Need help with Vegas suggestions


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Going to see Donny and Marie on April 29th. We are just passing through Las Vegas for that one night to catch the show. We were planning on staying right at the Flamingo so we don't have to navigate too much around there. Not too familiar with that place. Can anyone tell me if the Flamingo is an okay place to stay with our kids for the one night? I cringe at the thought of Vegas but I do want to have the chance to see their show once in my life. Any tips to keep our stop as "clean" as possible?? Thanks.:)

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Hubby and I went to Vegas a couple weeks after Valentine's Day. We stayed at Treasure Island and saw Cirque Du Soleil's "Mystere" and it was fantastic! So that's just a recommendation on entertainment if you happened to be wondering :] I haven't stayed at the Flamingo but they have a pretty good buffet. It's not nearly as good as the one at Rio but their dessert bar is a real treat. They have a chef there that will make crepes to order. Um, to keep your experience as "family friendly" as possible, I'd suggest you stay off the strip around the evening and as it gets later, as there's a lot of drinking and on the weekends you'll get a lot of rowdy crowds hanging about. You'll also run into ticket-flickers that flick.. erm.. explicit material in your face. But there's plenty of things to do inside almost every hotel on the strip, so you needn't walk around outside too much if you choose not to.

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The Flamingo is ok; its a little old so it doesn't have all of the new fancy LED lighting displays that some places have.

Stay away from the strip after 8 pm.

There's plenty of things to do in the Vegas area; like helicopter sightseeing tours of the dam area, etc. It just depends on how much you want to spend. Vegas isn't cheap like it used to be. Since the Casino's aren't making as much on gambling losses they have increased their prices on everything else to make up the lost revenue.

There's always the LV Temple and Visitors Center...

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I use to stop by on my way to Utah. Rick Thomas and his magic show is one you MUST see. He is at the Sahara and his show is 110% family. Rick is LDS and there are no shows on Sunday, Monday. I believe the show times are 4:00 and 7:00 pm. What I like most is his show is centered around family, the entertainment, the staging, he even includes audience participation! As for staying at the Sahara . . . We've chosen the New Orleans because it is cleaner and you don't have to walk through all the smoke filled gambling to get to your rooms. Though Vegas can seem like a bad place for a family stop-over, if you avoid the obvious areas it can be a nice place to see some great shows.
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come on

the place is a toilet

don't even go

wel, maybe go see Blue Man group, then leave

Let's be fair. Not everything in Vegas is centered around gambling. There are many family things you can do.

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Hate to double-post but to OP, you could go to the Stratosphere and try out some of its crazy rides. I hate heights so I thought the whole experience was absolutely terrifying. But hubby loved it. If you have kids, I'm sure they'd get a kick out of it. Depending on their ages, of course. If they're young kids, there's a hotel that has an indoor amusement park but I'm not sure what hotel it is. I'm not talking about Circus Circus, that's different and mostly just carnival games.

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Going to see Donny and Marie on April 29th. We are just passing through Las Vegas for that one night to catch the show. We were planning on staying right at the Flamingo so we don't have to navigate too much around there. Not too familiar with that place. Can anyone tell me if the Flamingo is an okay place to stay with our kids for the one night? I cringe at the thought of Vegas but I do want to have the chance to see their show once in my life. Any tips to keep our stop as "clean" as possible?? Thanks.:)

The Flamingo is in the heart of the Strip, and you can walk to many major attractions, including TI Pirates, and the Bellagio water show. Trust me, you don't want to be driving up and down the Strip looking for entertainment. It's very crowded.

The Flamingo is the oldest hotel on the Strip because it was the first. It's still a pretty decent place to stay with kids IMHO. It has great pool area, and don't miss the pink flamingos in the garden in back.

It's across the street from Caesar's which has the Forum shopping mall should you be so inclined. This mall has the most sales per square foot of any in the US.

Inside Caesar's Palace is Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill a not to be missed dining experience for lunch if you like well prepared food. Unfortunately you must go through the casino to get there.

