
Guest Taoist_Saint

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Welcome OIC. I look forward to talking to you. :)

Thank you Dr. T. same here. This looks like a really friendly board. :)

I have to confess something though, everytime I see your screen name I think of that character from the Muppet Show back in the 70's Dr. Teeth. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


my name is kyle, i'm in my 20's, and i live in Austin, Texas.

for most of my life i was agnostic, but i was always raised Catholic. last summer though, for some reason or another I found christ, and now i am a very devout catholic!! :)

i study religion quite a lot.. especially islam, judaism, and of course christianity. there's an LDS church right down the street though, and i would always see people there for HOURS. so i wanted to learn what these people believed, lol. so i got online, and learned that mormons believe in joseph smith as a prophet.. which shocked me, because i always thought mormonism was just another denomination of Christianity. and then i learned that they had their own religious book, and whoa lol. so i read the Book of Mormon a few times, and have studied it a little here and there. then i had some questions, so i figured i would join here :)

i debate religion a lot, but i will try not to do so here, as this is a Mormon Forum. so yeah, if i do start up a debate, please stop me in my tracks! lol.

i'm also a very liberal person. i'm an extreme leftist Democrat. :)

so yeah, i look forward to chatting with you guys :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm also a very liberal person. i'm an extreme leftist Democrat. :)

so yeah, i look forward to chatting with you guys :)


When you said your in your 20s and then a liberal, I'm not surprised. Give it about 15 years, when you're married, have kids that are older, and you look at all the taxes you are paying and how much you could use them instead of someone else, and you'll become a conservative. It's just a matter of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pam uk

Hi everyone

My name is Pam and i have been a member of the LDS church for a total of 8 weeks now. lol..

I live in the UK.. on the south coast.

Im still having lessons from the missionaries and i am loving it so much.

This week i get my first visit from Home Teachers ..not sure what to expect there..sure it will be good though.

Im looking forward to getting to know you all.

Lots of love


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Hi everyone

My name is Pam and i have been a member of the LDS church for a total of 8 weeks now. lol..

I live in the UK.. on the south coast.

Im still having lessons from the missionaries and i am loving it so much.

This week i get my first visit from Home Teachers ..not sure what to expect there..sure it will be good though.

Im looking forward to getting to know you all.

Lots of love


Uh oh. Let's hope we don't get the pams mixed up here.

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Guest mamacat

hi Pam UK ~ it's wonderful to have a new and enthusiastic voice here. i'm quite new here as well. welcome!

love, mamacat

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Hi everyone

My name is Pam and i have been a member of the LDS church for a total of 8 weeks now. lol..

I live in the UK.. on the south coast.

Im still having lessons from the missionaries and i am loving it so much.

This week i get my first visit from Home Teachers ..not sure what to expect there..sure it will be good though.

Im looking forward to getting to know you all.

Lots of love


Uh oh. Let's hope we don't get the pams mixed up here.

wonder if one pam is nicer than the other one......... :hmmm:

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<div class='quotemain'>

Hi everyone

My name is Pam and i have been a member of the LDS church for a total of 8 weeks now. lol..

I live in the UK.. on the south coast.

Im still having lessons from the missionaries and i am loving it so much.

This week i get my first visit from Home Teachers ..not sure what to expect there..sure it will be good though.

Im looking forward to getting to know you all.

Lots of love


Uh oh. Let's hope we don't get the pams mixed up here.

wonder if one pam is nicer than the other one......... :hmmm:

Pale.....SHUT UP!!!!!!!

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I think there's an echo in this forum.

Hmmm what will Pale's response be? Let's see...I bet it will be......NOPE

once again.........lets be nice.............YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay Pale...I'll be nice. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't say the things I say to you. I'm really very sorry.

ARGGGGG.... I can't do this. This is Pale I'm saying this to. Forget it Pale....I just can't do it.

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I guess this is where intros go, so here goes.

I'm 26 and I'm just recently returning to being active in the church. I joined when I was 17. After I graduated from high school, I joined the army. A few years after joining, I fell away from the church. I served 8 years, was deployed to Iraq twice, once to Afghanistan, and once to Kosovo. I was with 3rd ID during the initial ground war, in Iraq. I mainly did radio communications and computer networking as my job while I was in.

Now I've left active duty, but I'm still in the reserves doing the same job as I did before. I just finished my sophomore year at Penn State, I'm majoring in secondary social studies education, and minoring in political science and economics.

Hobbies I guess would be

geocaching (looking for boxes in the woods with a GPS, sounds odd I know)

hiking (goes with the geocaching)

working on computers / networks (had a MCSA at one point, think its expired now though)

politics (watching the news, reading online news, I'm a registered republican, not a conservative though, more libertarian in political views)

People I look up to:

Jesus - goes without saying....

Ronald Regan - Our greatest President of modern times, no one will every archive his 49 state land slide victory margin anytime in the near or distant future.

Dr. Walter "E." Williams - A brilliant economics prof at George Mason U, writes a lot of columns, and papers that make economics so easy to understand and explain.

(Recent Add) Dr. Liviu Librescu - Israeli Engineering Prof at Virginia Tech, and holocaust survivor, held off gunman on campus by blocking the door with his own body, while his students escaped through a window. Shooting through the door, he was shot 5 times, once through the head killing him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I just joined the forum a couple of days ago and didn't notice this place until today since I've been wandering around the site. I have to say I love it here so far. I have never seen an LDS site that is so open minded and inviting to people of other faiths. I have been LDS my whole life but have never liked the "only true church" aspect of teaching as I honestly believe Mormonism isn't right for everyone but is defintiely right for me. I am thrilled that there are so many people from other churches to chat with.

I am 26 years old, and even though I have been a lifeling member, did not really gain a testimony until high school when some of my friends decided to take the discussions. I married one of them two years after he was baptised and we have been happily married for the past 6 years. I have 1 son who is 18 months old and a constant source of both stress and amazing joy. I have a Bachelelor's degree in Psychology, an Associates in Music and work full time as a case manager for children with disabilities which is both the most rewarding and most draining job in the whole world. I am hoping to be able to quit my job by the end of the year and become my husband's assistant in his work. He is a loan officer and avid bike rider and golfer. My true passions include animals and the outdoors. I hope so someday have a big enough house and enough land that I can rehibilitate exotic pets for owners that didn't have the knowledge to take care of them. Right now we are owned by two cats who very nicely let us live in their house in exchange for constant worship and we have african dwarf frogs. We are renovating this place and hope to turn it into a rental by the end of the summer and move into a larger home so we can add more fur babies and hopfully another human baby in the next couple years. We also own a duplex that we have rented out. Hubby is huge into real estate and I'm along for the ride. :)

Thats about it.

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