Wow...a scary situation


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Well I had something strange happen to me last Wednesday and it wasn't until this morning that I find out it could have been a really scary situation.

One of my neighbors came to my door Wednesday morning. I opened it just a crack to see who was there. This neighbor was there with two other guys kind of just lounging around on my porch. I was asked if I wanted my lawn mowed.

Well my response was..."Thanks but I have 2 teenage boys that are very capable of doing it."

Anyway...Wedneday night (same day) there were 5 police cars at this same neighbors home. The neighbor that came to my door was being taken away in handcuffs.

Fast forward to yesterday...I notice these same neighbors are all moving. Quickly packing everything up and throwing it all into a U-Haul truck. Of course minus the one that was taken away in handcuffs.

So this morning, I'm out bringing in my trash can and the manager of my area happens to be walking by. I ask him what is going on with the neighbor across the street.

Well he informs me that Wednesday he raped another neighbor down the street and they have been evicted due to endangerment. (I live in a mobile home park)

I was shocked. Made me think back to this neighbor coming to my door with two other guys. I am just glad it was ME that answered the door and not my 19 year old daughter.

Really scary now that I can put all of the pieces together.

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Seriously the scary part to me is..."What if it was my daughter that answered the door?" She wants to think she's pretty savvy about things but she really is naive to the ways of the world.

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Glad everyone is all right. (Well, everyone except the neighbor down the street obviously.)

That illustrates a lesson that one of my local cops taught me - you can't stop crime, you can only make it go somewhere else.

So, you gonna talk about the incident with your daughter? They were knocking on your door because they had seen her, right?


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Glad everyone is all right. (Well, everyone except the neighbor down the street obviously.)

That illustrates a lesson that one of my local cops taught me - you can't stop crime, you can only make it go somewhere else.

So, you gonna talk about the incident with your daughter? They were knocking on your door because they had seen her, right?


Absolutely I will be talking to my daughter. Also about the fact she is constantly leaving her bedroom window open when no one is home.

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I guess we kind of always think that something isn't going to happen to us until it does or comes pretty close to happening. It's kind of an eye opener.

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Glad you and your daughter are okay.

Interesting you should mention about leaving the bedroom window open, it's amazing how often this happens as well as leaving back doors unlocked when the reality is that an intruder is far more likely to come around the back than the front.

As you said, it's human nature to think "it'll never happen to us" right up until it does :(

Edited by Mahone
correcting statement attributed to :p
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