You are probably LDS if...


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You might be Mormon stayed after at your own wedding reception to help clean up...rather than racing to the hotel/motel to consumate the marriage!


My wife and I did that and at the time we were NOT Mormon, but then again maybe the Mormon gene was just laying dormant at the time since we joined 2 1/2 years later.

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You might be Mormon:

...... if you have to resist the impulse to start putting away the chairs after being at a school or community event.

....... if you have to fight the impulse to fold your arms and bow your head at the start of every office meeting.

....... if you can't understand why people say your nuts because you got home from church Sunday after only 3 hours because none of the family had a meeting or interview afterward.

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You might be a Mormon if...

you know what a "ten cow wife" is.

when trying to think of a song for karaoke, the only songs you can think of are hymns / primary songs.

you often confuse the acronym "LSD" with "LDS" and get strange looks when you do.

you've visited a cemetary to take pictures of gravestones because a stranger who does not live in the area asked you to help them with their geneology.

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You might be Mormon:

....... if you have to fight the impulse to fold your arms and bow your head at the start of every office meeting.

I may have mentioned that I am on sabbatical this term. I've been spending most of my free time at church events and with the missionaries (going to lessons with them, meeting less actives, etc.). I just know that when I go back to school I am going to fold my arms and end class with something along the lines of, "I am so grateful we've had this beautiful day for class, that everyone got here safely, and that all of you participated so well in discussion, ..." :D

I have to admit, I love the 'hominess' of LDS prayer.

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  • 1 month later...

You might be a Mormon if:

  • you see a young couple with three children and think, "What a beautiful little family!"
  • one of your favorite times of the week is a three-hour Sunday morning meeting.
  • you complain that your daughter's reception cost you nearly $1000.
  • your underwear has a hole in the knee.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

People tell you the plot of their favorite t.v. show and you can bearly believe that they watch such a thing! You can't read fashion magazines because of the "life-syle" articles. Your friends put on a comedy night to raise money for charity and you smile and buy a ticket but never attend.

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  • 2 years later...

You're probably a Mormon if you feel awkward when you don't start and end every meeting with a prayer.

I live in a small town in Texas. Nearly every non-church meeting begins with two prayers; the official one, and just before it, everyone's silent prayer that the official one won't be so long that the main talk has to be cut by 15 minutes or the food gets cold.

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