Pet Peeves


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[link='s_law]Godwin's law[/link]:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

That is sooooo true haha. Especially on 4chan...

My pet peeve would be...

Moochers!! People that invite themselves to do something with other people's things or time haha.

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1) Utah drivers that never signal before they merge!!

2) Patronizing people

3) Texting incessantly; like when you're with a friend and they insist on texting someone else constantly, seriously, if you'd rather talk to them you can leave!

4) Flaky people

5) People that don't take notes or pay attention in class and then complain about not doing well on the test.

6) Or those same people who then expect you to help them study. AH.

7) People that eat out constantly and shop like crazy and then complain that they don't have any money left. Wonder why....

8) Utah Mormons who will condemn Starbucks drinkers but then finish off 34 oz of Mountain Dew or some other poisonous energy drink.

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8) Utah Mormons who will condemn Starbucks drinkers but then finish off 34 oz of Mountain Dew or some other poisonous energy drink.

I didn't realize Utah Mormons had the monopoly on that. :P

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People that drive like a spaz. They are not capable of taking off at a normal steady gradual speed, no matter if it's 50 miles or 50 inches to thier next stop they STOMP the gas...and THEN no matter if they have 20 miles to decelerate and come to a gradual stop, oh no, they wait until they are two feet from the stop sign/red light and SLAM on the brakes throwing you into the windshield. A 15 minute ride with these type people and you're in the EC with whiplash, cuts and bruises from your head hitting the dash... but they have no clue they have driving issues. None, and get REALLY mad when you say something about it. Maybe spaz is not the right term, psychopath may fit better. :P

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Hey..... We're not all bad! I never tailgate people! :eek:

Ok...sorry...I admit there are a few BMW drivers who are nice and polite. My ex-next-door-neighbour owned a BMW and he was a very friendly, helpful, polite person. (And I'm not just saying that because he's a cop and can have me locked up if I don't!) I hope you are one of them too. (A polite person I mean - not a cop.)

But there is a certain kind of BMW driver that drives me (if you'll excuse the pun) into a fit of Nebuchadnezzarn rage. You see a lot of them in London. They are young-ish, male, smartly dressed and they think they own the road. They drive right up against your rear bumper and flash their lights at you for the heinous crime of keeping to the speed limit when they don't want to. Then when they finally overtake you (usually making oncoming drivers blow their horns in anger) they turn around in their seat, glaring and mouthing obscenities at you - making the whole procedure more dangerous still.

(OK, I'm exaggerating slightly - they're not all quite that bad, but you get the idea.)

Now I know what you're going to tell me: Why don't I pull over and let them past? Well OK - maybe I should. (At least my wife keeps telling me so.) But what if we all gave in to whatever the bullies want for the sake of "peace in our time"? Neville Chamberlain learned that lesson the hard way in 1938.


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Hymns Old and New - the new(ish) "politically correct" hymn book. Some horrible examples from it:

Onward Christian Soldiers becomes Onward Christian Pilgrims (warlike references)

In Be Thou My Vision, "Be thou my great Father and I thy true son" becomes "Be thou my great Father and I thy true heir" (sexism)

In The Servant Song, "Brother let me be your servant" becomes "Brother, sister let me serve you" (sexism) (*)

And many more... I think the book should be called Hymns Messed-up and Ruined.

(*) I love that hymn....

Brother, let me be your servant

Let me be as Christ to you

Pray that I may have the grace

To let you be my servant, too

We are pilgrims on a journey

We are brothers on the road

We are here to help each other

Walk the mile and bear the load

I will hold the Christlight for you

In the night-time of your fear

I will hold my hand out to you

Speak the peace you long to hear

I will weep when you are weeping

When you laugh I'll laugh with you

I will share your joy and sorrow

Till we've seen this journey through

When we sing to God in heaven

We shall find such harmony

Born of all we've known together

Of Christ's love and agony

Brother, let me be your servant

Let me be as Christ to you

Pray that I may have the grace

To let you be my servant, too

Edited by Jamie123
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Share on other sites got me thinking and sometimes that can be dangerous. Why are they called "HYMms"?? Why not HERms, or Oursms, or ThePeoplesms??? Sexism. Before long it will come to if we should call Heavenly Father-Heavenly Father? Maybe it should be Heavenly Person or Heavenly Body... Hmm. Sexism. :P Something tells me maybe I shouldn't have been thinking when I'm not used to it. :0

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Share on other sites got me thinking and sometimes that can be dangerous. Why are they called "HYMms"?? Why not HERms, or Oursms, or ThePeoplesms??? Sexism. Before long it will come to if we should call Heavenly Father-Heavenly Father? Maybe it should be Heavenly Person or Heavenly Body... Hmm. Sexism. :P Something tells me maybe I shouldn't have been thinking when I'm not used to it. :0

That reminds me of the movie Legally Blonde. There's a stereotypical lesbian hyper-feminine character in it, who is tired of the sexism that is inherent in the very labeling of the school year, so she petitions to have the next school term called an "ovester" instead of "semester."

