Worst date ever - for which you were responsible!


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There was a thread a while back where people told of the "worst dates" they had been on and the clueless people responsible for arranging them. This is the other way round - the worst dates for which you yourself were responsible.

My offering: This happened a lot of years ago when I was a research student. I owned an elderly and not totally reliable car which I was less than conscientious about maintaining (though I did occasionally replace failing components with ones scavenged from a local scrapyard). Anyway, one evening I took a girl out to the movie theater on a first date, and when we got back to the car - surprise surprise - it wouldn't start. So I sat in the driver's seat and asked my date to give me a push-start. Unfortunately she wasn't strong enough and her high-heels didn't exactly make the work easy, so instead I asked her to steer the car while I did the pushing. Eventually we did get the car going, and I was able to take her home.

Do you think she ever went out with me again? Well much to my astonishment she did! I either had more charisma than I thought or else she was a glutton for punishment!

Edited by Jamie123
spelling mistake
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So I sat in the driver's seat and asked my date to give me a push-start. Unfortunately she wasn't strong enough and her high-heels didn't exactly make the work easy, so instead I asked her to steer the car while I did the pushing. Eventually we did get the car going, and I was able to take her home.

Do you thing she ever went out with me again? Well much to my astonishment she did! I either had more charisma than I thought or else she was a glutton for punishment!

Ok, you probably don't need any more reminders of what not to do :D , but I've gotta ask it! You really didn't have HER sit with her heels in the drivers seat while YOU pushed started the car? :lol:

Edited by Honor
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Ok, you probably don't need any more reminders of what not to do :D , but I've gotta ask it! You really didn't have HER sit with her heels in the drivers seat while YOU pushed started the car? :lol:

LOL - this was 20 years ago when I was young and irresponsible, and I don't think the difficulties of driving with heels on would have crossed my mind then. Maybe she took them off - I can't remember.

P.S. If I'd worn the heels myself to push the car, I think I'd have remembered that! :lol:

Edited by Jamie123
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LOL - this was 20 years ago when I was young and irresponsible, and I don't think the difficulties of driving with heels on would have crossed my mind then. Maybe she took them off - I can't remember.

P.S. If I'd worn the heels myself to push the car, I think I'd have remembered that! :lol:

LOL ok so mentioning the heels was just me being facetious (similar to saying - have her sit her pretty little self in the drivers seat). I'm just surprised that when you told her to get out and push, she didn't get out of the car and walk away.

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Okay – my big date mistake. I was in high school (in Provo Utah) and my two best friends went to B. Y. High. Our Jr. Prom was on the same weekend so we decided to all go together. Come the big night I showed up at my date’s house with my tux and flower and my date answered the door in a sweat shirt and jeans. As soon as she saw me she ran off screaming. Next thing I know her dad is at the door mad as a wet cat. In the middle of all the ruckus the father informed me that the dance was the previous night. They were on the same weekend but not the same night.

No one cared or even asked me how I felt about not being able to go to the dance. And that girl never even talked to me again – not even at any of the reunions.

The Traveler

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Okay – my big date mistake. I was in high school (in Provo Utah) and my two best friends went to B. Y. High. Our Jr. Prom was on the same weekend so we decided to all go together. Come the big night I showed up at my date’s house with my tux and flower and my date answered the door in a sweat shirt and jeans. As soon as she saw me she ran off screaming. Next thing I know her dad is at the door mad as a wet cat. In the middle of all the ruckus the father informed me that the dance was the previous night. They were on the same weekend but not the same night.

No one cared or even asked me how I felt about not being able to go to the dance. And that girl never even talked to me again – not even at any of the reunions.

The Traveler

Ouch... a genuine mistake, but no less embarassing lol. I don't understand why she held it against you though, it wasn't something you did on purpose. Having read a few scenarios of bad dates, I have wondered that a lot - I'd rather be with someone who was able to laugh off genuine mistakes, providing they don't keep reoccuring, as that is what I would do. But then that's just my own mentality, which is often very different to those around me :P

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I was going out on a blind date with my room mate and her date.

