Hello from Germany


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Hey there everyone,

So what to say about me? I'm a 22-year old from Germany.

Nobody in my family believes in God and that makes me sad sometimes.

I've come to know Christ when I spent a year in the US where I went to a baptist church.

A few months ago I started being interested in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and so I read a lot of things online and I listened to some online content, watched videos and stuff. I have to say I feel drawn to the church. I started praying regularly and it's been a wonderful experience. I'm growning and I know one day I will be brave enough to take another step. For now I'd be glad to hear from you. Tell me about how the church infuelces your daily life. If you're a convert, I'd love to hear stories of how you found out about the church. I'd be glad to tell you more about myself too.

I hope everyone has a great day :)

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Hello Lita! My grandmother was from Leipzig. Cant find any of my family there around. Everyone was lost in the war and the papers were burned.... Maybe some day.

I am happy to hear you believe in God and happy to hear, that you are investigating LDS Church. I hope you have a chanse to listen or read Elder Hollands speach in the conferance we just had. It is fenomenal! I can also say that I know this Church is the true Church of Jesus Christ and I welcome you here on this netside and to the Church when you feel for it. It will be the best ride in your life!:)

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My maiden name is Manderscheid-- and so you see that is German. I have always wanted to go to the town by that name where our family came from, and it has a ruined castle too.

I even began to try to learn German by listening to tapes while I sewed, but it didn't stick, much-- (I remember an important phrase though-- inportant for us grannys anyway-- "Wo is de damsen tolettias" (probably all mispelled! :(.

My brother married a dutch girl, and several of my family have made trips to Germany, which I hope to some day.

Anyway,. welcome to here, and may you be blessed to have your family come closer to the light of Jesus Christ each day-- which I believe they will from your good example, and because I believe that God is seeking after us all the time too.

Another hobby of mine since I was a teenager- was to learn about other faiths (my Mom suggested I needed to do that, as my testimony was pretty one sided-- I only knew what the church taught-- not what others believed or why) and it has TOTALLY helped me and strengthened my testimony of Jesus Christ and also been very interesting too.

I like the short sound bite to describe the LDS faith.

We claim to be the re-established original Christian church;

1. Jesus Christ organized a church

2. men changed it

3. It has been brought back

It is my testimony to you that it is true, and I encourage you to pray as you search for the truth. Gods blessings on you. (I'd write good by in German if I could spell it-- something like Alf verdersain?-- you can tell my learning was only audio :/. Gramajane

Have a great day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Lita! My grandmother was from Leipzig. Cant find any of my family there around. Everyone was lost in the war and the papers were burned.... Maybe some day.

I am happy to hear you believe in God and happy to hear, that you are investigating LDS Church. I hope you have a chanse to listen or read Elder Hollands speach in the conferance we just had. It is fenomenal! I can also say that I know this Church is the true Church of Jesus Christ and I welcome you here on this netside and to the Church when you feel for it. It will be the best ride in your life!:)


I did listen to Elder Holland's speech after reading your post and it was really great. thanks :)

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