Considering a move to Spokane - questions...

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this topic, but I'll give it a shot.

I am considering a move to the Spokane area. Has anyone lived there before or can anyone provide any insight to the church in the Spokane area? I know there is a temple but I'm more curiuos in general LDS population statistics like "what % of people in the area are LDS", "how big are the wards", "do they have enough LDS kids to justify release time seminary", etc. Just hoping to get a better feel for how "LDS" Spokane is.

If it helps, I would be moving from the Tri-Cities area of the state of Washington. Tri-Cities seems to have a healthy LDS population (which I enjoy) and which has been great for our kids. I would guess Tri-Cities is 10-15% LDS.

Just curious if anyone can make any comparisons or give me an idea of what the church is like in the Spokane area. Any info you can provide is much appreciated!

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From what I recall none of the youth talked about release time, so I don't think that's a go. Spokane has IIRC 4 stakes if you include the Valley, which is pretty good for someplace outside of the Mormon Belt (or Moses Lake, man there was a Mormon Town). The wards I've been to there were good sized for someplace outside of Utah. Don't know how to compare it to Tri-Cities country though.

Just don't move to Felony Flats. :)

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this topic, but I'll give it a shot.

I am considering a move to the Spokane area. Has anyone lived there before or can anyone provide any insight to the church in the Spokane area? I know there is a temple but I'm more curiuos in general LDS population statistics like "what % of people in the area are LDS", "how big are the wards", "do they have enough LDS kids to justify release time seminary", etc. Just hoping to get a better feel for how "LDS" Spokane is.

If it helps, I would be moving from the Tri-Cities area of the state of Washington. Tri-Cities seems to have a healthy LDS population (which I enjoy) and which has been great for our kids. I would guess Tri-Cities is 10-15% LDS.

Just curious if anyone can make any comparisons or give me an idea of what the church is like in the Spokane area. Any info you can provide is much appreciated!

This wiki entry contains some general information on the city of Spokane:

Spokane Washington Temple - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki

The Spokane Washington Temple is the 59th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Missionary work in the Spokane area began in 1854 with four elders sharing the message of Mormon Church. Almost 100 years later membership was only 5,000 statewide. At that time members never imagined that one day the state wide membership would total more 212,000 and that the Spokane area would be home to a beautiful Mormon temple with gray granite walls, art glass windows, and a lone spire topped by a golden angel Moroni blowing his horn.

At the groundbreaking ceremony in October of 1998, Elder F. Melvin Hammond of the Seventy said, "Everyone in this city will be blessed by the establishment of this glorious edifice, member and nonmember alike." [1] During the open house of the Spokane Washington Temple 52,000 people toured the beautiful building. President Gordon B. Hinckley commented that as people toured, "They [were] most impressed with pictures of the Savior they see in these holy houses. They must know that the central figure in all of our worship is the Lord Jesus Christ. They will no longer regard us as a non-Christian people." [2] As they toured the temple people also learned about the reasons Mormons build temples.

On August 21, 1999, President Hinckley dedicated the Spokane Washington Temple with 16,000 members attending 11 dedicatory sessions. During the dedicatory prayer President Hinckley prayed, “Touch the hearts of the people in this temple district that the spirit of Elijah may rest upon them, that their hearts may turn to their fathers, and that they may be motivated to search out their forebears and do a great vicarious work on their behalf.” [3]

The temple is located in the Spokane suburb of Opportunity and serves about 32,000 members in eastern Washington, northern Idaho, and western Montana. The Spokane Washington Temple has a total of 10,700 square feet, two ordinance rooms, and two sealing rooms. There are two other temples in Washington, the Seattle Washington Temple (ded. 1980) and the Columbia River Washington Temple (ded. 2001).

Have a great day.



