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What I constantly scratch my head over in all of this is how we are told to 'live the spirit of the law', 'soda drinks are in violation of WoW', 'don't drink sodas because of health reasons', yada, yada. Yet nobody seems to say a word about the obese members of our church (250 lbs.+) who will stand up in a Sunday school (as was done last summer) and tell me that I am to avoid my 16 ounce daily favorite drink root beer, but don't seem to have any conflict whatsoever in regards to the WoW over their gluttony of no less than a 4,000 calorie daily intake of pizzas, Big Macs, fries, subs, and who knows what else that will clog their arteries and give them serious health related issues by the time they're 55. Can somebody explain to me how the common sense logic (and living the spirit of the law) continually seems to get thrown out the window in all of this?

You've watched them eat all of that? All of it in one day? Like, you made a list of all the stuff these people ate in one day? Because I would hate to think you were just idly speculating cause you got your feelings hurt by a bunch of fat people :P

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It IS OK to drink Pepsi. I know several people who are totally addicted. They're temple going Mormons too.........:eek:

mrmarklin, perhaps the solution isn't in telling your brother "He should not", but instead explain why you do not. The fact that your Dad drinks Pepsi is not necessarily a reason he should. Yes, we as parents need to be "good" examples for our children and others. We aren't always successful. Simply because our parents do something is not a reason we should. Each of us needs to make wise choices and understand that to do otherwise has consequences that come with it. Sometimes we should choose otherwise because what they are doing is not a good choice. My mother drank alcohol to excess and growing up I saw what it not only did to her but to our family as well. I chose not to drink, not because it was so much what the church taught, but because I saw what it did to our family and to others.

You be the example for your brother and who knows your example may just make the difference.

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mrmarklin, perhaps the solution isn't in telling your brother "He should not", but instead explain why you do not. The fact that your Dad drinks Pepsi is not necessarily a reason he should. Yes, we as parents need to be "good" examples for our children and others. We aren't always successful. Simply because our parents do something is not a reason we should. Each of us needs to make wise choices and understand that to do otherwise has consequences that come with it. Sometimes we should choose otherwise because what they are doing is not a good choice. My mother drank alcohol to excess and growing up I saw what it not only did to her but to our family as well. I chose not to drink, not because it was so much what the church taught, but because I saw what it did to our family and to others.

You be the example for your brother and who knows your example may just make the difference.

mrmarklin is not the OP.

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You've watched them eat all of that? All of it in one day? Like, you made a list of all the stuff these people ate in one day? Because I would hate to think you were just idly speculating cause you got your feelings hurt by a bunch of fat people :P

As a former fat person I can say, one does not have to watch them eat to know that they do so to excess.

Doesn't really matter whether it's pizzas, hamburgers, burritos or Pate de fois gras. Fat people eat too much.

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On the other hand, studies are now showing that tea, especially green tea is good for your health. There are also studies out showing that coffee helps to prevent parkinsons, and other diseases. Studies are now showing that coffee and tea are preferable to drinking soda drinks from a health standpoint.

That's not on another hand, that's another subject. Tea and coffee are specifically interpreted as the hot drinks prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. Pepsi has not been prohibited by the LDS Church.

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As a former fat person I can say, one does not have to watch them eat to know that they do so to excess.

Doesn't really matter whether it's pizzas, hamburgers, burritos or Pate de fois gras. Fat people eat too much.

Have you ever considered that it's genetic and/or medical for some people? Eating is not the only cause of fatness.

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Iiiii'm just gonna throw this out there. Pepsi = not too great. Coke = nasty. Diet anything (soda or otherwise) = barf. :) I'm afraid that A&W Root Beer is the way to go. Oh, and I better clarify that I don't personally have anything against caffeine. I just don't happen to have found a drink that has it and tastes good too. But I will vote "NO" on whether or not it is a direct violation of any gospel doctrine.

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No it's not the only cause, but other causes are so seldom as to not be worth considering. They're maybe one in a million. Even less......................:o

Throwing out outrageous statistics to support your biased point of view...great debate tactic. There are plenty of people who have legitimate medical/physiological reasons for being fat that have little or nothing to do with their eating habits.

Were you perhaps known as Fiannan in a former life?

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Throwing out outrageous statistics to support your biased point of view...great debate tactic. There are plenty of people who have legitimate medical/physiological reasons for being fat that have little or nothing to do with their eating habits.

Were you perhaps known as Fiannan in a former life?

While this claim is true, it is also true that there are plenty of people who are fat because they eat too much... the latter is more common than the former. You can use your neighborhood to run a statistic (if you live in America).

Mmarkin (sorry if I misspelled that) or whoever it was that said it, has a valid point that you are shoving under the table because you didn't like how it was stated.

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You're right: I don't like the implication that all fat people are disgusting hogs with absolutely no self-control. It's inaccurate, unfair, and untrue.

