Why did satan tempt Adam and Eve to eat the friut?


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This might be a stupid question or I'm misunderstanding things.

Why did satan tempt Adam and Eve to sin because by doing that he was helping Heavenly Fathers plan. If he had not tempted them then none of us would have been able to progress and the plan would have been stopped because we would have all been stuck in innocence and not progressed by learning and growing out in the lone and dreary world?

Also why did Heavenly Father tell them not to eat the forbidden fruit if was necessary for them to do so to progress?

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I hope I never comprehend the mind of Satan or can even relate to it.

My guess is that he is so selfish and self-centered that he is only thinking of his goals which is to bring as much misery to men as possible. That opens opportunity for him to pull others away from Gods purposes.

These are good questions.

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This might be a stupid question or I'm misunderstanding things.

Why did satan tempt Adam and Eve to sin because by doing that he was helping Heavenly Fathers plan. If he had not tempted them then none of us would have been able to progress and the plan would have been stopped because we would have all been stuck in innocence and not progressed by learning and growing out in the lone and dreary world?

Also why did Heavenly Father tell them not to eat the forbidden fruit if was necessary for them to do so to progress?

Satan wouldn't have had the chance of getting followers if Adam and Eve had not partaken -- right? So yeah, he was helping Heavenly Father's plan but his plan was in action too. Just my thoughts.

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I see it differently. I do not see Adam being tempted by Satan. I see Eve being tempted and Adam wasn't "tricked" but was he chose to put Eve above God.

I agree with Eve being tempted, but do you think Eve went behind Adams back and did it without discussing it with Adam first? Or at least talked about that dilemma before the temptation?

I wonder if it was like what happens with my husband and me around dinner, "what would like to have for dinner tonight, babe?" ... "Oh, I don't know, I can't decide, you pick." ... "Okay, see you in a few" .... later that night .... "we are having mexican again?", as he grabs an apple from a basket on the table. :eek:

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I see it differently. I do not see Adam being tempted by Satan. I see Eve being tempted and Adam wasn't "tricked" but was he chose to put Eve above God.

So had Adam and Eve not partaken of the fruit....what would have happened in your belief? Did Heavenly Father want them to fall? Would we have been born had they not fallen?

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The Book of Moses suggests that the serpent did not know all the plans of God regarding the Garden and the Fall. IOW, God knew the serpent would try to foil the paradise of Eden, thinking he (Satan) was destroying God's plan. Only in being told that the Savior was being provided for just this purpose do we see that Satan realizes his efforts were in vain.

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I agree with Eve being tempted, but do you think Eve went behind Adams back and did it without discussing it with Adam first? Or at least talked about that dilemma before the temptation?

I wonder if it was like what happens with my husband and me around dinner, "what would like to have for dinner tonight, babe?" ... "Oh, I don't know, I can't decide, you pick." ... "Okay, see you in a few" .... later that night .... "we are having mexican again?", as he grabs an apple from a basket on the table. :eek:

That's a good question, I've seen that as a solitary thing for some reason. I thought it was on her own and then when she gave it to him he just took it. Interesting thought. Thank you SemSnoozer :)

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So had Adam and Eve not partaken of the fruit....what would have happened in your belief? Did Heavenly Father want them to fall? Would we have been born had they not fallen?

That's an intersting thought Bytor. Did God want them to fall? I don't think He wanted them to sin but knew that they would. I was thinking about this the other day, "Why did they do what they did and why did the people that walked with the Father and Jesus while on Earth do what they after having intimate relationships still go and do that?" I thought about it and realized it if wasn't them then it would have been somebody else. Shoot, it would have been me. I think we could have been born had they not fallen.

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IMHO, We wouldn't be here if Eve had not partaken of the fruit. Adam wasn't going to make the decision. He hadn't yet realized yet that he couldn't obey both laws of God. 1. Be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth, and 2. Do not partake of the fruit of the tree of good and evil. He couldn't do #1 without disobeying #2 - He couldn't do #2 without disobeying #1. Wow... A choice. Isn't that why we're all here? To make choices? To exercise our God-given agency?

Adam and Eve's deicison was not a sin! It was a transgression. Sin has not been introduced to the world yet. Sin could not exist in the Garden of Eden. It was also a necessary transgression. If Eve and then Adam had not exercised their agency, our Heavenly Father's plan of salvation could not have happened.

