Imaginary Friend


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When I was young...Like 5....just making that clear, I had an imaginary friend. It was a hedgehog. ^_^ Did anyone else have an imaginary friend when they were young?

Yes, strangely enough it was a fly. Why I had to pick something that is vermin and considered disgusting by most to be an imaginary friend, I have no idea.

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When I was young...Like 5....just making that clear, I had an imaginary friend. It was a hedgehog. ^_^ Did anyone else have an imaginary friend when they were young?

I had too many siblings around to have an imaginary friend. My next youngest sister and I were 15 months apart- yet we really thought we were twins:lol: - we spent most of our time keeping away from the 4 older sibs- and then later on, when the two younger sibs were born, we played with them instead of our dolls.

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i'm with honor, no imaginary friend but daydreamed a lot. still do actually lol

i've also been known to refer to my online friends as my imaginary friends. not as an insult that no one here is real but as a compliment. imaginary friends are always there for you no matter the time, help you escape the stresses of the "real world" for awhile, good for goofing off and not acting your age, or a shoulder to cry on if needed. between chat and the forums even if no one is on i can read conversations that are ongoing that i've missed, it's a great escape from the "real world", and there's usually a good laugh somewhere if i need it, or a shoulder to cry on when necessary.

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I had an imaginary bird. It would change colors and I would carry it around on my finger. I used to have my mom mold my little plaid winter jacket into the form of a nest so it would have a place to sleep at night. Oh and it ate rocks.

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