Youth is wasted on the young...


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In 3 days time it'll be my birthday.

I'll be 45.

I don't want to be 45.

Being 44 is bad enough, but 45??!!! :bawl:

Yes I know. There are older people than me who wish they could be 45 again.


Try 53 going on 60! That is a blow to the gut.

BTW, I completely agree with you that love is wasted on the young. I try to explain this to my adult kids, but I think I'm scaring them a bit. How do you convince your child that twenty years goes by with the snap of your fingers, so that they'll appreciate it, but not think to themselves, "OMH, Here she goes again!"

This is what got me through my 40s, and they were the best, and worst, years of my life: Today, turning 40 is the same as turning 30 was two generations ago. I took that to heart, and was younger than I'd ever been in my life. I did a lot of stupid things that I regret, but BEING in my 40s didn't bother me at all.

If I could just stop thinking of 60 right around the bend. THAT one is kicking me in the butt.


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High-five, everyone! They've identified that stem cells can help in de-aging. By the time I'm old, I'll be able to turn back the clock and be in my mid-twenties again. It'll even help with failing brains.


I'm sure most of you will be alive then, too. :D

PS: Being fat is actually being generous! | Ethical questions about stem cells

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I'm 27 and although I have a lot of people tell me how fast my kids will grow up, I don't have anyone telling me to enjoy my twenties. Maybe because of the kids? lol.

SO, what should I be doing differently???

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Yeah, me too!! 60 is a lot closer to me than it is to you Elph and Pam!!!!Too dang close :eek:

I would love to do 20-25 over IF I could have the knowledge I have now. :D

What happened to your "damsel with a dulcimer"?

(I know that wasn't a dulcimer she was playing, but your icon always made me think of that poem.)

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Happy future Birthday :D

I didn't feel like an actual adult until I turned 30, and I feel a deep sense of my own power in the world, which is an awesome feeling indeed. I wouldn't trade anything to be younger. But I understand that is not common and wish you luck with coming to terms with your mortality :P

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Happy future Birthday :D

I didn't feel like an actual adult until I turned 30, and I feel a deep sense of my own power in the world, which is an awesome feeling indeed. I wouldn't trade anything to be younger. But I understand that is not common and wish you luck with coming to terms with your mortality :P

LOL - thanks :) I'll let you know how it goes ;)

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I care!

I'm still mystified by this whole 'adult' thing. Part of the problem is that I still think the same way as I did when I was 5. Sure, I have more life experience now, and do adult things (hubba hubba!) but I'm still me, regardless of age.

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A couple of years ago, my dad was seen diving head-first down a rather long and steep slip-and-slide at a Labor Day get-together, at age 50. It's not about how old your are, but how old you feel.

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