A choice had to be made. If this decision has not been made we'd all be sitting on our hands in the spirit world wondering, what's next? LOL This subject just always tickles my funny bone.

I see a lot of parallels in the world. Many times it is the woman who says "Hey honey, I think we really ought to do such-and-such." Husband says, "Well, I'm not ready for the change." Wife says "Well if, we don't make this change then we'll be stuck here." Wife then takes steps to make the change. Husband goes along.

Now before every guy here gets all upset at me, I'd like to point out that this is not always the case. There are a lot of righteous Priesthood holders on these boards. They take their responsibilities seriously. But you only have to read a few talks by our prophets to realize that its usually the wife that takes the lead in domestic decisions. Eve's decision was a domestic decision.

LOL... so much for me not posting anymore. LOL

EDIT: As far as Satan tempting Adam and Eve. Remember he was cast out before Heavenly Father gave instruction to Adam and Eve. He didn't know he was furthering his father's plan.

Edited by applepansy
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Why did satan tempt Adam and Eve to sin because by doing that he was helping Heavenly Fathers plan. If he had not tempted them then none of us would have been able to progress and the plan would have been stopped because we would have all been stuck in innocence and not progressed by learning and growing out in the lone and dreary world?

Also why did Heavenly Father tell them not to eat the forbidden fruit if was necessary for them to do so to progress?

All this postulates that Heavenly Father would never have come back at some point and said, "now is the proper time for you to partake of the fruit".

I would suggest that the net effect of the fruit was good, and Satan knew it. But by painting himself as the one who had given this blessing to Adam and Eve--behind the back of a Father who was unjustifiably withholding that blessing--he sought to present himself as the fount of this "good", and thereby gain the affection and allegiance of Adam and Eve. (Think of the grandmother who offers the grandkids the forbidden goodies after Mom and Dad have already said "no".)

Perhaps (this is all speculation, mark you!) what Satan underestimated was Adam and Eve's own capacity for guilt and their loyalty to the Father. Having unfettered ambition, Satan assumed that fallen man would act as he had done--that Adam and Eve, like Satan before them, could and would unabashedly look the Father in the face and claim all that He had even after a blatant act of rebellion.

But Adam and Eve were made of sterner stuff than Satan anticipated. Their consciences pricked them; they humbled themselves, sought redemption through Jesus Christ, and committed to the "enmity" of His law.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Okay, Pansy, what you wrote about law #1 and #2, implies that multiplying is a sin, (or transgression) or not possible without us doing something wrong. Does this mean procreation is a sin (or transgression)?

I agree, Adam and Eve did not sin and that it was a transgression, but a necessary transgression. I believe they had to partake of the fruit so they would be able to exercise their agency. I also believe that Satan was allowed to tempt them because he has his agency and the battle he started in the pre-mortal state continues today. The Great War in heaven we read about in the Book of Revelations was not “won” but continues on today. Satan hasn’t and won’t stop.

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WmLee. NO!

If they hadn't taken the fruit, they wouldn't have become mortal. Then procreation wouldn't have been possible. Adam and Eve were married, sealed for time and all eternity by God the Father. Procreation within the bounds of marriage is not a sin.

What I said, no implications, is there were two commandments and one or the other had to be transgressed. It was our Heavenly Father's plan from the beginning that Adam become mortal. Without becoming mortal they couldn't procreate. That doesn't make procreation a sin.

EDIT: Sin and Transgression are not the same thing.

Edited by applepansy
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What is the difference between a sin and a transgression?

Scripturally, nothing. The two terms are interchangeable.

In wider Mormon usage, "transgression" suggests lack of accountability. In other words, according to this usage, it is possible to "transgress" a commandment without actually "sinning" (because you don't have knowledge of the commandment, and thus are not accountable for obeying it).

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Scripturally, nothing. The two terms are interchangeable.

In wider Mormon usage, "transgression" suggests lack of accountability. In other words, according to this usage, it is possible to "transgress" a commandment without actually "sinning" (because you don't have knowledge of the commandment, and thus are not accountable for obeying it).

In the case of Adam and Eve, they did have knowledge of the law but they were innocent. It was their innocence that effects their accountability. Not the consequences, though.:)

There have been so many Fall of Adam threads lately. Its interesting how these things come in groups.

