyone.

Moksha. I do think that someday there will be a political Kingdom of God lead by His chosen leaders. Currently those leaders only oversee the church. But someday the Kingdom of God will be part of every aspect of life not just the church. I don't know when that will happen. I don't know if the Nation of Deseret organization will play a part in that or not. It would be amazing if it did, but I don't think that the Nation of Deseret organization that is being established right now will be the Kingdom of God.

Becoming self sufficient is something we need right now to help protect us against many of the troubles the world is facing. I don't know if becoming self sufficient would someday lead to the seperation of the Deseret region from the United States. But right now seperation is not desirable nor beneficial. However if such seperation ever occurs then it would be the natural progression of events. It would probably happen at such a time when other seperations are occuring as well.

So I think that it is possible that the Nation of Deseret organization could play a part in the formation of a sovreign. However it's not something that the Nation of Deseret organization is working on. If that happened then it would be done under God's oversigh. He would make sure that all pieces fall into place and that the proper path is followed.

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Thanks for the encouragment everyone.

Moksha. I do think that someday there will be a political Kingdom of God lead by His chosen leaders. Currently those leaders only oversee the church. But someday the Kingdom of God will be part of every aspect of life not just the church. I don't know when that will happen. I don't know if the Nation of Deseret organization will play a part in that or not. It would be amazing if it did, but I don't think that the Nation of Deseret organization that is being established right now will be the Kingdom of God.

Could we get a reference / quote from a current or recent LDS leader, speaking for the Church, that shows that God or his ordained leaders agree with you.

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Could we get a reference / quote from a current or recent LDS leader, speaking for the Church, that shows that God or his ordained leaders agree with you.

I was wondering the same because if I recall correctly some of the last things we heard of this group was that they'd be meeting with I think general authorities?? (Maybe I'm wrong.)

Anyway, I do not question their sincerity at all but they sure seem to have revamped their thinking and mission from my understanding of the way they used to present themselves.

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Could we get a reference / quote from a current or recent LDS leader, speaking for the Church, that shows that God or his ordained leaders agree with you.

I never said the leaders of Heavenly Father's church agree with me. What I did say is that I think someday there will be an political Kingdom of God and that those ordained by God will be the leaders of that organization.

No justamere10 the Nation of Deseret has never met with nor has ever made a plan to meet with the General Authorities.

The Nation of Desert used to be a independence movement, trying to form a sovereign nation. But it is not anymore. The Nation of Deseret was reorganized and is now an organization pushing for self sufficiency in the Deseret region. It is our goal to strengthen the local economy of the Deseret region to a point where if there are problems outside the Deseret region they wont affect us. That is the long term goal.

Edited by deseretgov
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I never said the leaders of Heavenly Father's church agree with me. What I did say is that I think someday there will be an political Kingdom of God and that those ordained by God will be the leaders of that organization.

I know you didn't say that - it just seems odd that you have plans for LDS leadership that they themselves do not seem to support.

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I understand the whole want to be self sufficient thing. I'm just a little uncomfortable with the idea that there are a group of people who seem to want to start their own nation with their own Church leadership. Supposedly led by God. Isn't that what our General Authorities are for? They are to lead us and guide us led by God and by revelation. Just seems to me it takes all that away from them.

Perhaps I'm not understanding it..but just reading what is posted here..that's the feeling or the understanding I'm getting.

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I know you didn't say that - it just seems odd that you have plans for LDS leadership that they themselves do not seem to support.

Not really, I just think that someday if there is a political Kingdom of God that those God's has ordained will be those that will lead that kingdom. Obviously God would not allow someone to lead His Kingdom who He has not called.

Pam you concern would have been valid with the old organization however the new organization is not trying to establish our own government. We simply want to see the Deseret region become prosperous through self sufficiency. We don't want to take power from the lawfully elected of the Nataional, state, and local leaders. We also do not claim authority given to the leaders of God's church.

Some of the things the Nation of Deseret organization does want is:

Deseret region to provide it's own power.

Local currency to improve local economies.

Deseret region to provide it's own food, goods, and other services.

Improved education within the Deseret region.

Those are some of the things we are pushing for.