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in general LDS population statistics like "what % of people in the area are LDS"

Not sure of a % but the ward boundaries aren’t to bad. Which would mean there is a pretty good collection of LDS. Probably not as compact as the Tri Cities area. Its about what you would think for being that far away from Utah.

how big are the wards",

Wards for the most part are the same size around the world. (If we are talking about members) if we are talking about Geography, they aren’t to bad.

do they have enough LDS kids to justify release time seminary

No they have early morning Seminary I think in most of the areas. Not sure where they meet at.

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haha It's funny because in the movie "We are Marshall" the student body chanted over and over:

"We are"


We are"


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  • 1 month later...

Our High School (East Valley in Spokane Valley) does have released time seminary. The other high school in our ward boundaries (West Valley) has early morning seminary. I grew up in an all-Mormon town (Laie, Hawaii) and have spent some time in Utah. I think you'd enjoy Spokane. There is a pretty decent-sized LDS population here, and the youth program is jam packed with stake dances and all of the normal things like youth conferences (this summer they're going on a pioneer trek_. Missionary work here is strong as well, our ward sees lots of baptisms and another one ward in our stake just split last week. The general population of Spokane is quite religious, which is a better atmosphere than some cities I've been in where people don't make God part tof their lives. On my street there are three LDS families, and the recently-released bishop lives two streets down from us. Of the neighbors I know (I don't know all the people on my street!), all do attend a Christian church on Sundays. Our next-door neighbors invited the missionaries to their home for a first discussion. Hope that helps!

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  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd chime in here. I live in the Spokane Valley (just east of Spokane) and two of the high schools (of the three) have seminary buildings right next to the high school and those schools have release time seminary.

There are two stakes out here in the Valley and I know that ours has about 1,400 people in it.

Here's an article with information about a ward that was created in the other valley stake that might have some interesting information for you:

News - Latter-day Sentinel - News for the LDS community in the Spokane Temple District

I'd say that there is a very good LDS presence here and you should fit right in!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Our High School (East Valley in Spokane Valley) does have released time seminary. The other high school in our ward boundaries (West Valley) has early morning seminary. I grew up in an all-Mormon town (Laie, Hawaii) and have spent some time in Utah. I think you'd enjoy Spokane. There is a pretty decent-sized LDS population here, and the youth program is jam packed with stake dances and all of the normal things like youth conferences (this summer they're going on a pioneer trek_. Missionary work here is strong as well, our ward sees lots of baptisms and another one ward in our stake just split last week. The general population of Spokane is quite religious, which is a better atmosphere than some cities I've been in where people don't make God part tof their lives. On my street there are three LDS families, and the recently-released bishop lives two streets down from us. Of the neighbors I know (I don't know all the people on my street!), all do attend a Christian church on Sundays. Our next-door neighbors invited the missionaries to their home for a first discussion. Hope that helps!

So we live in Arizona and my husband might get a job in spokane. Do you have any suggestions on the best school for my 10 and 14 year old boys. They are honor students and accustomed to being challenge to prepare them for college. And also do the best schools have a good number of youths in the area that we are not sure to look for, and a seminary of some kind? pls help...Deana willis
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So we live in Arizona and my husband might get a job in spokane. Do you have any suggestions on the best school for my 10 and 14 year old boys. They are honor students and accustomed to being challenge to prepare them for college. And also do the best schools have a good number of youths in the area that we are not sure to look for, and a seminary of some kind? pls help...Deana willis

I used to live in Spokane. There's a program called "Running Start" in Washington. It allows high school Juinors and Seniors to attend classes at community college. It can result in a student graduating with an AA and a high school diploma, if done correctly. If not, they still get college credits.

I think Central Valley High School is a solid school in Spokane Valley. Stay out of Spokane proper for schools. Most of them are not very good academically.

If you don't mind living east of town, Liberty Lake is a nice community with a good school system.

If you want to send your kids to a private school, Gonzaga Prep is a great school. It's Catholic, though. But, academically, it's the best in the area, IMO.

I can't answer about seminary- I wasn't a member when I was living there so I don't have knowledge about that.

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