I wasn't feeling really good, and I really didn't like the dude. The guys come to pick us up, we get in the car headed to the drive in (yuck! to start with) and I ask my room mate for a couple of her industrial strength head ache pills.

My date pipes up with, here take one of these. With out thinking, or asking what it is, I take the pill and swallow it down with a gulp of beer.(double yuck- how can people drink that icky stuff?)

That is pretty much the last thing I remember. I woke up on my sofa and I felt like I had a mattress stuffed down my throat.

According to my room mate, I sat back to let the pill work, and as the car took a corner just a bit to fast, I threw up all over my date and the back seat.

The driver turned the car around, and when they got to our apartment, they removed me from the car and left me on the side walk, then drove to a car wash.

I woke up three days later. My neighbor found me out on the sidewalk and got me into my apartment, then called one of my navy intern friends. He and three other of his buddies kept watch over me continuously for those three days. Found out that my blind date gave me a pain pill that has codeine in it. I am allergic to codeine. Throwing up got rid of most of the pill- but I was also sick.

Two weeks later the blind date called to see if I was better and wanted to go out. I asked him whose idea was it to just dump me out of the car? He said the other guy. I said, well you sure have no back bone in you to just do as he says and leave me passed out on the sidewalk. Never went out with him. Never double dated with my room mate again either.

I continued to date the intern though. Sweet guy. Broke my heart when he got transferred to San Diego (we were in Bremerton at the time).

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I was going out on a blind date with my room mate and her date.

I wasn't feeling really good, and I really didn't like the dude. The guys come to pick us up, we get in the car headed to the drive in (yuck! to start with) and I ask my room mate for a couple of her industrial strength head ache pills.

My date pipes up with, here take one of these. With out thinking, or asking what it is, I take the pill and swallow it down with a gulp of beer.(double yuck- how can people drink that icky stuff?)

That is pretty much the last thing I remember. I woke up on my sofa and I felt like I had a mattress stuffed down my throat.

According to my room mate, I sat back to let the pill work, and as the car took a corner just a bit to fast, I threw up all over my date and the back seat.

The driver turned the car around, and when they got to our apartment, they removed me from the car and left me on the side walk, then drove to a car wash.

I woke up three days later. My neighbor found me out on the sidewalk and got me into my apartment, then called one of my navy intern friends. He and three other of his buddies kept watch over me continuously for those three days. Found out that my blind date gave me a pain pill that has codeine in it. I am allergic to codeine. Throwing up got rid of most of the pill- but I was also sick.

Two weeks later the blind date called to see if I was better and wanted to go out. I asked him whose idea was it to just dump me out of the car? He said the other guy. I said, well you sure have no back bone in you to just do as he says and leave me passed out on the sidewalk. Never went out with him. Never double dated with my room mate again either.

I continued to date the intern though. Sweet guy. Broke my heart when he got transferred to San Diego (we were in Bremerton at the time).

Ah...what it was like to be young! :)
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The driver turned the car around, and when they got to our apartment, they removed me from the car and left me on the side walk, then drove to a car wash.

I woke up three days later.

Did I miss the part about what happened to your room mate? She A) let them dump you on the sidewalk, and B) left you there for 3 days?!

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Did I miss the part about what happened to your room mate? She A) let them dump you on the sidewalk, and B) left you there for 3 days?!

She came back after her date-at O Dawn Thirty, my intern friend wouldn't let her into our apartment. He was really PO'd. He was Navy, her date and the blind date ejit were Army. My navy friend reported the Army dudes.I don't know what happened to them- I really didn't care. I moved into my own studio apartment about 2 months later.

I kept in touch with the Navy interns who took care of me those three days for several years. I lost their address's in one of my many moves. So if any one out there in cyber space thinks this story is familiar and you were in the Navy in Bremerton in 1971- HELLO Again.