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One major question I have is HOW? How are going to be totally self sufficient? What forms of power are you going to use? Nuclear, solar, wind, thermal, or some other form of power? Also how can you make a certain area self sufficient, are you going to ask people to move? What are you going to do with people that live in the boundaries of Nation of Deseret?

p.s. What are the boundaries?

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One major question I have is HOW? How are going to be totally self sufficient? What forms of power are you going to use? Nuclear, solar, wind, thermal, or some other form of power? Also how can you make a certain area self sufficient, are you going to ask people to move? What are you going to do with people that live in the boundaries of Nation of Deseret?

That's part of the discussion and planning that must be carried out. It's possible to make an entire ohuse self sufficient so making an entire region self sufficient is also within the realm of possiblity. You're more than welcome to start discussion on our forum about these topics.

p.s. What are the boundaries?

You can see it on the about page. It's the second map image.

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I have check out your web site and I have a few question.

1. Do you plan to susceed from the USA?

2. Your council of fifty souds like an extension of the LDS church. Is that true and if so, what about all the non LDS living in your borders. Will they be allowed to be members of the council of fifty?

3. Will all people in your borders be allowed to hold the new currency?

4. Is the Nauvoo legion a military group?

5. What about seperation of church and state?

Lots to think about here.

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I have check out your web site and I have a few question.

Thank you for looking. I hope you enjoyed it.

1. Do you plan to susceed from the USA?


2. Your council of fifty souds like an extension of the LDS church. Is that true and if so, what about all the non LDS living in your borders. Will they be allowed to be members of the council of fifty?

Our Council of Fifty is named after the Council of Fifty organized by Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith was working to build a political Kingdom of God at one point. It was believed that thsi original Council of Fifty was to be a government under the rule of Christ before and during the Millenium. However, this Council fell into inactivity as the Saints moved west and the Utah became a state. But even in this Council of Fifty there were non LDS as part of the Council. It was also believed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints would not be the only religion on Earth during the Millenium.

All our Council has to do with the original, is the name. We are not a religious organization. The Council exists only to coordinate the various committees and departmenmts of the Nation of Deseret organization. One spot in the Council per committee. So yes, non LDS are allowed to serve on the Council.

3. Will all people in your borders be allowed to hold the new currency?

Anyone wishing to benefit from using the currency will be allowed to do so.

4. Is the Nauvoo legion a military group?

The orginal Nauvoo Legion was a militia it was disbanded in the 1800s. Our modern organization uses the name and is a civilian organization dedicated to fulfilling three main purposes. These are:

Service, Preparedness, and defense.

The Nauvoo Legion is focused on providing service as a way to inprove communities. It is also going to help prepare people for disasters and emergencies, through training and classes. The Nauvoo Legion also is focused on learning and teaching self defense. Everybody should be able to defend themselves and their family if the need arises.

5. What about seperation of church and state?

Well the Nation of Deseret organization is not a religious organization so there really is not problem here. We may be promoting things that were promoted by the Early LDS church, such as the Deseret Alphabet. But non of these promoting a certain religion or trying to persuade people to become a certain religion.

I hope I answered your questions. If you have any more feel free to ask. I'm more than happy to answer.

Edited by deseretgov
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Thank you for looking. I hope you enjoyed it.


Our Council of Fifty is named after the Council of Fifty organized by Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith was working to build a political Kingdom of God at one point. It was believed that thsi original Council of Fifty was to be a government under the rule of Christ before and during the Millenium. However, this Council fell into inactivity as the Saints moved west and the Utah became a state. But even in this Council of Fifty there were non LDS as part of the Council. It was also believed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints would not be the only religion on Earth during the Millenium.

All our Council has to do with the original, is the name. We are not a religious organization. The Council exists only to coordinate the various committees and departmenmts of the Nation of Deseret organization. One spot in the Council per committee. So yes, non LDS are allowed to serve on the Council.

Anyone wishing to benefit from using the currency will be allowed to do so.

The orginal Nauvoo Legion was a militia it was disbanded in the 1800s. Our modern organization uses the name and is a civilian organization dedicated to fulfilling three main purposes. These are:

Service, Preparedness, and defense.

