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On the far end of tinfoil-hattery fringe-doctrine callout-tent-buying dream-interpreting craziness, you can always pay for a subscription to the boards at AnotherVoiceOfWarning. They're nuttier than fruitcakes, but people tell me they know a lot about preparadness.

A group of former subscribers who got fed up with the nuttiness and unrightous dominioning formed the Got Lamp Oil forums. I participate there often and have learned a ton there.

There's also the patriot/militia-esque folks at Zion's Camp if that's your thing. Those fine folks helped me decide on what kind of handgun to buy 4-5 years ago.


Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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ar15.com has a great survival forum - it's in their outdoor area. parts of ar15 are rather brash - the survival forum and some of the other forums their are more heavily moderated and kept on topic and family friendly, for the most part.

Survival Podcast has a wealth of info - make sure you also listen to his podcasts - he also has youtube videos. he's got info ranging from gardening to food storage to self defense planning/weapons. really good info.


Alpha Disaster Contingencies lots of really good practical knowledge - a little hardcore and comes across as arrogant, but great info.

HURRICANE KATRINA good info from the perspective of surviving hurricane katrina - good real world example.

the first two i listed will provide you w/ tons of information - the survival podcast is probably the most most user friendly. i've yet to find a survival forum, except zions camp, that does not have the occasional salty language, so be forewarned. zions camp is not a pure survival forum, however.

i've lurked here a while, but joined so i could give some good resources as we all know they'll be needed. oddly my post count shows up as two, also, this is the first post i've made. people on ldsavow are, for the most part loons, w/ the occasionally sane person thrown in. the owners of the board are somewhat out there - i'll leave it at that. now i'll go back to lurking.

Edited by john doe
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  • 1 year later...

Although it isn't an amazingly active board, I have made some friends at LDSprepare.org (free) and I also have been familiar at times with AVOW/GRI (see the post above, there is a fee for both of these complementary sites but it is a very active board with a lot of "experts") and LDSGLO (free, also with people that have been studying these things for a long time)

For Christian type news I like trunews.com and lifesitenew.com

There is also a lot of good knowledge here from what I've been seeing.

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ar15.com has a great survival forum - it's in their outdoor area. parts of ar15 are rather brash - the survival forum and some of the other forums their are more heavily moderated and kept on topic and family friendly, for the most part.

Survival Podcast has a wealth of info - make sure you also listen to his podcasts - he also has youtube videos. he's got info ranging from gardening to food storage to self defense planning/weapons. really good info.


Alpha Disaster Contingencies lots of really good practical knowledge - a little hardcore and comes across as arrogant, but great info.

HURRICANE KATRINA good info from the perspective of surviving hurricane katrina - good real world example.

*Deleted link due to the acronym*

the first two i listed will provide you w/ tons of information - the survival podcast is probably the most most user friendly. i've yet to find a survival forum, except zions camp, that does not have the occasional salty language, so be forewarned. zions camp is not a pure survival forum, however.

i've lurked here a while, but joined so i could give some good resources as we all know they'll be needed. oddly my post count shows up as two, also, this is the first post i've made. people on ldsavow are, for the most part loons, w/ the occasionally sane person thrown in. the owners of the board are somewhat out there - i'll leave it at that. now i'll go back to lurking.

I don't read this forum often, so just saw the deletion. Really? Deleted due to acronym. Heaven forbid the information outweighs the innocuous acronym. Preparedness is about preparing for any bad thing that could happen. Preventing the information from at the site from being shared b/c of an acronym (SHTF) of popular preparedness vernacular is asinine. Are you also not going to read that site or any other site b/c it's not LDS PC? At a talk at Utah State University, President Hinckley, while quoting somebody, said "hell". Guess they should've censored the prophet. ROFL.

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LDS GLO is where I spent the majority of my time for message boards. I'm occasionally on Zion's Camp too. I won't participate in sites that charge me. I've listened to the survivalpodcast as well and poked around many of the other mentioned boards.

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My very favorite preparedness site is Carolyn Nickolaysen's Totally Ready website. Her information is reliable, and she keeps up with what's happening NOW. She also writes for Meridian Magazine, the LDS online magazine. You can visit her site here: blog.totallyready.com

Her site is free, but her newsletters cost. They are worth every penny.

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  • 1 year later...

LDS GLO is where I spent the majority of my time for message boards. I'm occasionally on Zion's Camp too. I won't participate in sites that charge me. I've listened to the survivalpodcast as well and poked around many of the other mentioned boards.

I tried to join LDSGLO but I still have not gotten an email approving my registration

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