Absolute worse...ever!!!


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That was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who was that singing??? I think the only thing worse than that singing was Roseanne's rendition in 1990 at the Padre's stadium.

Okay, about the hand-to-the-heart thing. That's kinda odd. I do stand when the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance is said. I do not put my hand on my heart though, because it's saluting the flag (yes, it's a from of salute) and I'm not American. I cannot salute the American Flag for obvious reasons. I sing it though, because I just love that song. I stand up for it out of respect for this country. I stand up for the pledge as well but I can't say the pledge - same thing, I'm not American, so I cannot pledge my allegiance to the US. I have had to explain this several times to the kids in my sons' school. So, I know kids pay attention to that stuff.

So, for Obama not to put his hand on his heart, it sends a message. I mean, okay, so he doesn't feel it necessary. But, what's the harm of doing it anyway even if you're just trying to portray an image? Isn't he big on image? It just seems wierd to me.

I would agree that it's rather odd and probably a bad move. Aside from that, I think some people are reading too much into it (as they do with just about everything Obama related).

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Seeing is believing...do they have valid birth certificates and not just a COLB which you can obtain anywhere?

Good point. Those Jehovah Witnesses may have come from Enish-go-on-Dosh like President Obama

and are only lulling us into believing they are citizens by birth - till their shock troops arrive.

BTW, I got this from an unnamed source that some may say is unreliable, but I know better

since I sit on it every day!!!


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Good point. Those Jehovah Witnesses may have come from Enish-go-on-Dosh like President Obama

and are only lulling us into believing they are citizens by birth - till their shock troops arrive.

BTW, I got this from an unnamed source that some may say is unreliable, but I know better

since I sit on it every day!!!


Penguins blow smoke? I didn't know that! :lol:

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