I have been thinking about the fall and why the thing was necessary. If it wasn't necessary....if there wasn't some fundamental set up that needed to occur then why didn't God just create corruptable man and woman on the planet and let them make babies and start earth life? Satan could still tempt them and do his worst. Why go thru all the drama if Adam and Eve could have kids? which would have been a problem because then the chhildren of men would still be in God's presence and have no need of a Savior. Something that was established before the fall anyway.

I think that God couldn't make something corruptible and sinful like human finite body. I think he made perfect and immortal bodies for Adam and Eve and then allowed them to be commanded and tempted and let them bring the necessary opposites into the newly created world. As God was one of the opposites and Satan the other, he could not create the necessary life tests for all of us without this important event.

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Satan wouldn't have had the chance of getting followers if Adam and Eve had not partaken -- right? So yeah, he was helping Heavenly Father's plan but his plan was in action too. Just my thoughts.

Along those lines, I suppose it's possible for the adversary to have contemplated that his greatest opportunity to frustrate Heavenly Father's plan was to tempt and derail either Adam or the Savior Himself. He couldn't get that opportunity to tempt either were the fall not to occur, and he probably was 'chomping at the bit' to get his chance to try.

That said:

Many questions have been asked: How much did Adam and Eve really understand about consequences of eating the forbidden fruit? Why was the message of Satan so tempting to Eve but not to Adam? Was there no other way? These are perplexing questions because we know so little about Adam and Eve’s thoughts and feelings in the garden. Therefore, we should not worry about what the scriptures and living prophets have chosen not to explain. The important thing is to know that the Lord’s will was accomplished. Adam and Eve kept the first commandment to multiply and replenish the earth. The Choice That Began Mortality By Elder Jess L. Christensen Area Authority Seventy January 2002

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This might be a stupid question or I'm misunderstanding things.

Why did satan tempt Adam and Eve to sin because by doing that he was helping Heavenly Fathers plan. If he had not tempted them then none of us would have been able to progress and the plan would have been stopped because we would have all been stuck in innocence and not progressed by learning and growing out in the lone and dreary world?

Also why did Heavenly Father tell them not to eat the forbidden fruit if was necessary for them to do so to progress?

Alma 12.

Satan was not trying to "just" destroy God's plan when he tempted Eve to eat the fruit. As you stated, if that was his goal all he had to do was not tempt them. By tempting Eve he was trying to bring about his plan... which was identical to Father's plan up until AFTER Eve ate the fruit.

Alma 12 holds the key to understand this.

I realize this understanding doesn't come easy, and I realize it may not come to anyone who read this post or Alma 12. But, I'd love to discuss Alma 12 (again) with anyone willing. The answers only come when we are ready.

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Why did satan tempt Adam and Eve to sin because by doing that he was helping Heavenly Fathers plan. If he had not tempted them then none of us would have been able to progress and the plan would have been stopped because we would have all been stuck in innocence and not progressed by learning and growing out in the lone and dreary world?

Well I believe Satan's plan was for Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and then have them eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life. That way they could not die and would have been stuck forever in their fallen state. God's plan would have been halted since there could not be an atonement.

Also why did Heavenly Father tell them not to eat the forbidden fruit if was necessary for them to do so to progress? Also why did Heavenly Father tell them not to eat the forbidden fruit if was necessary for them to do so to progress?

Because if Heavenly Father would have commanded them to eat of the fruit He would be an unjust God. Because eating the fruit changed their bodies from an immortal state to a mortal one. And such an action would have been a punishment. If God commanded them to eat they would have been punished for following God's commandment. What kind of just God punishes someone for following His commandments? He HAD to command them not to eat of it or else He would have been an unjust God.

Edited by deseretgov
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Here's my two bits for what it's worth

The reason Adam and Eve did what they did, the reason Satan tempted them, and the reason for the entire situation as a whole is because it had to happen that way.

Think about it for a minute...God the Father is perfect. If this is true, then we can agree that he used the best method possible to allow us to gain a physical body. After all, he wouldn't maintain perfection by enacting a faulty plan.