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Ok, I'll admit I'm somewhat of a spelling/grammar Nazi. I mean I expect most adults to be able to speak and write at the educational level of a high school graduate. Many cannot. I think it reflects poorly on our society and education system. What really bothers me though is when they don't care. Then again, I COMMONLY find errors in my own writing, usually because I don't take the time to proofread carefully enough. (Hypocritical, huh? I know.) Here's a couple that are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me because they are so common:

You turn a nut to make it loose.

You lose your keys and can't find them.

Shotgun shells have lead shot.

He led them down the trail.

I've got two apples.

I'm going to the store.

I will try that too.

I could go on and on, but I won't. Of course for those that have English as a second language I totally understand. Then again, even with anybody that has English as a first language, I just shake my head. I realize the truly important thing is if I understand what they meant. It's just sometimes disappointing that we, as a society, don't have a better command of our own language.

Don't even get me started on drivers. Ok, I'll get myself started, but limit myself to just one.

People that, on a four lane road stop at any old place to allow a pedestrian to cross the street. Do they stop to consider that there are three other lanes of traffic that they can't account for? What happens when the pedestrian walks in front of their car into the next lane and gets plowed by the unsuspecting driver in the next lane? And how are the cars behind him supposed to anticipate him stopping just to be nice to the pedestrian? How in the world can I predict what he's going to do? I realize people are trying to be courteous. But the most courteous thing to do is follow the traffic laws that we supposedly all learned before getting a driver's license. If you're supposed to stop for a pedestrian, do it. If the only reason is because you think you're being courteous, what you're really being is unpredictable and potentially creating a hazard. Same thing at multi-way stops. Know who has the right of way. When it's your turn, go. Don't wave 12 cars through because you're being courteous. You're confusing people and, oh by the way, I might be behind you!!

Ok, so that was two. I'm leaving it there. I guess I got myself

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People who get mad at the police for doing their job. An example...

A friend of mine got his first motorcycle. He lives on the edge of town, and the speed limit is 45 on that road. Well, one day....okay most of the time this happened, but on this one day....he's riding with shorts, a tank top, backward ball cap, sunglasses, and untied high-tops.....and my brother (who was a policeman at the time) clocked him at over 120. So not only does he get a monster ticket, he gets his bike taken away, and some time in jail.

Well my 'friend' suddenly decides to get mad at me for it...really. I asked him "Why yell at me? Did I tell you to blatantly ignore the speed limit? Did I tell you to ride in as little clothing as possible? What did you really expect would happen in time?"

He never got over it and he thus stopped being friends with me....all because of his decision and the fact that my brother held his feet to the fire for it.

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That's a good one!

Here is one from the concierge desk at my hotel:

Woman: Can you tell me how far it is to drive to the Grand Canyon?

Me: Well ma'am, it depends on if you go to the West Rim or the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The nearest point to Las Vegas, the West Rim, is approximately 3 hours from here.

Woman: 3 HOURS? Why is it so far?

Me: It is in another state - Arizona.

Woman: What? When did they move it there?

I think I have told that before on here, but it is a true story. Perhaps people should pause for a moment and think about what they are going to ask before they ask. Just a thought.

Oh I have a Grand Canyon one too, from the South Rim where I used to work. Here's me standing near the edge of the Grand Canyon admiring it in its massive glory. Here comes a woman who stands near me and gazes at the Canyon for a few minutes before turning to me.

Woman: Hi, do you work here? Can I ask you a question?

Me: (Inwardly groan, outwardly smile) Sure go for it!

Woman: (gestures to the Grand Canyon) Can you tell me if this is man made?


Woman: (Looks at me expectantly)

Me: Well....of course it's man made. Where do you think we got all the dirt to build the Rockies?

Woman: WOW!! That is SOO neat!!!


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Okay...for those of you unfamiliar with snow fences, they're ten-foot-tall fences that typically set at an angle to the road. Their purpose is to knock the snow out of stiff winds so it doesn't reach the highway. But...

tourist: What are those things for?

My Uncle: Those? Oh, they're buffalo fences.

tourist: Really?

My Uncle: Yep. You see, usually the native americans would run a herd of buffalo off of a cliff, but there aren't many cliffs around here, so they use the fences instead.

tourist: I don't get does it work?

My Uncle: Well, they'll run the herd towards these fences and force the buffalo to run up alongside them...then at the other end, they'll put a couple guys on the ground holding this really big bag....

*true story*

And then there's one I did at a rodeo where the local tribe was putting on a pow-wow dance demonstration. Four men were at the drum, singing the traditional song....

Tourist: That is really long do you suppose they practice that?

me: Practice? Would you believe they just make it up as they go along?

Tourist: *in genuine awe* That is even more amazing....

Edited by RipplecutBuddha
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