Ask a Mormon


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Once people find out I'm LDS, I get a lot of questions. Most of them are ones I've heard before. This thread is to answer some of the more common questions. These are answers that are to answer curiosity....not delve into deeper doctrine or history. Please keep the topic on target and do not go off on tangents. Please feel free to post a commonly asked question and an answer that you feel is appropriate (especially one you use frequently). As always, these are just suggestions--rely on the Spirit to help you answer questions or avoid contention.

Are Mormons Christian? Do you believe in Jesus?

Yes, we believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Redeemer of the world. In fact, the real name of our church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I thought Mormons all drove buggys and wore black clothes.

No, you're thinking of the Amish. Mormons live as you do, work as you do and are involved in their communities.

Don't Mormons practice polygamy? How many husbands do you have?

First, polygamy usually refers to having many wives. Secondly, Mormons no longer practice polygamy. We did in the early days of the church, but around 1890 we no longer practice it. Those people who do practice it and are called Mormons are not part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They may be a break off from my church, but they are not members of the Mormon faith.

Do you believe in the Bible?

Yes, we use the King James version of the Bible for our study.

Can anyone go to your church? I thought you had to be a member to go to your church. What about that pretty white building that I saw?

Everyone is invited to attend church with us. Here's the address to the nearest church building. That white building is a temple and only worthy members of the church may enter. You have to have special permission to enter that building--much like having a driver's license.

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Can anyone go to your church? I thought you had to be a member to go to your church. What about that pretty white building that I saw?

Everyone is invited to attend church with us. Here's the address to the nearest church building. That white building is a temple and only worthy members of the church may enter. You have to have special permission to enter that building--much like having a driver's license.

Not only must you be a member of the LDS Church in order to enter the temple, but you must also pass a worthiness interview. Not even all members of the Church are permitted to enter. Non-members are allowed to walk through the temples during pre-dedication open houses.

What's up with your magic underwear?

(Smile) Well, they're not magic. They represent covenants that we make inside the temples, and they help remind us of those covenants. Because they are sacred to us, we wear them beneath our clothing, instead of as an outer symbol.

Why don't you have the cross on your church building? I thought you said you believed in Jesus Christ.

We do believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that after His ministry, he suffered for our sins, and then died and was resurrected, making it possible for us, too, to be resurrected and live again with Him someday. We choose to focus on His resurrection instead of on His death.

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I like the way you address the issue of polygamy. You answer it truthfully instead of skirting around and avoiding it.

Now, please, it is just a comment I wanted to make. I DO NOT want to hi-jack this wonderful thread and change it into a discussion of polygamy. Please, if you wish to talk specifically about it make a new thread.

I simply wanted to offer a sincere comment on beefche's post.

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Thanks, Justice. I forgot to add that these answers are not the be-all and end-all. Sometimes there are follow up questions (and polygamy is one of those) in which I will answer in more detail. But typically, people don't want long answers. They just want their curiosity appeased.

edit: Also, humor is extremely helpful in these type of situations. I will often joke about various things--"No, we don't have more than one husband--in fact, I can't even find 1--know any single men?"

Edited by beefche
another thought
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I thought Mormons all drove buggys and wore black clothes.

No, you're thinking of the Amish. Mormons live as you do, work as you do and are involved in their communities.

The Russian dubbing for Witness, the film where Mel Gibson is a cop protecting an Amish family, has Amish translated as Mormons. Several people on the mission asked my companion where his hat and beard were...

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Why don't Mormons drink coffee? What's bad with coffee or tea? Is it the caffeine?

The short answer is that we believe in prophets today and our prophet has told us that the Lord doesn't want us to drink coffee or tea, even decaffeinated ones. I don't know what's bad about them, if anything. We can drink caffeine if we choose to.

I see your guys in white shirts and ties all the time on bikes. Who are they?

They are missionaries. Basically, they go around talking to people about God and our church. They teach people about the Gospel and invite people to be baptized.

Doesn't everyone have to go on a mission for your church? How much does it pay and how long is it?

No. It is not required. Some choose to go and we expect young men at age 19 to serve, if they are able to. Missionaries typically pay for their own mission--either their own money or their family helps pay for it. Young men who serve missions go for 2 years and young women serve for 18 months.

What is the Book of Mormon?

It's a record of a people who lived on the American continent before, during, and after Christ lived. It's like the Bible in that it is a record of people and their dealings with God. It also tells the account of when Jesus visited these people on the American continent.

How is your church different than other churches?

That's hard to answer. I think the basic difference is that we believe in modern prophets and have scriptures other than the Bible. We also believe that God has given the pristhood to men today--basically, the power to act in God's name and with His authority. We believe that authority and power is in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

You believe in prophets? Who is your prophet and where is he?

Our prophet's name is Thomas S. Monson and he lives in Salt Lake City Utah. We have other prophets as well. The church is organized a lot like a government is--we have a presidency made up of 3 men who are prophets. Then we have the Quorum of 12 Apostles--12 prophets are are Apostles like what Jesus had when he was on earth. We also have other leaders as needed.

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Are Mormons allowed to dance?

Yes. In fact dances are held in many areas for youth and for adults. Brigham Young University (which is owned by the Mormon Church) has dance teams that have performed all over the world.

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Are Mormons allowed to dance?

Yes. In fact dances are held in many areas for youth and for adults. Brigham Young University (which is owned by the Mormon Church) has dance teams that have performed all over the world.

My great great grandmother would love that one. She was kicked out of the Baptist church for dancing. :sparklygrin:
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Don't Mormons have some kind of mark, like horns or a special tattoo?

