If you could give one message,talk or lesson what would it be on and why?

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If you could give one message,talk or lesson what would it be on and why? What do you think the world needs most? - How about if it were for Adults with children ranging from 2 to 21. That would encompass all those who can hold ward calling, attends the temple, raises children, fast, judge, procrastinate, help, donate, exercise, work, garden, prepare, etc.


Here's the suggestions:

1- Importance of accepting callings and fulfilling them. (By palerider)

2 - Atonment - (Hemidakota)

3 - An active relationship with HF - (dazed-and-confused)

4 - Being Born Again - (Justice)

5 - Service - (Truegrits)

6 - Persons word...the value of being a person of character, trust and integrity - (Truegrits)

7 - Importance of teaching effectively - (Tough Grits)

8 - "Men are that they might have joy". Through Christ - (rameumptom)

9 - Stress to parents that children need to participate in service opportunities and work. - (Pam)

10 - Honesty - Importance of honesty starts when children are little and goes on to eternity. - (fish4kitty)

11 - Divisions between us - Fellowship ALL not just some and the good that will follow. - (Moksha)


Edited by martybess
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How about if it were for Adults with children ranging from 2 to 21. That would encompass all those who can hold ward calling, attends the temple, raises children, fast, judge, procrastinate, help, donate, exercise, work, garden, prepare, etc.


Edited by martybess
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i would talk about building the EXPERIENCE of an active relationship with HF......................."give a begger a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime"

How about a variation on this theme: Give one of the older single Sisters on this board a couple of pounds of jumbo shrimp, massaman curry paste, sweetened condensed milk, coconut powder, scallions and some bean sprouts - then invite Moksha over for dinner. If that is not spiritual enough, then we could add the other suggestions into the speech as well, after dinner.


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I always enjoy giving and hearing talks on "service". I believe that it is through service to and for others, that we come to truly love one another.

I also like hearing/reading of the importance of a persons word...the value of being a person of character, trust and integrity.

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If you could give one message,talk or lesson what would it be on and why? What do you think the world needs most? Ok anything other then on the Savior that's a given. lol


Here's the suggestions given:

1- Importance of accepting callings and fulfilling them. (By palerider)



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I always enjoy giving and hearing talks on "service". I believe that it is through service to and for others, that we come to truly love one another.

I also like hearing/reading of the importance of a persons word...the value of being a person of character, trust and integrity.

Hello mother! So nice to "see" you again. LOL

I would give a talk on teaching; how we teach the gospel can greatly impact ourselves and those we teach. If we put the bare minimum into our preparation to teach, then we---and those we are called to teach---will also get the bare minimum out of the lesson. There is no greater call in our Church, than that of a teacher. Whether we are called and set apart as a teacher or not, we are teaching others about our faith every day by our words and actions.

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In 2 Nephi 5, Nephi states, "we lived after the manner of happiness." In 2 Ne 2, Lehi taught, "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." The prophets frequently teach that the commandments and everything else are to bring us to a perfect happiness, peace and joy. I would speak on this topic. Of course, a major portion of the talk would be on Christ, as he is the key reason for that joy. If it were not for his atonement, Jacob taught we would be devils, even angels of the devil, and would be miserable with him forever.

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If I were giving a talk to the parents of teens it would be to teach them the value of service. To teach them the value of hard work. Of actually earning the money they might be paid in a job. That the world does not "owe" them anything. To teach them how important it is to also give back to the community.

Unfotunately I think many young people are not learning these concepts. I see far too many young people in jobs who think they are owed the wages they are working for but do little to really "earn" it.

Parents too need to learn this concept sometimes. I lived for 10 years in a pretty afluent area of the Salt Lake Valley where everything was given to the kids without them having to earn it.

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I always enjoy giving and hearing talks on "service".

It's interesting that you mention service. I think service (motivated by love--which I assume you mean) is probably the best definition of Charity there is.

Mosiah 4:

26 And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you—that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may walk guiltless before God—I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.

Service is how King Benjamin says we retain a remission of our sins from day to day. Is that HUGE or what?

