Pet Peeves


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So what are yours??

What really gets you going for no particular reason?

I have two at the moment....

1. People who have junk cars and insist that if they put a HUGE muffler on them and tailpipe that makes them VERY loud and VERY annoying that it will somehow make them (the person) seem cooler and the car seem faster. Yeah.....riiiiiight.

2. People who call my desk and ask me if I can find a phone number to a place for them. And then when I say, "The number is.........." they say, "Oh, hold on....let me get a piece of paper and a pen." If you were calling someone for a number and were expecting them to give it to you.....why wouldn't you HAVE THE PEN AND PAPER READY TO WRITE IT DOWN?!?!?!

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Stupid people. They come in many varieties. I used to work at a doctor's office -- a family practice -- and we would have people call up all the time between the beginning of October and the end of March with the stupidest question. Bearing in mind that this was in New England, here's the dialogue:

Patient: "Hi, I think I need to see my doctor."

Me: "Okay, what do you need to come in for?"

Patient: "I think I've got a there something going around?"


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Stupid people. They come in many varieties. I used to work at a doctor's office -- a family practice -- and we would have people call up all the time between the beginning of October and the end of March with the stupidest question. Bearing in mind that this was in New England, here's the dialogue:

Patient: "Hi, I think I need to see my doctor."

Me: "Okay, what do you need to come in for?"

Patient: "I think I've got a there something going around?"


That's a good one!

Here is one from the concierge desk at my hotel:

Woman: Can you tell me how far it is to drive to the Grand Canyon?

Me: Well ma'am, it depends on if you go to the West Rim or the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The nearest point to Las Vegas, the West Rim, is approximately 3 hours from here.

Woman: 3 HOURS? Why is it so far?

Me: It is in another state - Arizona.

Woman: What? When did they move it there?

I think I have told that before on here, but it is a true story. Perhaps people should pause for a moment and think about what they are going to ask before they ask. Just a thought.

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When working in retail, any customer that would come up to you to ring up their sales while talking on their cell phone. Then they have the nerve to look at you like you are interrupting their phone conversation.

Put down the cell phone for one dang minute while conducting business. Sheesh.

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I hate it when people leave the kitchen cupboard doors open. Especially when it is my cupboard door. I mean really, if yer gonna steal my food, at least try to hide the fact. :)

I also hate it when people stop at intersections with no stop sign. Sigh... Idaho.

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I also hate it when people stop at intersections with no stop sign. Sigh... Idaho.

I suppose that this is slightly better than people not stopping at intersections for ANY reason....

my mission.....Taiwan.....cops, missionaries, bloody bodies strewn on the road from an accident, Moses in the middle of the road with his had extended and thunderings and lightenings saying "STOP!".....nothing seemed to get any cars to stop in Taiwan at any intersection....

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People who ask for attention but get upset when the get it.


The girl on the treadmill in full makeup, hair done up, nothing but a sports bra and daisy duke short with the word Juicy across the butt in 4 inch letters who gives the "stink eye" to any male who looks in her direction. (whether he is ogling her or not) :rolleyes:

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Hordak: funny but so true.

Mine is people who drive with their head on the seat below their behinds. If you need to make a right hand turn then get in the right hand lane. If you are not go around the block or ahead and make a u turn. Don't cut in front of me. My list could go on and on but I spend 50,000 miles a year on the road.

Turn signals on cars are something to use not to dangle all your cut little unused keychains on.


Ben Raines

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People who ask for attention but get upset when the get it.


The girl on the treadmill in full makeup, hair done up, nothing but a sports bra and daisy duke short with the word Juicy across the butt in 4 inch letters who gives the "stink eye" to any male who looks in her direction. (whether he is ogling her or not) :rolleyes:

That is soooooooooooo true!

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I live in So. Utah, so we get what we call "snowbirds"... old people who live in Salt Lake but move down here for the winter. And they are HORRIBLE drivers. They always go at least 5 under the speed limit.

Also stupid ppl are annoying. My brother once said, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Hahaha

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I live in So. Utah, so we get what we call "snowbirds"... old people who live in Salt Lake but move down here for the winter. And they are HORRIBLE drivers. They always go at least 5 under the speed limit.

Also stupid ppl are annoying. My brother once said, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Hahaha

Wow, i didn't realize Utahs weather varied that much. We had plenty in Florida, even had legislation to help the "native Floridians", but they mostly came from north of the Mason Dixie line.

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My ultimate pet peeve is when people ask if I'm in a bad mood.

If I'm in a bad mood them asking won't help. If I'm not, them thinking I am might make me in a bad mood.

Also, after receiving gifts, the giver asking a billion times if we've used the gift, how is it, or in the case of a certain someone I know "I bet you haven't even used it yet, have you, or it's lost, isn't it." Please, give the gift and move on. If I like it I'll tell you, and in the mean time you can just assume it was the best gift ever.

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When working in retail, any customer that would come up to you to ring up their sales while talking on their cell phone. Then they have the nerve to look at you like you are interrupting their phone conversation.

Put down the cell phone for one dang minute while conducting business. Sheesh.

That drove me nuts at Subway. Come on, we're a Sub shop that makes it how you tell us to, we're going to talk to you. If you want me to just make you something I think you might like with no input for you, prepay and I'll gladly do so at your own risk. :)

My ultimate pet peeve is when people ask if I'm in a bad mood.

Kinda the same as "What's wrong?", once I can deal with, it provides and opening for dialog and I can understand that. It's when they won't drop it.

Them: What's wrong?

Me: Nothing (aka, either nothing, or I don't want to talk).

Them: Come on, tell me what's wrong.

Me: I'm fine.

Them: I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me.

Me: I'm good.

Them: You can tell me.

Me: You want to know what's wrong?

Them: Yes!

Me: There is a highly annoying person who won't leave me the freak alone!

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Hordak, I didn't realize there was such a thing as a "native" Floridian. :P Can you give me an apprx total? I love many of these already posted especially the stupid phone calls. I am usually real good at being able to handle crazy things people say and do but some times they say the stupidest things and it's like my mind just snaps, my brain no longer has control of my mouth and WHAM! I reply in the blink of an eye something that is at least twice as stupid as what they said because....NO ONE OUT STUPIDS ME!!!! I am the MASTER OF STUPID!!!! DON'T TRY IT!!! I am proud to say we house here in rural south Ga the most stupid humans on Earth. If anyone wishes to compete maybe we could coordinate a 2010 Stupid Olympics and my money will be on any and all from my area. :P

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People who call in while they have a mouthful of food. Very annoying while looking up some stupid thing on their credit card bill. Haven't these people heard of google by now?

Also, people who call and say they don't understand why there is a late fee on their statement. ummmm....could it be that your payment was late? No, 2 days before the due date is not sufficient time for the USPS to get your payment all the way across the country. Especially when you put it out in your street box for the mailman to pick friday afternoon and it is due tuesday, when monday is a federal holiday.

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