Does Pres Monson get paid?

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President Monson lives the law of consecration I believe. That means he gave up all his personal funds to the church, and the church gives him back what is sufficient for his needs. He is prophet full time, therefore technicially the church has to pay him what he needs in order to provide for himself and his family.

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All General Authorities (and mission presidents, I believe) are eligible to receive a modest living stipend. From what I have heard, few actually accept the stipend. I don't know if President Monson does not not -- it would be fine with me if he did -- but I think it's entirely possible that he makes enough off of book royalties and retirement income that he does not need the stipend.

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Do they live the law of consecration? It's what I've always been taught. Anyway, if they do, they won't get anything for the books they write, as it'd just all go to the church.

I have never been taught that, Mahone. I think GA's still own homes and pay bills and generate incomes in various ways.

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I've never been taught that either. I think the majority of them have had successful businesses or professions in the past that allow them to devote all their time to serving the Lord and the church.

From what I understand, and I could be wrong, is that President Monson still lives in his own home instead of living in the apartment provided.

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Hasn't Pres Monson spent most of his life in church service? Someone mentioned retirement income but I doubt he would have much of a retirement account if he spent most of his working years as a GA.

Law of consecreation? I doubt it. He and all GAs get a stipend to my understanding.

Regarding his living quarters, he may still own a house, but I know from a sourse at the COB that the church owned apartment that Pres Hinckley lived in for many years is going through a significant remodel at Pres Monson's request.

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I kind of like to look at this in that..if they didn't have a retirement to help support their needs, would we want the President of the Church and Prophet to all people on the earth to live in less than ideal conditions? Wouldn't we want them to live comfortably so that they can continue to expend all their time and energy to serving as they do?

Most of the Prophets and Presidents of the Church during my lifetime have pretty much worked and served in some capacity in serving the people of the Church and communities up to the time they took their last breath.

I'm thankful for such leaders who still live humbly and don't require lavish lifestyles and don't require that their dogs have air conditioned dog houses.

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No because I have heard the same thing..and not from John Doe. I actually heard it from a lady I know who is a secretary to one of the GA's but I can't remember which one.

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Guest mormonmusic

Here's the quote from Wikipedia -- as this to me is the core of the issue:

"A modest living stipend

Some members of the Church are unaware that at least some General Authorities do receive a modest living stipend. While it is true that some Church leaders receive a living allowance while they serve in a given position, it cannot be said that the Church has a professional ministry in the traditional sense.

A call to serve as a General Authority usually comes later in life, and none of these men has depended upon their Church service for their "career" or "income." Given the high caliber accomplishments of those called to full-time service, it is reasonable to expect that they could make a lot more money (with less trouble) in some other field of endeavor.

The fact that this stipend exists has not been hidden. As President Hinckley noted in General Conference:

Merchandising interests are an outgrowth of the cooperative movement which existed among our people in pioneer times. The Church has maintained certain real estate holdings, particularly those contiguous to Temple Square, to help preserve the beauty and the integrity of the core of the city. All of these commercial properties are tax-paying entities.

I repeat, the combined income from all of these business interests is relatively small and would not keep the work going for longer than a very brief period.

I should like to add, parenthetically for your information, that the living allowances given the General Authorities, which are very modest in comparison with executive compensation in industry and the professions, come from this business income and not from the tithing of the people.[1]"

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Just for the record, I would totally be okay with our Prophets and other higher-ups (like the 12) living lavish lifestyles. Their jobs don't end at 5pm like the rest of ours do. Their job is a 24/7 365 sort of thing. I can't imagine the crap they have to put up with. I assume President Monson can't go anywhere without security. He and his family probably get death threats from crazies constantly. He doesn't live on his schedule, but on the church's schedule. His life cannot be easy by any means.

I figure if Monson wants a nice watch or cool car he certainly deserves it. But it's really humbling to know that he just lives a modest lifestyle. It's kind of neat to think about.

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I've been reading all of the responses to the question. It doesn't seem to me that anyone really knows the answer. Apparently the leaders of your church are paid but no one knows how much.

Why isn't this information published anywhere? If the mormon church is tax-exempt there should be some way to determine the answer to the question. I always thought that the government required some kind of accounting for tax-exempt institutions to avoid abuses. It shouldn't be that hard to find the answer. This is puzzling to me. :confused:

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