Also, I have found scriptures that relate "retaining" your agency to giving service. If you don't serve others you are giving your agency, little by little, to Satan. Of course he doesn't want you to do it. It's an interesting topic (service related to agency). You should search the Book of Mormon for it. :)

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I would give a talk on the Importance of accepting callings and fulfilling them......my reason would be-its something that we always need to think about and remember.....just my opinion

Okay Pale since you came up with your talk first..your assignment would be to write a talk and post it here on lds.net. By Sunday please. ;)

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If I picked the venue, then it would be a generic ward and I would be giving a Sacrament meeting talk to those in the audience paying attention. I would take my cue from the thread by Soul Searcher, and talk about the good things that can be gained by being friendly to all fellow churchgoers and try to include them in activities, rather than excluding them for being divorced (as Pam mentioned) or some other such things that create a division between us. I suspect in any generic ward, there would be some in total agreement since they could relate to thiis talk all too well.

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If I picked the venue, then it would be a generic ward and I would be giving a Sacrament meeting talk to those in the audience paying attention. I would take my cue from the thread by Soul Searcher, and talk about the good things that can be gained by being friendly to all fellow churchgoers and try to include them in activities, rather than excluding them for being divorced (as Pam mentioned) or some other such things that create a division between us. I suspect in any generic ward, there would be some in total agreement since they could relate to thiis talk all too well.

I think this goes on quite a bit. It's just those that are in the mix of things don't see it.


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It's interesting that you mention service. I think service (motivated by love--which I assume you mean) is probably the best definition of Charity there is.

Mosiah 4:

26 And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you—that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may walk guiltless before God—I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.

Service is how King Benjamin says we retain a remission of our sins from day to day. Is that HUGE or what?

Also, I have found scriptures that relate "retaining" your agency to giving service. If you don't serve others you are giving your agency, little by little, to Satan. Of course he doesn't want you to do it. It's an interesting topic (service related to agency). You should search the Book of Mormon for it. :)

Absolutely fantastic!

- Service motivated by love = charity.

- Paying penance is real. We receive forgiveness through LOVING service. (Do we not feel good like God loves us and is happy with us when we help the one in need). Absolutely! Amen.

Many of the talk topics are linked, really.

If we have this love through a rebirth [topic4] which happens because of the atonement [topic2] then will accept calls and fulfilling them [topic1] and so on.



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I would like to add my suggestion and many thanks to those who suggested.


In our extremities, it is possible to become born again, born anew, renewed in heart and spirit. We no longer ride with the flow of the crowd, but instead we enjoy the promise of Isaiah to be renewed in our strength and "mount up with wings as eagles." (Isa. 40:31.)

We live in an age when, as the Lord fore-told, men's hearts are failing them, not only physically but in spirit. (See D&C 45:26.) Many are giving up heart for the battle of life. Suicide ranks as a major cause of death of college students. As the showdown between good and evil approaches with its accompanying trials and tribulations, Satan is increasingly striving to overcome the Saints with despair, discouragement, despondency, and depression.

Yet, of all people, we as Latter-day Saints should be the most optimistic and the least pessimistic. For while we know that "peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion," we are also assured that "that Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in their midst." (D&C 1:35-36.)

"Salvation," said the Prophet Joseph Smith, "is nothing more nor less than to triumph over all our enemies and put them under our feet." (Teachings, p. 297.)

When George A. Smith was very ill, he was visited by his cousin, the Prophet Joseph Smith. The afflicted man reported: "He [the Prophet] told me I should never get discouraged, whatever difficulties might surround me. If I were sunk into the lowest pit of Nova Scotia and all the Rocky Mountains piled on top of me, I ought not to be discouraged, but hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage, and I should come out on the top of the heap."

we see many joys and sorrows in the world, many changed plans and new directions, many blessings that do not always feel like blessings, and much that humbles us and improves our patience and our faith. We have all had those experiences from time to time, and I suppose we always will.

"Adversity, in one form or another, is the universal experience of man. It is the common lot of all . . . to experience misfortune, suffering, sickness, or other adversities. Ofttimes our work is arduous and unnecessarily demanding. Our faith is tried in various ways—sometimes unjustly tried [it seems]. At times it seems that even God is punishing us and ours. One of the things that makes all this so hard to bear is that we ourselves appear to be chosen for this affliction while others presumably escape these adversities. . . . [but] we cannot indulge ourselves the luxury of self-pity."

"When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,

My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.

The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design

Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine." - [How Firm a Foundation]

Pro 3:5-8 & 11-12

5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:

12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son [in whom] he delighteth.



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