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So... would you consider sexting a need to go to a bishop? What I mean by that is sending a picture message to someone where I'm not completely clothed. We live in different states. I know I need to repent, the question is if it's something that a bishop must be involved in. Thanks.

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Do you really want someone else to tell you what to do, or do you want to take responsibility for your own repentance process?

Its interesting how many posts there are here about "should I go to the Bishop?". It seems to me that if someone is stewing about something enough to post a question about whether or not they should go, then they should probably go.

Maybe you should be more concerned about repenting than you are about someone finding out what you did.

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I think this is a grey-area. There is nothing in the BoM about text messaging, internet dating, or even photographs. Perhaps you don\'t need to repent! Perhaps you should really see if it is wrong. People on this forum seem to defer to the bishop in all circumstances - I don\'t think that is necessary. You should have some autonomy.

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I think this is a grey-area. There is nothing in the BoM about text messaging, internet dating, or even photographs. Perhaps you don\'t need to repent! Perhaps you should really see if it is wrong. People on this forum seem to defer to the bishop in all circumstances - I don\'t think that is necessary. You should have some autonomy.

Oh please give me a break. As if the Book of Mormon is going to refer to the modern technology used today such as text messaging.

My advice, if you have to ask, you probably need to talk to the Bishop.

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Oh, please. Please be respectful. We are trying to build a thoughtful community here. I simply said that it isn\'t as cut and dry as you make it out to be. Would you have to talk to your bishop if you were dressed the same way in person with this man? If the answer is no, I think you\'re all good!

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not that it matters i say talk to your bishop.

if you think about it at it's most basic it's being involved in porn. maybe not for sale or purchase but the goal of removing clothing and taking pictures and sending it to someone is to cause sexual arousal. that's porn (and it is prosecuted that way, teens get in trouble for "child porn" when they take/send/are in possession of these pics). if you were looking at "traditional" porn you would go to the bishop. if you were hired by a porn company as a model you would go to the bishop. so why wouldn't you go to the bishop if it was free armature porn?

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The church does talk about pornography does it not? So exposing your body or the body of others is guess what - Porn. It may not be the fake models your seeing, but it is still breaking the law of chastity. You already know what your to do, if the internet wasn't so easy to do things we normally wouldn't do in person it would save us from a lot of sorrow. Go get it over with, so you can be free from the bondage you have. We aren't the catholic church where we go confess and they say you are forgiven. The bishop is there to help you on the road of repetance and will have more respect for you coming in so he can help you andhopefully lead you to the temple.

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I think this is a grey-area. There is nothing in the BoM about text messaging, internet dating, or even photographs. Perhaps you don\'t need to repent! Perhaps you should really see if it is wrong. People on this forum seem to defer to the bishop in all circumstances - I don\'t think that is necessary. You should have some autonomy.

YEs you would have to go in ( I am not one to tell someone to go to the bishop for dumb petty things) but this is a huge thing, it's a break of the law of chastity. He saw things that only her husband shoulds ee

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she didn\'t say her intent was sexual arousal! What if someone is aroused by a work of art? Does that mean the model has a problem or the person aroused? First, stop and think.

She dated this guy, she showed him parts of her body, doesn't matter if he was arosed to it or not. She showed him something that she knows shouldn't have happened, otherwise she wouldn't be asking this question.

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\"So exposing your body or the body of others is guess what - Porn.\"

If this is true, my Dr. and I should go see a bishop - i just had a physical.

You know exactly what I mean. If you are showing your body to someone of the opposite sex besides going to the dr. or medical reasons, you are doing it to get either a compliment, a relationship, or arousal

Edited by dizzysmiles
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Since the OP is discussing "sexting" let's define sexting:

Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between mobile phones. The word is a portmanteau of sex and texting, where the latter is meant in the wide sense of sending a text possibly with images.

So if we were to use this definition, yes you would need to see the Bishop. As Gwen mentioned it's just the start of many young teens and adults on the road to greater problems with pornography.

Let's not take this off on a tangent about nude art etc. Let's keep to the subject.

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She dated this guy, she showed him parts of her body, doesn't matter if he was arosed to it or not. She showed him something that she knows shouldn't have happened, otherwise she wouldn't be asking this question.

Wait, I must have missed something. Why are we assuming this is a female or that it was sent to a male, or if there was any dating involved? Not that any of this matters, but its interesting that all of this has been assumed.

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So... would you consider sexting a need to go to a bishop? What I mean by that is sending a picture message to someone where I'm not completely clothed. We live in different states. I know I need to repent, the question is if it's something that a bishop must be involved in. Thanks.

sexting is a common term to mean ppl sending pictures of themselves partially or fully unclothed intended to cause arousal. in using those terms and definition the "arousal" was implied. the reality is some ppl do not send the pics to cause arousal, they don't care, they are aroused by the act of taking and sending the pics and it is for their own arousal. the end is the same, it was done to cause someone arousal.

she didn\'t say her intent was sexual arousal! What if someone is aroused by a work of art? Does that mean the model has a problem or the person aroused? First, stop and think.

ppl use all kinds of things to gain personal arousal. if you are intentionally arousing yourself in inappropriate ways or at inappropriate times then you should talk to your bishop. if you go to the dr more than necessary because you find it arousing then you should talk to your bishop. has the dr done something wrong? nope. if a dr is in the profession because it's a turn on for them then forget the bishop they should have their medical license revoked and prosecuted.

if you are creating something intending to cause arousal in ppl then you should talk to your bishop. you may be lousy at what you are doing and unsuccessful but you have deviant intent. you should talk to your bishop.

the statements from the general authorities have made it very clear that the desire to create (yes that is my "fancy" wording for sexual desire) is sacred and should not be taken lightly. behaving in deviant sexual activity is part of that. sexting as defined by the law is deviant sexual activity that qualifies as porn, otherwise they would not be prosecuting teens for it.

Edited by Gwen
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Wait, I must have missed something. Why are we assuming this is a female or that it was sent to a male, or if there was any dating involved? Not that any of this matters, but its interesting that all of this has been assumed.


Sorry,. I talked to her in Chat so I know it is a female

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So... would you consider sexting a need to go to a bishop? What I mean by that is sending a picture message to someone where I'm not completely clothed. We live in different states. I know I need to repent, the question is if it's something that a bishop must be involved in. Thanks.

One of the major plusses of getting the bishop involved is that you now have a relatively disinterested third party in what is otherwise such a difficult situation that you may have difficulty separating out the Spirit from your own emotions.

My own take is, "if you have to ask, the answer is 'yes'".

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One of the major plusses of getting the bishop involved is that you now have a relatively disinterested third party in what is otherwise such a difficult situation that you may have difficulty separating out the Spirit from your own emotions.

My own take is, "if you have to ask, the answer is 'yes'".

haha Now where have I heard that before. Ohh maybe post #5...I appreciate the back up.

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