LDS food restrictions

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Hi there. I am always getting conflicting versions of what Mormons can and cannot have.

Are all hot drinks out? or just coffee?

Can Mormons drink Coke and Pepsi?

Is caffeine not allowed at all?

What about how much meat we should eat. Ive been told we can have as much as we want and others say sparingly.

What others have I missed?

Thanks guys

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We covenant to avoid coffee and tea, while many people have tried to explain why (caffine, tannin, the hotness itself, etc) the fact is the Lord has not explained why.

Caffine is not forbidden, but many Mormons do not drink things with caffiene on the belief that its a habit forming ingredient. Its really a personal decision.

We also do not drink alcohol

We are to eat meat sparingly. what exactly sparingly means is left up to the individual person.

Edited by mnn727
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Are all hot drinks out? or just coffee?

Coffee and tea

Can Mormons drink Coke and Pepsi?

Yes, especially diet coke with lime

Is caffeine not allowed at all?

As long as it is not in coffee or tea, it is okay.

What about how much meat we should eat. Ive been told we can have as much as we want and others say sparingly.

No more than four plates of meat at the buffet table. (Gotta save some room for Jell-O).

What others have I missed?

Funeral potatoes, tuna casserole, fry sauce and the aforementioned Jell-O comprise our food staples.

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Hi-- If I might ad a comment-- I watched an interview on live TV of President Hinckley by newcaster Larry King-- where Mr. King asked in quick shot questions which things were on the list of things LDS do not consume and when asked about these caffine soda pops- the response was that LDS do not consume them.

So though it is not a question for a temple recommend-- I feel really good that I have from my childhood already avoided caffeine soda pop.

We had a good LDS friend and co worker, who also heard that, and he had been one who had literally opened containers of (can't remember if it was Coke or Pepsi) sitting around the shop so he could take a sip all during the day-- and he quit cold turkey- which must not have been easy for him !

So-- though there are other things that I struggle with in the Word of Wisdom

-- like the amount of sleep I get ( retiring to my bed early and arising early)--

and other things I could improve on-- God isn't finished with me yet. :) and I try to get/be better each day! Gramajane

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Ok, I just remembered this-- that there was in one of the last three Ensign magazines-- (official church publications)

an article on caffeine drinks-- and the danger of their use--

though they were focusing on the really HIGH caffeine ones

-- . any way-- there you have it. Gramajane

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Mr. King asked in quick shot questions which things were on the list of things LDS do not consume and when asked about these caffine soda pops- the response was that LDS do not consume them.

Gramajane presents the 'other side of the story'.

The "yes, we can drink caffiene" camp usually responds this way:

* New doctrine and revelation binding on the church and it's members, is revealed during general conference and put to a sustaining vote. New binding doctrine and revelation is NOT revealed on Larry King Live.

* President Hinckley was confirming that Mormons as a cultural demographic group have lots of members who avoid caffiene. He didn't say anything about whether this was doctrinal or just a quirky cultural phenomenon.

* The more authoritative the source, the less they have specifically to say about caffine. (example - some Bishops have said no, GA's speak vaguely about avoiding addictive substances, scripture doesn't mention it at all.)

* My bishop told me the question he's asked the most by the youth in our ward is "can you drink Coke and still get a temple recommend?", and his answer (after consulting with his priesthood authority) was a strong and unambiguous YES.


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ensign dec 2008 - Ensign Article - The Energy Drink Epidemic

One must keep in mind, of course, that from a medical point of view there are certain appropriate uses for caffeine. For example, doctors will sometimes prescribe caffeine for use in neonatal care. In addition, used in moderation, caffeine may not pose significant health risks. It was the resulting side effects from overuse of the drug that gave me such concern in Mrs. Jones’s case.

ensign june 1988 - Ensign Article - Research and Perspectives

The Church has taken no stand against any substances containing caffeine other than coffee and tea. As Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote about the Word of Wisdom, “Some people become cranks. … There is no prohibition in Section 89 as to the eating of white sugar, cocoa, chocolate, … or anything else except items classified under tea, coffee, tobacco and liquor. If some particular food disagrees with an individual, then that person should act accordingly without reference to the prohibitions in this particular law of health.” (McConkie, 1966, pp. 845–56.)

new era dec 2008 - New Era Article - Energy Drinks: The Lift That Lets You Down

[Talks about the dangers of high caffeine consumption]

new era oct 1975 - New Era Article - Q&A: Questions and Answers

We know that cola drinks contain the drug caffeine. We know caffeine is not wholesome nor prudent for the use of our bodies. It is only sound judgment to conclude that cola drinks and any others that contain caffeine or other harmful ingredients should not be used.

This last article, the one from 1975, seems to have been made a bit outdated with increased understanding of medicine, as the first article from 2008 mentions. It looks like Bishop H. Burke Peterson spoke a bit prematurely about what we "know" vs what is an opinion based on a current limited understanding of how reality works.


Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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the medical part of the '75 article may be outdated (i think we should use the most recent information given)... but it does show that the church has been taking a stand of caffeine in moderation or not at all if you can for a long time... we talk like the church's discouraging caffeine is new but '75 is before i was born and it seemed pretty clear then...... i know i'm not old but i don't consider myself a kid either. lol

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but '75 is before i was born and it seemed pretty clear then...... i know i'm not old but i don't consider myself a kid either. lol

'75 I was already out of high school and engaged!

I think you'll find that most Mormons avoid caffine, but are not nuts about it. I don't buy caffinated soft drinks for home or work, but if we go out to eat, I'll have a diet coke and not think anything about it - the other choices when you go out are worse in my opinion.

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...we talk like the church's discouraging caffeine is new but '75 is before i was born and it seemed pretty clear then...... i know i'm not old but i don't consider myself a kid either. lol

Compared to some of us Gwen, you're just a baby. :)


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I think there is a significant level of goodness in the words 'moderation on all things'. I love cheese and chocolate. These are great in moderation but excessively? Well... lets just say there is a reason I don't have a profile picture. :) Anyway, I think caffeine is the same way. I don't do much with it simply because I prefer A&W root beer but it is hardly something to sweat over

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I personally like the Word of Wisdom. We're always referring to God as our "Heavenly Father", and this is one of the doctrines that I see Heavenly Father showing parental councel and love.

As many are already aware, there are five substances that God bluntly says to avoid:

- Illegal Drugs

- Alcohol

- Tobacco

- Tea (black and green)

- Coffee

After listing these, Heavenly Father continues to give us council on how to take good care of ourselves. This council includes eating healthy foods, only eating meat in moderation, and avoiding unhealthy foods (which would likely include caffiene - I don't hear too many people out there claiming it's healthy).

If you want to look further, in the revelation preceding the Word of Wisdom (Doctrine and Covenants 88), Heavenly Father goes further and talks about healthy habits, including going to bed early, arising early, avoiding being idle, and more. It's all great council from a loving parent.

Does going to bed late or not eating so healthy condemn us, prevent us from going to the temple, or show that we're bad saints? Of course not! Obeying this council does come with blessings, however, and obeying such council is likely pleasing to God.

We don't have to master it all at once. We have a whole lifetime to work on perfecting ourselves and our health habits, and we don't have to try to do it alone. We're always allowed to seek God for help when trying to become better. ^_^

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