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I have one ditsy moment. I'm a fairly intelligent gal. But one time, there was this guy who wanted to take me out to a movie. I said, sure, why not. I don't date - I mean, I do group outings with a bazillion friends. But, that one time, I just couldn't find anybody else wanting to go at such short notice. So, it was just him and me. He wanted to pick me up and I didn't want to - I wanted to just meet him at the theater, but he insisted. So, I said sure why not. Then I told him how to get to my apartment. For some insane reason, I told him to turn LEFT instead of RIGHT into my apartment building - turning left leads to another apartment building with different building numbers, so he drove around and around trying to find my apartment and he couldn't. So, he call me on the phone and ask me again how to get to my place, and I said again - turn LEFT. Both apartments have almost the same name (same as the street name) except one is Villas... Anyway, after an hour of looking and looking he finally figured to just try the RIGHT side and found my apartment in a flash. When I opened the door, he took my left arm and said, THAT is left, THIS is right. I felt like such a ditz! We missed the movie, of course, so he just stopped to say Hi, spent an hour infront of my TV and jetted, never to be seen again. I don't blame him really... And I still think that my subconscious really didn't want to go out on a date so it keeps on messing my conscious brain up! At least it's an acceptable excuse for my airheadedness...

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my worst date was with my friend , her boyfriend and this other guy who I was dating, they told my friend and I that we were going to the theater but we ended up in a soccer game, then we realised that all " the movies" invitation was a lie..what they had planned was the soccer game, oH and it was so far away and we went walking...

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Guest Alana

This isnt' that bad, but it was the worse one that was my fault, heh.

I had a friend who had a friend who I evidently would 'just love.' So she gave me his screen name online. We talked now and then and eventually we planned on going on a date. Well, the day of the date I had a girlfriend of mine call and she was really sick and needed a ride to the doctors. So, I gave her a ride. I was worried I wouldn't be back in time so I left a note on the door for my date, but I couldn't remember his name. I did remember his screen name, we only talked online after all. SO I addressed the note to the screen name. When I got back from taking my friend to the doctor I was about 5 minutes late. Turns out my dad also stopped by to say hi. So there is my dad and this guy I've never met but I'm going out on a date with on my front porch.... laughing at how I forgot his name. It was really embarrassing. We went on the date, but we didn't really hit it off.

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I already posted one bad date – guess I might as well fess up with another. First off let me explain something. When I was single I thought dating should be a lot of fun, especially first dates. I was not the kind that fell in love with someone before I would date them. I did not marry until I was 26 (an old man by Utah standards). My wife was the third girl I ever took out more than twice in a row but that is another story.

Like most youths – I did a lot of stupid things but as far as dating was concerned I had two goals. First was to have a good time. The second was to make sure my date had a good time. That first goal was a source of a lot of things that I would do differently now that I know better. The second goal should have been my first. I will not tell about the time I tried to take two dates to the same dance – just to see if I could pull it off. I will not tell about the time I tried to see how many dates I could have in one day. I will not tell about the time on a water skiing date I jumped out of the boat when it was at maximum speed. (They do stuff like that in the movies) This post is about a really stupid thing I did.

My best friend and I took out a couple of girls that were also best friends; this was by design because I thought what I had planned would be really fun if best friends were involved. We had gone to a stake dance and had a lot of fun. Things were about done for the night when we stopped to get a bite to eat at the A&W just north of 12th north in Provo on University Ave. My buddy and I went inside to get the food and left the girls alone in the car. However, just before leaving the car I turned a tape recorder on that was hidden under my seat. So we set up the girls up to talk thinking they were talking about their dates in private.

I had no idea how much girls talk. The date might have been salvaged if I had a little more sense but when we returned I pulled the tape recorder out and played it back for everyone despite the passionate pleas of our dates. :eek:

The Traveler

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