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A little about me mmm... Well I'm a convert to the church for about 16 years, I have a strong testimony of the church and it's doctrine. I have a great knowledge about this church and it's doctrine.

I'm getting ready to start Spring Forest QiGong, and as soon as I land a job, start my schooling for Herbal Medicines, I am all about healing without Pharmesuticauls.

You know, I never know what to put here, if you truly want to get to know me, and what I'm like. Drop me a note.


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Well Zen..... I love that you are going into herbal medicines....I never even knew that was an option to go into a field like that. You've got my brain ticking though. All these harsh toxins are just to much for everday living. I think they do more damamge than actually helping....

The reason I would like to communicate with you is because I'm actually doing a research paper. A number of people will actually be reading the paper so it would be a great way to get your point of view as a memeber of the LDS church. It wont be bias but will have some tough questions. If you dont know the answer that's fine we will simply move to the next question. I am a Christian and have actually been to your church a few times with close friends, so I am a newby but i get the gist of it.

God Bless, and please inform me :)

mama moni

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the best thing I can suggest is Cayanne Peppers, they have an amazing ability to stimulate the blood. My mom takes cayanne with lunch and dinner and has found it easier to get blood out for her Blood sugar tester. Also, it is recorded that someone was brought back to life after having a heart attack just buy giving the person cayanne tincture under the tongue.

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welcome...i havent studied any herbals for way too many years.....but i have experienced it working, and accupuncture as well. i was a massage therapist way back when, reflexology, accupreasure, kinesiology, touch for health, polarity. seems very long ago.

so, meditate on what it would feel like if i had already worked on you.....lol.


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I've never used elderberries for cough medicine, growing up we used honey and lemon juice with just a little water to losen it up a little. If you add Elderberry it helps break up the phlem allowing healing to take place faster.

Catspaw, I haven't heard of that, of course with 3.5 million different varieties of herbs, it happens once in awhile.

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oopsie cats claw

this is what I found about it

Cat's Claw is a tropical vine that grows in rainforest and jungle areas in South America and Asia. Some cultures refer to the plant as the "Sacred Herb of the Rain Forest".

This vine gets its name from the small thorns at the base of the leaves, which looks like a cat's claw. These enable the vine to attach itself around trees climbing to a heights up to 100 feet.

The plant is considered a valuable medicinal resource and is protected in Peru. Although scientific research has just recently begun to explore its benefits, many cultures native to the South American rain forest areas have used this herb for hundreds of years.

Current studies show it may have positive effects on, and can boost the body's immune system. With recent fear of HIV, studies have started to move quickly.

The active substances are alkaloids, tannins and several other phytochemicals. Some of the alkaloids have been proven to boost the immune system. The major alkaloid rhynchophylline has anti-hypertensive effects and may reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, reducing heart rate and controlling cholesterol.

Other constituents contribute anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties. Many treatments combine the herb with different plants and natural products to increase the absorption and bioavailability.

It has long been used as a homeopathic treatment for intestinal ailments. Uses include: Crohn's disease, gastric ulcers and tumors, parasites, colitis, gastritis, diverticulitis and leaky bowel syndrome. By stimulating the immune system, it can also improve response to viral and respiratory infections.

European clinical studies have used the extract from the bark in combination with AZT in the treatment of AIDS. It is also used in the treatment and prevention of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as diabetes, PMS, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and prostate conditions.

Part Used: Inner bark and root. Capsules, tea and extract.

Common Use: Extracts are used in treatments for a variety of conditions, mostly gastrointestinal. Immuno-stimulant properties help the body fight off infections and protect against degenerative diseases.

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