Everybody can agree with this including the person who said it... now, can we address the point that he was trying to make?

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Throwing out outrageous statistics to support your biased point of view...great debate tactic. There are plenty of people who have legitimate medical/physiological reasons for being fat that have little or nothing to do with their eating habits.

Were you perhaps known as Fiannan in a former life?

I hate to disagree with one of my favorite posters, but the bolded statement above is clearly false. Consider: Would a person who ate nothing ever become fat? Of course not. All fat people become so by eating more than their metabolism requires. There are no exceptions.

Now, this does not mean that no people have medical conditions that predispose them to obesity, and it most certainly does not mean that fat people are morally weak or somehow spiritually unclean before God. It is entirely possible, in fact highly likely, that two people could have similar or even identical eating habits, yet one is slim and in good shape while the other is fat. This unfair situation is a part of the cold reality of being, and it says very little about someone's moral state. But to say that people's obesity has "little or nothing to do with their eating habits" is absurd.

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You've watched them eat all of that? All of it in one day? Like, you made a list of all the stuff these people ate in one day? Because I would hate to think you were just idly speculating cause you got your feelings hurt by a bunch of fat people :P

My feelings weren't hurt in the least. I was just perplexed how a 300+ lb. Sunday school teacher with a HUGE gut sticking out is telling me, who is 5' 10" and 165 lbs, the health evils of a soda drink and how this is in absolute violation of the spirit of the WoW when I can clearly see that his eating habits are waaaay beyond the dangers of a mere carbonated drink. As far as seeing exactly what these people eat? I didn't have to actually see Leonardo DaVinci paint 'The Last Supper' to realize that the end result was pure genius. Just like I don't need to see what these people are putting into them that are giving them there 50"+ guts. I seriously doubt that they're stocking up on the salad bar when they're in their all-you-can-eat buffet lines.

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I was just perplexed how a 300+ lb. Sunday school teacher with a HUGE gut sticking out is telling me, who is 5' 10" and 165 lbs, the health evils of a soda drink and how this is in absolute violation of the spirit of the WoW when I can clearly see that his eating habits are waaaay beyond the dangers of a mere carbonated drink.

Your point is true but irrelevant. Excessive soda pop consumption is clearly a violation of the spirit of the word of wisdom, even though it is clearly not a violation of the letter of that law. This fact is true, even if stated by an obese chain smoking syphilitic heroin addict with open sores.

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Maybe the person in question was speaking from experience. I know a few people who eat very little yet can't seem to lose weight. I know others who can eat what they want when they want, and as much as they want who never seem to gain a pound. There are other factors to being overweight than just overeating.

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Originally Posted by talisyn View Post

You've watched them eat all of that? All of it in one day? Like, you made a list of all the stuff these people ate in one day? Because I would hate to think you were just idly speculating cause you got your feelings hurt by a bunch of fat people

As a former fat person I can say, one does not have to watch them eat to know that they do so to excess.

Doesn't really matter whether it's pizzas, hamburgers, burritos or Pate de fois gras. Fat people eat too much.

Many people suffering from excessive weight have more creating the obesity than the inability to push away from the table. Do you feel any better having said that? Case in point: sometimes we make stupid choices and in doing so live with the consequences. Having said that, it is also up to each of us to recognize those less than desirable choices and make corrections. That includes trying to be tactful, well mannered, gracious when given things, and learning to live in a more Christ-like manner.

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All fat people become so by eating more than their metabolism requires. There are no exceptions.

Sure about that? Your saying that genetics or illness has nothing to do with it....ever?

Yes, I am sure. Genetics or illness might very possibly influence obesity, and it is even possible that for some very few people, the alternative to obesity would be even more severe disability or death. Nevertheless, the statement is true as written.

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I hate to disagree with one of my favorite posters, but the bolded statement above is clearly false. Consider: Would a person who ate nothing ever become fat? Of course not. All fat people become so by eating more than their metabolism requires. There are no exceptions.

Now, this does not mean that no people have medical conditions that predispose them to obesity, and it most certainly does not mean that fat people are morally weak or somehow spiritually unclean before God. It is entirely possible, in fact highly likely, that two people could have similar or even identical eating habits, yet one is slim and in good shape while the other is fat. This unfair situation is a part of the cold reality of being, and it says very little about someone's moral state. But to say that people's obesity has "little or nothing to do with their eating habits" is absurd.

Fair point. I should have said "little or nothing to do with excessive overeating habits."

I hate to disagree with one of my favorite posters,

Really? Aw, gee...:)

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Yes, I am sure. Genetics or illness might very possibly influence obesity, and it is even possible that for some very few people

Oh....obesity...sorry. I thought you were talking about "fat" your previous quote stated.

Consider: Would a person who ate nothing ever become fat? Of course not. All fat people become so by eating more than their metabolism requires. There are no exceptions.

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