The Nauvoo Legion is focused on providing service as a way to inprove communities. It is also going to help prepare people for disasters and emergencies, through training and classes. The Nauvoo Legion also is focused on learning and teaching self defense. Everybody should be able to defend themselves and their family if the need arises.

Well the Nation of Deseret organization is not a religious organization so there really is not problem here. We may be promoting things that were promoted by the Early LDS church, such as the Deseret Alphabet. But non of these promoting a certain religion or trying to persuade people to become a certain religion.

I hope I answered your questions. If you have any more feel free to ask. I'm more than happy to answer.

OK good luck with it. I am a supporter of being ready for the future. My family has taken the LDS lead and have started getting prepared for what may come. I have a ranch that is bordered by LDS land owners and we get along very well. They have welcomed me and we are like a family. We are a family. We watch over each other and what is mine is theirs and vice versa. It is a very nice situation. This is one of the reasons I have been on this site. To learn about my neighbors religion.

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Deseretgov, in your last post, you have been more forthcoming of what your group intends to do, yet you say that you want to create new currency. How would that be feasible, when you say that you have no intention to succeed from the United States? Native American Reservations are concerned sovereign Nations, yet they still use the American Dollar. How are you going to deal with the American tax system? Are stores in your 'area' going to accept both the American Dollar, and your form of currency? If yes, then how is that going to work? And there is still the question of what are you going to do with the people living in your 'area' but does NOT want to have anything to do with you?

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Deseretgov, in your last post, you have been more forthcoming of what your group intends to do, yet you say that you want to create new currency. How would that be feasible, when you say that you have no intention to succeed from the United States? Native American Reservations are concerned sovereign Nations, yet they still use the American Dollar.

Alternatives currencies are very feasible. They are especially common during times of economic hardship. Many alternative currencies were used during the Great Depression. The most important aspect of alternative currencies is acceptance. The more people accept the currency the more use it will have.

Here's a wikipedia article about alternative currencies: Link

The US Dollar is still the national currency. Our currency will just be an alternative that is restricted to use within the Deseret region.

How are you going to deal with the American tax system?

Since the people who participate in the Nation of Deseret organization are still American citizens they must pay all taxes required by the government. And since the alternative currency will not be replacing the Dollar there will still be dollars to pay taxes with. But then you also have to factor in if banks will store the alternative currency. If so conversion between the alternative currency and dollars would be fairly simple.

Are stores in your 'area' going to accept both the American Dollar, and your form of currency?

Probably. It will be up to the individual stores to accept the alternative currency or not. It would not a be a good busines decision for a busines to limit itself to accepting only the alternative currency. Especially this early in the development.

If yes, then how is that going to work?

The way I envision it is that the alternative currency will be more of a product. The alternative currency will be sold to registered members at a discount of say 5%. The currency would be redeemable at any accepting location at full value. So if a person has one of the alternative currency it could be used to buy one dollar's worth of good/services. But by purchasing it at a discount of 5% the registered member would only have to pay 95 cents for the one unit of alternmative currency. So in essence they would only be paying 95 cents for the one dollars worth of products.

So who insures that the one unit of currency is worth one dollar?

registered members would be required to accept the currency at full value in order to be a registered member.

That's how some of the alternatove currencies that exist work.

And there is still the question of what are you going to do with the people living in your 'area' but does NOT want to have anything to do with you?

They don't have to do anything with us then. They can ignore our organization. Nobody is required to accept our currency. Nobody is required to learn and use the Deseret Alphabet. When our organization gets more momentum and makes more progress those who don't want anything to do with us may feel the benefit, but they still don't have to be involved.

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p.s. What are the boundaries?

I am wondering about the proposed boundaries of this new nation. I would assume that the people of Southern California may join together with the West Coast and Northern Idaho and the area from Phoenix southward in forming Cascadia or else Southern California and Arizona may gel into a formidable ultra-conservative conglomeration perhaps know as, Orangevania. I am wondering if it might be overreaching things to include any area west of San Bernardino (lots of Mormons there).

Anyway with the new Rush Limbaugh wish for the failure of America, this dissolution into new smaller countries could give your idea a real boost.

BTW, make sure you stockpile a lot of weapons to fend off over aggresiveness by the New Confederacy.


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