Edited by mrmarklin
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Guest Alana

I love circus circus. It's fun for kids. Since you're staying only one night, just see the show, eat at the hotel and keep it mellow. Stratosphere is pretty cool though. Also, walking around in side the Venetian I thought was pretty nice.

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Let's be fair. Not everything in Vegas is centered around gambling. There are many family things you can do.

of course! you are right

its not ALLLLLL gambling, yeah, its porn, prostitutes and flesh as well

lets be brutal. anyone who goes to vegas to go to the vegas temple is missing the point of visiting holy places

any parent who brings their children up in vegas is abusing them IMO. it is an unnatural city, either directly or indirectly all incomes in vegas are made from lives being destroyed day after day after day

vegas changes 3 years ago. its not The Pirates show people remember, its the ManPower men chasing the Hustler lingerie girls, and so on.

*edited* Racial/ethnic comments will not be tolerated

i've been to saigon patpong and kings cross WITH my kids. i'd walk with my kids down those streets before going anywhere near the strip.

the only reason vegas hasn't been nuked by god is cos there is a temple there i am sure

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Vegas ain't that bad. There are a lot of good people there. My parents live there (I was born there), my step dad is an auditor for a state hospital, my mother is a social worker. My aunt and uncle have lived there the whole of their marriage I beleive. He works for a company that handles things you see everywhere, and those things are signs. There are legitimately good businesses there. My grandfather had a factory there that made those tiny trampolines oh so long ago. Its just overshadowed by the image of excess, sex, gambling, and the nightlife. Its still a fun place to be. BTW I agree with you on the pirate show, that was really stupid.

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Funny all the times I've been there and that has been numerous..I've never seen any of the things that Aussie mentions. I guess if you are looking for it you will see it. But there are good, wonderful people that live in Las Vegas.

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Funny all the times I've been there and that has been numerous..I've never seen any of the things that Aussie mentions. I guess if you are looking for it you will see it. But there are good, wonderful people that live in Las Vegas.

I think a lot of people don't quite grok that Las Vegas != Strip. I can certainly understand saying away from the strip and don't really have a desire to see it myself but even if we characterize the strip as a cess pool it's quite the stretch to apply that to the whole city.

Also for those not aware, prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas. Does it happen? Most certainly, just like it happens in SLC.

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I beleive Brigham Young or something said that SLC would actually be one of the most wicked cities in the last days. If someone can produce the actual quote, I'll be happy, but please prove me wrong.

I've heard that all my life as well, but no one has ever been able to show me a quote that states that.

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Thank you, pam, for editing out that extremely offensive line from the otherwise still offensive and also ignorant post.

FWIW, Las Vegas wouldn't exist if not for the Mormons who founded it.

I guess that settles it, the two most wicked cities of the last days were founded under the direction of Brigham Young. What was that man thinking? ;)

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Thank you, pam, for editing out that extremely offensive line from the otherwise still offensive and also ignorant post.

FWIW, Las Vegas wouldn't exist if not for the Mormons who founded it.

how is it offensive wingnut? what, don't like the truth? Vegas is a toilet and mormons should not have anything to do with that place and they know it too.

As for Racist, do you want me to post the pictures? it is 3 MEXICAN families who run the distribution of the pictures along The Strip. Mexican. they are. That is not offensive or Racist. If you think it is then you have no idea what racism is.

Oh, hang on, you live in America. built on the back of black slave labour. yeah, i accept that,. americans know all about racism

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I don't tend to get into childish arguments like what's above; but last time I checked, Australia hasn't any moral high ground to talk about the faults of other people's countries in the past. Just look at how you treated your Aboriginal people. Or should I say, how you exterminated them. But what should we expect from a country who was colonized and founded by criminals who were deported from Great Britian because of their crimes?

The difference between you and us, or the US, is that we actually fought a war amongst ourselves wherein millions of our people died to ABOLISH slavery.

Say what you want about the US; the fact of the matter is that nowhere else in the world is there as much liberty, freedom, and opportunity as here. Certainly not in Australia where you can be prosecuted for "hate speech."

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