At the same time, because of God's perfection, he cannot create anything imperfectly. If he did, he would not be fulfilling his potential. He understood that only a mortal body can give birth to another mortal body. The trouble is, God cannot create a mortal body. How do I know? Well if he could, why didn't he? He created Adam and Eve in a state of perfection because he had to. He also knew that they had to become mortal before they could procreate...so he set up a no-win situation for them.

Rule 1--Multiply and replenish the earth

Rule 2--Don't eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

They couldn't obey both rules at the same time. As long as they obey one, the other is broken. Before they partook of the fruit, they were in transgression of Rule 1. Adam and Eve saw that breaking Rule 2 was necessary in order to obey Rule 1, which they rightly saw as the more important rule of the two they were faced with.

Now, why did Satan tempt them? Because of several reasons, some of which are more properly understood in the temple. For now, it suffices me to say that he was attempting, even from the very beginning, to do everything he could to frustrate God's plan. It was, and remains, his role to tempt us to go against what God tells us to do. Did he know he was actually doing exactly what needed to be done? Maybe, maybe not...I can't read his mind, and he hasn't been exaclty forthcoming about his side.

What's important to remember is that all of it happened exactly as God knew it would. He knew it would happen because he knew it had to happen. There was no other way for us to get mortal bodies. If there were, there's a good idea that God would have done it instead.

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Well I believe Satan's plan was for Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and then have them eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life. That way they could not die and would have been stuck forever in their fallen state. God's plan would have been halted since there could not be an atonement.


Because if Heavenly Father would have commanded them to eat of the fruit He would be an unjust God. Because eating the fruit changed their bodies from an immortal state to a mortal one. And such an action would have been a punishment. If God commanded them to eat they would have been punished for following God's commandment. What kind of just God punishes someone for following His commandments? He HAD to command them not to eat of it or else He would have been an unjust God.

Except that IF He commanded them to eat the fruit it wouldn't have been a transgression. But, I do get and understand youir point... and I agree.

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Think about it for a minute...God the Father is perfect. If this is true, then we can agree that he used the best method possible to allow us to gain a physical body. After all, he wouldn't maintain perfection by enacting a faulty plan.

At the same time, because of God's perfection, he cannot create anything imperfectly. If he did, he would not be fulfilling his potential. He understood that only a mortal body can give birth to another mortal body. The trouble is, God cannot create a mortal body. How do I know? Well if he could, why didn't he? He created Adam and Eve in a state of perfection because he had to. He also knew that they had to become mortal before they could procreate...so he set up a no-win situation for them.


Rule 1--Multiply and replenish the earth

Rule 2--Don't eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

They couldn't obey both rules at the same time. As long as they obey one, the other is broken. Before they partook of the fruit, they were in transgression of Rule 1. Adam and Eve saw that breaking Rule 2 was necessary in order to obey Rule 1, which they rightly saw as the more important rule of the two they were faced with.

I agree. Isn't it interesting that as long as they were immortal neither law could be broken.

They needed a time limit in order to keep or break those two commandments. It required mortality. If this confuses you I'll explain more in-depth, but judging from your post I'd say you understand what I'm saying.

Now, why did Satan tempt them? Because of several reasons, some of which are more properly understood in the temple. For now, it suffices me to say that he was attempting, even from the very beginning, to do everything he could to frustrate God's plan.

Alma 12 suggests the reason he tempted them was to bring about his plan, not frustrate God's

It was, and remains, his role to tempt us to go against what God tells us to do. Did he know he was actually doing exactly what needed to be done? Maybe, maybe not...I can't read his mind, and he hasn't been exaclty forthcoming about his side.

I think his motivation changed when Eve (and Adam) did not immediately partake of the tree of life after they ate the forbidden fruit. I think it is his plan NOW to ruin God's plan as much as possible, but until Adam and Eve were guarded from the tree of life and kicked from the Garden of Eden, Satan was trying to bring about his plan (which was as stated, to have them eat of the tree of life immediately after they ate the forbidden fruit). Read Alma 12 carefully. It's mentions it other places... if Alma 12 doesn't do it for you I'd be glad to give you other references.

What's important to remember is that all of it happened exactly as God knew it would. He knew it would happen because he knew it had to happen. There was no other way for us to get mortal bodies. If there were, there's a good idea that God would have done it instead.

Yep, that's the most important thing to remember!

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