Degrees Of Glory


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I agree with you John Doe. Living prophets voice is the one we should follow. That is the idea of ongoing revelation and purpose of a living oracle on the earth and not having to find it in ancient writings.

I believe it was President Harold B. Lee that said once. "Why is it that they prefer to listend to the dead prophets and not the living one?"

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This is the same thing the Catholic Papacy claims. So are they just as right in the error of doctrines as you guys? Or are both your churches attempting to claim that the old prophets, Popes, were actually being told doctrine by Lucifers Minions?. If both of these churches claim inerrancy in their prophetic pronouncements, then it appears that 'GOD' has a mindset that 'CHANGES' from day to day, minute to minute and Hour to Hour. Or does he? It appears to me from this venue anyhow, that none of you know what the hell your talking about.

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I do believe in continuing revelation as long as it does not contradict previous revelation. Such a notion would insinuate that the current prophet could cancel out the teachings of the Saviour. Or ask yourself this question: If the current leader said "The highest law is no longer 'love the Lord thy God with all thy heart might mind and strength', the highest law is now 'thou shalt not steal.' Would you believe it? To me, such an idea is outrageous.

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Galatians 1: 8-9

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

The gospel, according to my understanding, is the laws of God. So if they are tampered with by man, let that man be accursed. God is from everlasting to everlasting; unchangeable; without beginning of days or end of years. Times may change, but the the requirements for salvation and exaltation will always remain the same.

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Unfortunetely, I haven't bent nor twisted anything, but have merely pointed out the obvious, which you fail to acknowledge. You simply choose to take only parts of quotes and use them for your arguement, while refusing to address the rest.

I guess schools out.


Good one! I've been reading several of Snow's reply's (or should I say tantrums.) and I am not convinced that she is a Latter Day Saint. Just because she knows or thinks she knows doctorine does not make someone LDS. She insults people, swears and is just mean spirited and frankly I don't know why you don't all just ignore her and let her have her little hissy fits on her own. If she wants to be the Devil's Advocate then leave her to play with her new companion and continue your conversation. I'm really concerned here, I know of young people coming to this site to learn more about the Church and they are reading post after post of educated adults arguing and calling each other names when they don't agree. Now maybe I shouldn't say anything since I haven't donated to this topic but I thought something needed to be said as an outside observer. But I'm pretty sure this will be attacked as well. As for the plurial marriage, I believe that it will be a requirment in the CK, and no I do not have pages and pages of quotes to back it up. I feel that Heavenly Father is a just Father and he would never ask His children to do something that He himself would not do. Therefore, if plural marriage was in the Church then I believe that it is in Heaven. Sorry, no deep gut wrentching doctorine here.

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I have to agree whole heartedly with Lionheart. If the principles of salvation can change from one president to the next, how can any faith be put in any of the gospel? And what about the poor shmo that did everything the current president told him, then the next pres says it's all backwards, do it another way. Would a just God require X Y Z of one saint for exaltation, and only X from another? How is that just? This is why God is unchanging, a rock upon wich our faith can be placed, not some wishy washy, change with evry tide of opposition pansy.

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Just listen to the living prophet and if you have any conflict with his teachings ask The Lord to Verify in your heart if its true. Let God justify his teachings through his spirit rather than following a "persuasive" spirit that can come from following a forum that has an "devils advocate".

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Just a good principle to not be swept away by every wind of new doctrine that blows our way. D&C 50 gives a good guide on this. We are commanded to take issues before the Lord especially if it is new doctrine. If you hear a teaching say in church and you don't feel comfortable with it, pray about it. If you still don't feel good about it then do what we are instructed to do in Section 50. I personally have never listened to Pres Hinkley and not felt the spirit but if I did not then yes I would take it before the Lord to confirm.

This is our direct link for sifting through false doctrine.

How Dr T will we know who the antichrist and false prophets are in Revelations with out some sort of spiritual test or guide? This is how we test the spirit of revelation.

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How Dr T will we know who the antichrist and false prophets are in Revelations with out some sort of spiritual test or guide? This is how we test the spirit of revelation.

Good question sir. For me, since I haven't really looked into what that would entail, I would have to say, "I'd go to scripture and see what kind of signs this antichrist will possess, pray about it and decide for myself."

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who cares? really? the same people who care about being top of their class - the same who care about marrying the hotest guy/girl in the ward - who care about making the most money - having a big home and an SUV - and now they want to be top of the totem pole in the kingdom of heaven.

boy, will they be in for surprise.

personally, i don't care. so what if i don't get to the highest pinacle of the celestial kingdom? so what? baptized, doing as good as i can in this life, and find myself in the celestial kingdom. isn't that reward enough. what? will i be "miserable" forever knowing that i didn't make it? hang on! is there hell then in the celestial kingdom. will god punish me with feelings of regret and ineptitude forever because, despite living a really good life, i failed to marry.

hell in the celestial kingdom. who would have thought?

maybe i shoud be more ambitious than that - maybe i should seek the highest position i can reach there. maybe i could even surpass elohim himself. have mastery over all the angels. ascend high into the north and sit upon a throne above all others. power. that i waht i want. power over infinite and endless matter. supremacy. to be their god and rule over them with a rod of iron. a bright and shining morning star.

Someone already tried to have Elohim's glory. His name is Lucifer. And I don't think he'll end up "happy" for all eternity. But hey, you are more than welcome to try for the same thing. And get the same results. Good luck! <_<
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How Dr T will we know who the antichrist and false prophets are in Revelations with out some sort of spiritual test or guide? This is how we test the spirit of revelation.

Good question sir. For me, since I haven't really looked into what that would entail, I would have to say, "I'd go to scripture and see what kind of signs this antichrist will possess, pray about it and decide for myself."

I'm convinced that there will come a point where the Antichrist will reveal himself, by declaring God to be our enemy. The mark of the Beast will be taken willfully and knowingly by a people bent on rebellion against their Creator. For those interested in religious sci fi, there's a series called the Christ Clone Trilogy, that demonstrates how such a scenario could play out. Very compelling stuff.

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Thank you P.C. It doesn't seem too far fetched to say the enemy will sway a lot of people away from God saying, "This backward thinking has kept you behind scientifically, educationally, etc. It's time to hold on to empiricism as the only way, look at things from a hard science perspective and any of this spiritual mumbo jumbo needs to be eradicated! To show you are part of the one world progressive society, shun this so-called god, take this mark and live a happy fruitful life!" I can see this happening and many people following joyfully.

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When we think of openly denying and rebelling against our Creator and Father, we may scoff a bit now. But Satan doesnt work openly like that. It creeps up slowly and bit by bit we move towards rebellion. Like now lifestyles that were rampant in Sodom and Gomorrah are now accepted in society. Some idiots are trying to remove the name of God from society, just like they already did in some states with the 10 Commandments. Remove the name of God from dollar bills, pledge of allegiance, court rooms, etc. I personally think that when the time comes, we may have slipped pretty far from recognizing rebellion against our Creator anyway. Mark of the Beast will be accepted willingly. Its totally the new electronic buying ego driven age.

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