No. Mormons don't require any kind of special markings. We don't wear special clothing and are allowed to wear make up.

You don't think garments are "special clothing"?

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You don't think garments are "special clothing"?

I don't know about you, Dr. T, but I don't bring up my underwear in normal conversations ;). First, they aren't asking about clothing--they are talking about something noticeable. Second, I don't see a need to introduce garments in a conversation unless they ask about them.

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  • 1 month later...

The Russian dubbing for Witness, the film where Mel Gibson is a cop protecting an Amish family, has Amish translated as Mormons. Several people on the mission asked my companion where his hat and beard were...

That was Harrison Ford not Mel Gibson that played the cop in Witness.

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Every group of people the Lord involves himself in are required to do or practice something that is deemed unusual by the world. With mormons there are a few but to name two The Word of Wisdom for all members and Temple Garments for all endowed members.

Edited by Kenny
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not only must you be a member of the LDS Church in order to enter the temple, but you must also pass a worthiness interview. Not even all members of the Church are permitted to enter. Non-members are allowed to walk through the temples during pre-dedication open houses.

What's up with your magic underwear?

(Smile) Well, they're not magic. They represent covenants that we make inside the temples, and they help remind us of those covenants. Because they are sacred to us, we wear them beneath our clothing, instead of as an outer symbol.

Why don't you have the cross on your church building? I thought you said you believed in Jesus Christ.

We do believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that after His ministry, he suffered for our sins, and then died and was resurrected, making it possible for us, too, to be resurrected and live again with Him someday. We choose to focus on His resurrection instead of on His death.

B]Not only must you be a member of the LDS Church in order to enter the temple, but you must also pass a worthiness interview. Not even all members of the Church are permitted to enter. Non-members are allowed to walk through the temples during pre-dedication open houses.

No person living is ever worthy without Jesus. He is the only way. With this in mind, without Jesus no person can enter your temple. It would be an empty place. You can not do it alone. I hope I did not break your rules regarding posting. I only wanted to make a point with total respect for all people on this forum and your religion.

Thanks, Jim

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B]No person living is ever worthy without Jesus. He is the only way. With this in mind, without Jesus no person can enter your temple. It would be an empty place. You can not do it alone. I hope I did not break your rules regarding posting. I only wanted to make a point with total respect for all people on this forum and your religion.

Thanks, Jim

The beauty of the temples is that they are where Christ's faithful followers can receive the ordinances that make them more like Him. We are only able to improve our lives through the Atonement of Christ, and the degree to which we apply it is reflected in how obedient we are to His commandments- including the requirements of worthiness to enter one of His temples.

Thank you for pointing that out, Jim.

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B]Not only must you be a member of the LDS Church in order to enter the temple, but you must also pass a worthiness interview. Not even all members of the Church are permitted to enter. Non-members are allowed to walk through the temples during pre-dedication open houses.

No person living is ever worthy without Jesus. He is the only way. With this in mind, without Jesus no person can enter your temple. It would be an empty place. You can not do it alone. I hope I did not break your rules regarding posting. I only wanted to make a point with total respect for all people on this forum and your religion.

Thanks, Jim

Ok Jim, let’s get you some important facts it might just save your soul.

The law as it is laid down states that in order to get back in the presence of our heavily Father we must be perfect. Perfection is without blemish, without sin. Commit just one minor indiscretion and the way home is blocked.

This means that none of Fathers children could be save because it would be impossible for mortal man not to sin.

Jesus Christ lived that perfect life, without blemish, without sin. He fulfilled the demands of justice, overcame death, was reunited with his dead body and glorified.

Now because of Him and the atonement He says now do the best you can always striving to be perfect. If you fall and sincerely repent you can have hope in Him. All worthy followers of Christ He will advocate for.

Those who truly follow Christ will want to get to know him and obey his commandments. They will seek out His church, they will strive for as high as they can go.

Throughout history God has had a covenant people and still has. Sometimes because of apostasy He will raise other people and graft them into the Abrahamic covenant. One common element of God covenant people is that they build temples. These are buildings that represent His house on heaven.

Because they are so sacred those that enter must be living a basic law acceptable to God. Striving to be perfect is a minimum requirement. We can never achieve perfection because we have sinned but we can strive to be as close to perfection as it is possible. If all that we can do is acceptable to God then mercy comes into play. Then he will make up the difference.

Hope this helps

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What is the Book of Mormon?

It's a record of a people who lived on the American continent before, during, and after Christ lived. It's like the Bible in that it is a record of people and their dealings with God. It also tells the account of when Jesus visited these people on the American continent.

I've asked this question before and received mostly angry replies, and I'm seriously just seeking an answer. If the Book of Mormon is truly a historical record, why are there no artifacts where the great battles are said to have taken place?

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I thought the "official" version of the KJV of the bible Mormons use is the one revised by Joseph Smith (JST). Is this correct?

Close, but no cigar. Two different versions, really, and the "official" Bible of the LDS church is the KJV, just as the scholars kicked it out in 1611.

Q. Can Mormons dance?

A. So much so that they used to have gold and green balls.;)

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As a reminder, this thread is not to have any derails. If you wish to discuss something from this thread, please begin your own thread with your discussion points.

I wish to be honest with you, and must admit my intent. I was born a Mormon and baptized in the Mormon church. I have since left Mormonism, and am contemplating getting my name removed from its records. I do have a few questions though and I just want to make sure I'm making the right decision. If I have questions to your answers posted, I should start a new thread about it, or ask them in this thread?



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